
Showing posts from December, 2019

survived the chocolate coconut bar, the popcorn, the cashews but awake past 3 am with sudoku

RantWoman made it somewhere close to 5 hours counting going back to bed for 1.5 hours after breakfast. If RantWoman had been listening to level of  sleepiness it mighrt have made sense to stop ignoring the google calendar reminders and go to bed by say 11:30. As it was go home when first computer shutdown ok or cancel warning comes along and still.... Mornintg achievements included routing a number of Christmas gifts along in the universe checking some neglected mail, and taking out a whole shopping cart full of paper recycling, compost, trash. Meditation possible upon shopping cart issues, both the grocery store kind that tend to migrate to RantWoman's building, to get used for decidedly un shopping purposes and then sometimes migrated back from whence they came, and shopping carts suitable for collecting many bags during a day's travels but that officially have an owner other than the grocery store or other retail experiment. Put Christmas tree on precious balcony.  Me...

Hamster eyeballs

Somewhere around 5 hours of sleep again. I should try to go to bed earlier. At least I got to go back to bed. almond hershey kisses were the munchy of the night. Now they are gone. Good. Less temptation. That was after lots of cheese and carbs and beet chips at a party.  It was nice to be out in the cool and dry but the sidewalks where I needed to go just SUCK. Today: a repaired refrigerator and a big ish check payment on an old invoice. New shoes on the way. And, no, no hamsters were harmed in teh making of this blog post, but readers are invited to inquire, wht the HELL is RantWoman thinking about?

Go to bed when?

RantWoman THINKS she made it to about 5 hours of sleep couting some early in the chair zz's, the hour she slept after giving up on a sudoku, the4+ hours from reading Psalm 24, not super soothing but mostly braille words not hard to figure out,, and falling asleep until before 8. RantWoman! Who are you kidding. You SHOULD really describe physical reactions to someone like a professional. Really! Also lying in bed and being warm definitely counts especially when there is inertia saving one from   from wilder adventures than just taking out the plastic recycling. (The rest of the trash and recycling and compost still needs to go out but at this point save it for daylight.) Today was good day for social connecting. Had a wonderful I see you conversation with someone today and her 3-year-old daughter who truly had no reason to tell some adult she barely knows how old she is. Mom talked about how people just come up and pat her kid on the head or worse. Mom had NO problem g...

Prayer party

RantWoman made it to almost six hours of sleep. RantWoman did this by getting up after 7, eating oatmeal and going back to bed for an hour. RantWoman knows how to party. RantWoman, sigh, is out of her sunflower bites which were her late-night munchy last night. Tonight RantWoman managed to pass on popcorn made with organic extra virgin olive oil. That makes up for the cottage cheese and hard boiled egg from earlier. RantWoman is grateful though to have insulated water bottle so water left several hours is still cold and may even have a bit of ice. Here we will contrast these reflections with one item on RantWoman's college lit major syllabus: a book called Oblomov. The guy still has not made it out of bed after 50 pages. RantWoman on the other hand can scrawl pages and pages all over the internet and still not get to bed. RantWoman also found two Sudoku books with still a couple unfinished puzzles. SO RantWoman did one and started another. RantWoman was surprised both t...

Tumeric curry, tuna casserole, cane tips

The thing with sleep: sometimes the more one has the more one could just stay in bed. Once RantWoman gets up though, the benefits of moving and breathing frequently outweigh the benefits of going back to bed. RantWoman is a little fuzzy on when she made it to bed. Somewhere around 2 and up after 7 so hanging in at 5+ hours. Try to go to bed earlier. Try. Went shopping at Uwajimaya; Malaysian YUMMY curry for dinner plus after shopping gooey glutinous rice and coconut milk sweets. That should have been enough but late night snacking included whole grain goldfish crackers, raisins and small potatoes nuked. Effect did not disturb sleep as much as other things to eat. Just the winter carbs effect. That and get vegetables other places because Uwaji downtown is getting expensive. Morning chores and why not back to bed: --Change cat litter completely. Overdue --Replace hook roller tips on two canes. Need to make name tag for the one with the better red tape. NO I did not need 50 yard...

Maybe try hallucinogens?

RantWoman hit a little over 4 hours last night. RantWoman definitely recommends homemade tamales especially prepared in palm leaves. One came RantWoman's way via a Guatemalan friend of Little Sister's. RantWOman is SO appreciative. Rantwoman is responsible for eating whole grain goldfish crackers, dried cranberries and really good cheese at an hour when RantWoman knows perfectly well she will sleep better if she consumes nothing except water. Aren't adult decisions FUN. Rantwoman from time to time experiements with substance abuse. This morning besides a container of the legumes of the week plus riceRantwoman decided mint chip ice cream with rum in int would make an awesome dessert. Um, no. RantWoman also spends enough time at bus stops bitching to herself: I voted to leagli ze weed but i did not vote for free distribution and secondhand smoke at every dang bus stop in the county. So hallucinogens instead? `

Heading into Christmas Day

5.5 hours + overnight. If I go to bed earlier at least some chance that I can sleep longer. But if one just wants anxiety one can still be desultorily reading the Two Koreas book: there are too dang many people whose last name is Kim. They should diversify so it's easier to keep track of who is who. Note various threads of diplomacy and wonder what kind of :"Christmas present" is DPRK President cooking up: will there be say an actual long-range missile test OR will there be some kind of announcement?  "Oops, we were just funning. The Christmas present is we will not be testing our long-range missile after all." Sleep on that!

LImp Soggy Fried Food cooked in Slightly Rancid Oil etc

Sleep: somewhere around 5.5 hours. Nothing useful that RantWoman remembers about activities before bed. The rest of this is draft-y draft  Enjoy. In Light and faithfulness RantWoman Today's multifaith Hanukkah among other things post celebrates those persistent moments of festive holiday dyspepsia that pop up sooner or later every year and then if all the stars algih actually settle down. Grease is the word? Yesterday a woman rabbi in RantWoman's Twitter feed was complaining about some outrageous moment of everyday sexism from a male colleague, something about insisting women can never be rabbis. RantWoman suggested could the sexist offender maybe receive a lump of coal for the night's Hanukkah present.  Yes, of course the lump of coal is a  Christmas thang, but RantWoman would not in the least feel it is cultural appropriation to borrow the concept for this occasion. Other people suggested "Limp soggy fried food cooked in slightly rancid oil." ...

Go for the Grapefruit

RantWoman managed well over 5 hours of sleep in two spells with a break in the middle to pee, feed the cat, eat breakfast. RantWoman had the sense she could easily have slept longer except her schedule loomed. Loomed on Christmas Eve? Yup. Shopping. Santa will bestow dish towels for two people who WILL appreciate them. A visit to someone who very recently got transferred to a nearby rehab. A stop for spinach feta wrap and latte before 5 pm Church with Little Sister's flavor of Presbyterians who have a gorgeous pipe organm, a good organist and a pastor who does messages well. Not well enough for RantWoman to think she would last as a Presbyterian, but ... RantWoman's stay up way too late dynamics last night included late supper after waiting for a custom delivery, white bean chili, corn chips at home, mint chip ice cream with rum in it to satisfy RantWoman's yearning for creamy beverage with alcohol in it. So tonight after church, RantWoman has been considering sev...

Monday Monday

Five hours. Five continuous hours but that was all rantWoman could manage before the dance of hungry cat, full bladder, and warm covers fell apart in favor of the cat and the bladder. Arm thought putting the stack of cooking pots including the one that bailed out from the roof leak on Friday back above the cupboard was just too much so left arm had to take over. Left arm also gets to take over the electronic rodent for awhile. More to say but save it for more visible venues.

From 2 am to past 7 am

From 2 am to 7 am. Almost 5 hours. Woot. This despite a grande latte a little before 8 pm. Maybe laughing for almost two hours at the play helped. Maybe telling my story of inadvertantly getting stoned with a cop at Nirvana's last big arean show in Seattle before. Body was still glad for exercise from Friday flood prevention.

Injera plus spicy meat plus popcorn and birthday cake for a one-year-old

In bed about 3:30 and up after 8. Not quite 5 hours. Longer would be nice. Body is energized, a little strained: RantWoman spent a chunk of the evening dealing with RAIN and need to prevent flood at the friendly Neighborhood Center.... Finally got water dumped and new bigger trash cans in place and had lab overseer put in call to carpenters in case of need for additional checks. Then late night food. What was to eat: party leftovers for a 1-year-old: cake popcorn, candy cookies and also injera with spicy meat, lentils, rice and little in the way of vegetables excpt earlier I had made carrots boiled in OJ. Injera and spicy meat is THE BEST but probably right before bedtime is less than optimal. Saved the cookies and candy for daylight. Back and shoulder aches because of heroism about dumping the water collecting in the trash cans. Also possibly would be helpful: --talking book reader charged and not still plugged into wall. --Just go read a psalm in braille. Choose from in...

Friday Friday

1:30 to after 5 is NOT even 4 hours. Why does cursor jump all over the place on this machine? I suspect impending hardware failure of some sort but for now in whine but not even try to troubleshoot mode. The weekly tactile graphics exercise: the question is does the line drawing result in something people can understand with their fingers? Yes more or less. This one did reasonably well just with Convert to Line Drawing. What were the excuses for not going back to bed? --An hour on the phone with Little Sister. We covered nephew has mono. What will be simple for Christmas day? Sensible Auntie moment: should nephew ith Mono even think of going to dinner at the retirement community.  We are glad RantMOm wants to try something new. I just want ponche or eggnog and presents and food another day or another way. Arm is doing well enough to handle LOTS of kinds of pressure and even weithg though still cannot do one of my weight exercisesGotta remember to download some more ...

Weight and trains

The sleep for Thursday: from about 1-5 and also 6-past 8 so a solid six hours. I forgot to hit the sleep button and wound up listening to the Talking Book player the whole first segment. Arrrggh. Blecccch! The second segment was impeachment vote stuff on the radio. I SHOULD do better about sound environment than either of these. Oh and lie in bed and be warm is not the same as sleep even though... and RantWoman still got a weird dream out of it so...... Morning was out early to fetch a package before therapy postponed from Tuesday. Fetched package I had forgotten about: Christmas presents for nephew and brother in law: matching turtlenecks in appropriate sizes. Therapy? Um RantWoman, you are dancing around...and if you would say...  Yeah. Inventory some more bad ideas. RantWoman has no time or intention of carrying them out and a couple arise from honest "asking for a friend" conversations. And if RantWoman had ANY intention of carrying them out as opposed to, um, thoug...

Periodic pot of porridge time again

Somewhere over 5 hours of sleep. NO SNACKING after supper. Like wow. Did work in boiling eggs and also stirring up the week's beans and rice dish. before bed. Also needed to work out a cramp in left leg. Left e of body is getting tired of too muuch carrying. Right side is doing okay as long as weight gets distributed over several contact points. Or I figure out how to carry less. By the time I got home last night way more leg cramp than I like and it did not help that I worked in a couple errands that added weight. Ugh. Need also to deal with shoe issues: right now feet really like some nice Chaco sandals. And it's rain time. Whine. Tomorrow I see doctor for 6 week follow up. And therapy apointment which therapist missed on Tuesday and add another meeting. And speaking of the zeigeist: Woke up in time to hear the start of the impeachment hearing when the radio talking heads were talking while the house did procedural things. On bus to the day;'s meeting lots ofwo...

Six loads of laundry

Somewhere over 5 hours of sleep counting the lie in bed and be warm stpell. Skipped the blind techies in a bar but exchanged really nice appreciations wiht new PhD. Arme to rest of body: we just did six loads of wahs and you expect me not to be complaining. Rest of Body. What great exercise. Look at all the clean laundry! Arm: yeah. we still have two baskets full to finish folding. Digress to Corinthians somehow? Therapist for second time did not track appointment date. She sayhs in one calendar and not the other. Sigh. At least I did not have to feel guilty for paying her low end of sliding scale AND sipping on a giant eggnog latte I wish she were in my insurance provider's network because none of the ones in network ..... Add reschedule to already full day on Thrursday. Was going to go play Scrabble but ...

Garlic again. Garlic is great!

close to 6 hours after 1 until after 7. Had some pineapple juice and decided just to GO BACK TO BED. Grabbed another whole precious hour of sleep. Lots of walking yesterday definitely helps about sleep. Holiday festivity: 1. Various money transfer ID  discharge AMA fiascoes associated with my homeless brother in Denver. He got taken to hospital because of a collapsed lung but left AMA back to a shelter. Needs money for meds. OF COURSE Mom wants to respond. I want her to call ... and see what conversations can be had. Maybe my sister will be able ...     Probably more important for emotional equilibrium to read conservative Spokane newspaper columnist I connect with on Twitter about her brother-in-law than to disconnect completely emotionally. She found wisdom in my reply tweet. 2. Help my mom get out the metal wreath manger scene, the door hanger my aunt crocheted, a couple other manger scenes, the stockings, the Santa Claus my grandmother made a long time ago. R...

Sleep? What dat?

Somewhere around 5.5 hours of sleep. I should have tried to go back to bed before I got sucked into breakfast and starting my day. Internet is a great and glorious thing. It yielded one recipe involving flour boiling water and sugar. Then God coughed and said "Uh, RantWOMAN, REALLY? Look how about you go back to crafting a posting about Bach the Protestant Mystic, the tonus peregrinus, little musical Lego building blocks, how much one has to explain of counterpoint to people who know nothing of it in order for it to be a usable metaphor. " This morning's horoscope mentioned "unorthodox."  Lead RantWoman not into temptation. Arm is recovered well enough to handle the pressure of pushing a pushpin into the wall to hand the family favorite metal manger scene. Other than that both RantWomen are into KEEP IT SIMPLE this year.

Vampire Free Zone

Sleep total  somewhere around 5.5 to 6 hours of sleep. I woke up once not sure what time but peed and had no problem falling back asleep. Spent a little while in the morning being warm and half awake and not in any hurry to move. Weekly cat tweet was about cat hogging all the covers when I did not go back to bed. Did not get dishes done before heading out to Disability Justice event about which more later. Just let me say, pronouns are a goddamn essay question. I do not mean to erase anyone and their discoveries about themselves I just feel entitled to be linguistically pedantic: languges handle gender a bunch of different ways. I have no idea whether trying to reflect that in my comments makes it feel safer for people fretting about less than perfect English to speak, but I can antagonize and dominate and a whole bunch of ways and pronouns are still and essay question. Oh and in WA unlike in other states, the local affiliates of the two big national blind consumer groups work ...

Grapefruit and St Lucy candles

Figured out needed walking directions to the Gates Foundation Discovery Center. Had a good time in spite of annoying accessibility moments. Also figured out if I read the WHOLE email there are reasonable points about the walking directions. Who said I am reasonable all the time? Grapefruit seem to be a wonderful thing to eat before bed particularly after reminding oneself that McDonalds is WAY less appealing to Adult RantWoman than it was to child RantWoman's imagination. Sleep total from all this: 4.5 hours. Weirdly Sort of enough and not same desire to keep sleeping as longer sleeps. RantWoman decided to get an early rush on Friday tactile graphics. Good thing because STUFF occurred.  Friday the 13th is St Lucy's day. RantWoman found this lovely candles image that turned out okay visually below but there was too much and it did not work well for finding things with one's fingers. Also Rantwoman will let readers use the Google or the search bar on the blog to find ma...

Tuna at midnight and turkey leftovers for lunch

Rantwoman managed about 5 hours of sleep total counting dozing early in the evening and then about 4.5 hours actually in bed between 3:20 am or so and about 8:30 The tuna at midnight was artifact of the timing of afternnon party. Plus it was cold and wet and pukey so I did not try to go shopping and get exercise walking the aisles. Winter is a pain and I do not know if having a home exercycle would be a help. RantWoman has delicious turkey leftovers from an afternnon party yesterday. RantWoman has also already affeinated with both powdered milk mocha and her usual two tea bags of tea and lemon.  So caffeine plus tryptophan should make an awesome afternoon. Arm range of motion is a little better each day but the weight bearing: whine. I keep forgetting adn being reminded. Whine Still youtube /bloggin about wonderful concert Sunday. I wish thoughts showed up less in torrents and more in gentler streams.

Children Go where I send thee?

Sleep pattern was WEIRD. Made it to bed about 1:30. Woke up first time about 3:15. I had eaten supper late about 8:30 Soft taco and a grapefruit. So was not particularly hungry at 3 but decided to eat container of commercial flan, aka eggs and sugar syrup but somehow for me less nutritionally appalling than ice cream. Ate something else too, nuked funky potatooes from someone's garden and went back to bed around 4. Slept until past 8 so about 6 hours total, but the wake up at 3 am thing is weird. Maybe late dinner? Two meetings so decent social energy but went home instead of out to bar after second one. I spent the evening looking up Youtube videos of music from the concert I went to at Little Sister's churhc on Sunday. Sometimes it is really good just to wrap oneself in music even if the Presbyterians some of them use WAY too many strong scents. I had never heard that I can remember an old spiritual called Children Go where I send thee. I need to look up the referen...

Powdered milk mocha and sleep anyway

6.5 hours.of continuous sleep. in spite of morning meeting schedule. Skipped the shower though. Sleep in spite of powdered milk mocha about 7:30 pm. Yeah, It's comfort food. Went to bed in a weird mood after a conversation about dog poop and cigarette butts in the daffodils. Cat curiously seems to have discovered she can walk on the nice tactile buttons on the talking book reader. I definitely woke up reading a different part of the book than I fell asleep with. I mean to reread the beginning because I still have not absorbed some points about the end of the Korean war. Then time to download some other stuff --Or find the Putin kleptocracy stuff . I think I need something more cheerful though it's really encouraging to hear stuff on the radio this morning about redoing the AUMF. Email says please bring ID to event at the Gates Foundation--about disability and intersectionality--which probably intersects with some people who do not HAVE Id. Sounds like bleeping pass laws...


Those of you here only for sleep data: almost 5 hours then after breakfast another TWO HOURS! Blame walking and anAWESOME holiday concert at Little Sister's church. Also fresh air although RantWoman forgot the Dress Like a Traffic Cone option in favor of more subdued outerwear. Faithful witness anyway. See HOLY CRAP realization below. Do not comment on winter starch and latenight chees. The point is almost SEVEN hours of sleep happened. That probalby won't happen tomorrow unless RantWoman makes it to bed preposterously earlier than usual because RantWoman has to be across town at a meeting at 10. Sigh. The sleep happened partly because RantWoman hit a HOLY CRAP revelation poking at email related to one current obsession..Holy CRAP! Stay tuned. Other reason for the obsession theme. I just reread all the titles and good grief a lot of them relate to food. Maybe it is just eat a good breakfast hard wired from childhood. Maybe In other news, arm is doing MUCH better. ...

Inner blowtorch

4.5 hours of sleep. Stomach full--of dairy so light supper , sigh from UBS christmas party. Conversation there lively: a nurse was talking about 9/11 in bangor Maine. Don't mess with her. But help her make soem other topical connections. She has the same moved here from a snow state astonishment about Seattle area and snow as I do. Gave the holiday party fluffy fleece blanke Christmas gift to a neighbor. Stuff needs to leave apartment before any more stuff comes in especially blankets because I have plenty. NO late night munching. Inner blowtorch hard at work on both ends of sleep.  Try to do one thing at a time. digest into chunck manageable at sane hours of the day. Meanwhile, dress like a traffic cone fashion statement too. And twitter news of Quaker climate change direct action in the NE: you don't HAVE to be willing to get arrested for this faith, but once in awhile, someone finds us because, paraphrasing they did not know quakers were still around until...

Coffee AND kahlua?

Coffee about 8 pm and kahlua and milk about 10 pm. Any wonder that except fora  short catnap sleep did not happen until almost 4 and ended before 8? Generously 4 hours of sleep. Ouchy arm update: I feel like such a jock warrior when I smear arnica gel all over my shoulder. Usually getting by without ibuprofen. Doing the climb the wall exercise and also managing to pull the bus cord when I need to with my right arm. But still too tempted to try too much weight. Sigh RantWoman had fun collecting renditions of Oh Come Oh Come Emmanuel from Youtube. Rantwoman seemed to go mainly for men's voices, with a couple instrumentals including one where one hasto listen attentively to pull the tune out of the instrumental and one pleasantly imperfect woman's voice.. This morning RantWoman is grateful for a friend who drove by while RantWoman was walking to the train, asked where RantWoman was going, offered a ride and a yak on way to blind people Christmas party. RantWoman is grate...

No Mr. Meth Smoker!

Just imagine: to bed a little after 12:30. Awake at 5. Sigh. But eat oatmeal, egg, huydrate. Go back to bed about 6 and sleep until 8:30 so almost SEVEN hours of sleep. And I could have handled more but the day awaited. And it's St Nicholas day, so here's a line drawing tweaked to fill a whole page. No the current person responsible does not monitor 911 issues. So I have no idea whehter Mr. Meth smoker was even cited for trespassing. Baguely interested in what would be standard procedure here. To be honest, if dude is smoking meth he has bigger problems than a trespassing ticket. Andl Letting him wash his face would be a humanitarian gesture. Just knock off the poundign on the door of the computer lab? However in talking about incident i did learn that meth overstimulates nerves in face and people think they have bugs on their face. Explains why guy wanted to wash his face, but I would have been no help about persuading him there are no bugs. Maybe just note the ...

Charming crankhead

5.5 hours of sleep thank you Mr. Crank head, smoker of crystal meth, choose your label. Speaking of unleashing the power of state violence, as a presenter at the WTO 20th anniversary event on saturday put it.... RantWoman has 24/7 access to a building . Most of the time the only evening visitors are bus drivers using the bathroom. Last night some guy who had just according to the officer who responded to my 911 call smoked crack and came in to wash his face. Anyway dude was in the building and needed to bang on the door of the computer lab for a LONG time until I finally called 911. I wound up calling twice because the guy did not leave and I really did not feel like opening the door. The officer came after I was able to help about directions. It was a quite low-key experience once the guy stopped banging on the doors. The Officer said the cranky guy had no weapons or anything like a screwdriver on him. Guy went away. I do not care whether he got arrested or not.  and now...

When not sleeping

The sleep total: 4.5 hours because --2 am after late night tea and a cookie. Tea and lemon tasted good and actually could have much worse impact but... --sleep until 6:30 am but no time window after breakfast to go back to bed. While not sleeping: --Crank out a We are dismayed draft letter for QV about i976 --Read blind stuff catalog. Yes. On paper. Need a couple cane tips. Need some fat pens. Might see about a new clock radio though sometimes can get those locally. Drag to have to mail order because Sight Connection closed. Whine. Other notes: --Arm is much better but still reminds me not to push it. --Weird example: it would just make sense to walk breezeway for like 20 minutes for bare minimum of exercise but arm still reallyh not happy just with hanging while walking. --Lots of household chores needing attention. Arm just does twinges. So not yet. Sigh whine --French braid goes fine but something still not working about lowering arm after. --Back feels better b...

Tea, popcorn, delicious medley (nut mix) tomato red pepper soup and 4 am

4 am. Sometimes that is when RantWoman wakes up. Last night, after dozing off and waking up and still fussing in the computer lab, 4 am is when RantWoman made it to bed. RantWoman managed about 3.5 hours of sleep and was going to go back to bed, but twitter, among other things about International Day of People with Disabilities intervened. Oh, and RantWoman has another confessor, the kind of person who cangiggle hysterically,  say Yes, of course that part is a completely legitimate question especially... but NO. Just NO. Keep your mind on....

Not counting falling asleep to Paul Simon songs

The sleep: about 5 hours in bed. NO interruptions. But also on a schedule that did nt oreally work for going back to bed before heading to a meeting. So eat banana, egg, porridge, tea and get on with day. Does not count doziness at various points in the day yesterday. This morning: A meeting. With interpreters. Multiple interpreters for people from DBSC. And blind people in meetings issues like demanding alt text on the images in people's Powerpoints. And people in wheelchairs. And soreheads who think it will be a REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD IDEA if the elevators work in the Pioneer Square tunnel station for a certain 10 weeks of.... Today's blindness tourism: Computers in the STAR Center are set up various ways. Consistency would not be terrible and might save time, especially if there were a steady supply of gnomes around to fuss with things getting in the way of work flow. On the other hand having to fiddle with different settings myself ensures that I remember what to f...

Debrief WTO anniversary event?

Sleep: somewhere over 5 hours. RantWoman was planning to get to an event by 10. Running into someone else going to the event was one reason RantWoman wound up being late. After washing hair and errand to drug store. RantWoman got there by 12 in time for tasty Banh mi for lunch. RantWoman is unclear what all got done between getting home from Seattle WTO evtns anniversary celbration and bed. Lots of writing and blog entries, it seems. Also some guacamole on chips.  Not so much debrief the 20th anniversary events: RantWoman went to exactly the right workshop, about data, and presence in countries, and  why it matters to have thoughtful people INSIDE WTO proceedings. RantWoman still means to untangle several personal and political threads of remembering. Maybe. RantWoman means to hold onto accessibility point from Friday party: movablecouches in shated lounges are a good thing, especially when the room is filled with people who use wheelchairs, walkers.... For WTO events ...

The periodic pot of porridge plus sunlight and radio from Thanksgiving

This is a time warp one from a few days ago. Also the periodic pots of porridge get broken up into single serving portions in the fridge oer freezer, dependingl For breakfast they get eaten cold or warmed in the microwave depending. Sleeop totals: Somewhere around 5+ hours both last night and night before last. RantWoman FREELY, maybe too freely admits that she is in stressed out flashback mode about several strands of life that all collide at this time of year and worse this year than average because of anniversaries and fabulous external opportunities to revisit drama. RantWoman has a versatile God who gets things done all kinds of ways: For yesterday RantWoman thanks sun and leisure and a catch the next bus radio broadcast for saving her from one path that she had been mentally paring down things to carry  and plotting travel options to accomplish. Was it God at the bus stop saying Um, yeah, a load of more clarity but listen to your body again, like last weekend and ......