Charming crankhead

5.5 hours of sleep thank you Mr. Crank head, smoker of crystal meth, choose your label.

Speaking of unleashing the power of state violence, as a presenter at the WTO 20th anniversary event on saturday put it....

RantWoman has 24/7 access to a building . Most of the time the only evening visitors are bus drivers using the bathroom.

Last night some guy who had just according to the officer who responded to my 911 call smoked crack and came in to wash his face. Anyway dude was in the building and needed to bang on the door of the computer lab for a LONG time until I finally called 911. I wound up calling twice because the guy did not leave and I really did not feel like opening the door.

The officer came after I was able to help about directions. It was a quite low-key experience once the guy stopped banging on the doors.

The Officer said the cranky guy had no weapons or anything like a screwdriver on him. Guy went away. I do not care whether he got arrested or not.  and now I get to followup. and see wehther the person I would expect to review 911 calls will actually do it and maybe find out if anyone asked how the guy got into the building.

I have no opinion really whether Mr. MethHead should be cited for trespass. In fact I care more about whether the person I asked to follow up has followed up about a different automatic doors malfunctioning issue.

And on the way I had to have a long but reasonably appropriate conversation with someone who does NOT see 911 call info for this building....

And it is nephew's birthday so there is another food moment instead of everyone getting our acts together to go see the Mr. Rogers movie...

Happy Thursday.


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