Periodic pot of porridge time again

Somewhere over 5 hours of sleep.

NO SNACKING after supper. Like wow.

Did work in boiling eggs and also stirring up the week's beans and rice dish. before bed. Also needed to work out a cramp in left leg. Left e of body is getting tired of too muuch carrying. Right side is doing okay as long as weight gets distributed over several contact points. Or I figure out how to carry less.

By the time I got home last night way more leg cramp than I like and it did not help that I worked in a couple errands that added weight. Ugh. Need also to deal with shoe issues: right now feet really like some nice Chaco sandals. And it's rain time. Whine. Tomorrow I see doctor for 6 week follow up. And therapy apointment which therapist missed on Tuesday and add another meeting.

And speaking of the zeigeist:
Woke up in time to hear the start of the impeachment hearing when the radio talking heads were talking while the house did procedural things.

On bus to the day;'s meeting lots ofwomen in Twitter talking about how the Odious Occupant of the Qhite House letter to Speaker Pelosi triggered them as if in contact with exes. Yeah? One reason I avoid any deliberate encounter with  said individual's media streams

Closer to home I get to write a knock off messing with my hair email to one individual and then figure out what else to say to whom.


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