
Those of you here only for sleep data:

almost 5 hours then after breakfast another TWO HOURS!

Blame walking and anAWESOME holiday concert at Little Sister's church.

Also fresh air although RantWoman forgot the Dress Like a Traffic Cone option in favor of more subdued outerwear. Faithful witness anyway. See HOLY CRAP realization below.

Do not comment on winter starch and latenight chees. The point is almost SEVEN hours of sleep happened. That probalby won't happen tomorrow unless RantWoman makes it to bed preposterously earlier than usual because RantWoman has to be across town at a meeting at 10. Sigh.

The sleep happened partly because RantWoman hit a HOLY CRAP revelation poking at email related to one current obsession..Holy CRAP! Stay tuned.

Other reason for the obsession theme. I just reread all the titles and good grief a lot of them relate to food. Maybe it is just eat a good breakfast hard wired from childhood. Maybe

In other news, arm is doing MUCH better. French braiding hair consistently goes fine although having the arm come down after is still unpredictable. Arm still has twinges when it has to bear certain kinds of pressure. And some morning stretches work fine but a couple also related to weight bearing do not. Arm is feeling enough better to tempt me to try things like carrying purse on that side. Still not a super good idea for more than a few seconds.


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