Six loads of laundry

Somewhere over 5 hours of sleep counting the lie in bed and be warm stpell.

Skipped the blind techies in a bar but exchanged really nice appreciations wiht new PhD.

Arme to rest of body: we just did six loads of wahs and you expect me not to be complaining.

Rest of Body. What great exercise. Look at all the clean laundry!

Arm: yeah. we still have two baskets full to finish folding.

Digress to Corinthians somehow?

Therapist for second time did not track appointment date. She sayhs in one calendar and not the other. Sigh.

At least I did not have to feel guilty for paying her low end of sliding scale AND sipping on a giant eggnog latte I wish she were in my insurance provider's network because none of the ones in network .....

Add reschedule to already full day on Thrursday.

Was going to go play Scrabble but ...


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