Sleep? What dat?

Somewhere around 5.5 hours of sleep.

I should have tried to go back to bed before I got sucked into breakfast and starting my day.

Internet is a great and glorious thing. It yielded one recipe involving flour boiling water and sugar. Then God coughed and said "Uh, RantWOMAN, REALLY? Look how about you go back to crafting a posting about Bach the Protestant Mystic, the tonus peregrinus, little musical Lego building blocks, how much one has to explain of counterpoint to people who know nothing of it in order for it to be a usable metaphor. "

This morning's horoscope mentioned "unorthodox."  Lead RantWoman not into temptation.

Arm is recovered well enough to handle the pressure of pushing a pushpin into the wall to hand the family favorite metal manger scene. Other than that both RantWomen are into KEEP IT SIMPLE this year.


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