Vampire Free Zone

Sleep total  somewhere around 5.5 to 6 hours of sleep. I woke up once not sure what time but peed and had no problem falling back asleep. Spent a little while in the morning being warm and half awake and not in any hurry to move. Weekly cat tweet was about cat hogging all the covers when I did not go back to bed.

Did not get dishes done before heading out to Disability Justice event about which more later. Just let me say, pronouns are a goddamn essay question. I do not mean to erase anyone and their discoveries about themselves I just feel entitled to be linguistically pedantic: languges handle gender a bunch of different ways. I have no idea whether trying to reflect that in my comments makes it feel safer for people fretting about less than perfect English to speak, but I can antagonize and dominate and a whole bunch of ways and pronouns are still and essay question.

Oh and in WA unlike in other states, the local affiliates of the two big national blind consumer groups work hard to maintain diplomatic relations.

Also filing for future attention: dumping very ill peopleout of jails and prisons to the street so the "correctional" system does not have to deal with costs.

The vampires? I have a friend who brings me avocados, usually VERY ripe avacados, the kind that need to be immediately mashed with lime juice and whatever one is led to add immediately.. I always add garlic. I thought about that while having avacado mush with corn chips snack late late last night.

All that garlic was really good for morning congestion. Haven't had a significant problem with vampires lately but dig the garlic just in case.

Arm is mostly a lot better. Mostly. Except it decided to hurt enough to want ibuprofen after I had done some stretches even though it did not hurt doing the stretches. Go figure.

Aren't I just a barrel of fun to hang around with.


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