The periodic pot of porridge plus sunlight and radio from Thanksgiving

This is a time warp one from a few days ago.
Also the periodic pots of porridge get broken up into single serving portions in the fridge oer freezer, dependingl For breakfast they get eaten cold or warmed in the microwave depending.

Sleeop totals:

Somewhere around 5+ hours both last night and night before last.

RantWoman FREELY, maybe too freely admits that she is in stressed out flashback mode about several strands of life that all collide at this time of year and worse this year than average because of anniversaries and fabulous external opportunities to revisit drama.

RantWoman has a versatile God who gets things done all kinds of ways: For yesterday RantWoman thanks sun and leisure and a catch the next bus radio broadcast for saving her from one path that she had been mentally paring down things to carry  and plotting travel options to accomplish. Was it God at the bus stop saying Um, yeah, a load of more clarity but listen to your body again, like last weekend and ...

Re yesterday's feast RantWoman is grateful for multiple days of RantFamily food prep, for presence in final prep even if RantWoman also thinks the days and days of prep maybe outght to be a note of transiation and also desparately wishes for capacity somewhere to have dinner conversations about topics like congestion pricing. Wouldn't RantWoman be a barrel of fun to eat dinner with?

Today's excuse for not more sleep: RantWoman woke up much more thirsty than hungry.RantWoman also was not hungry for the leftovers crowing her fridge. Finally it became clear: RantWoman should just do her periodic pot of porridge thing. So RantWoman had a good breakfast but going back to bed did not happen. Not sure about even sorry.


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