Children Go where I send thee?

Sleep pattern was WEIRD.

Made it to bed about 1:30. Woke up first time about 3:15.

I had eaten supper late about 8:30 Soft taco and a grapefruit. So was not particularly hungry at 3 but decided to eat container of commercial flan, aka eggs and sugar syrup but somehow for me less nutritionally appalling than ice cream. Ate something else too, nuked funky potatooes from someone's garden and went back to bed around 4. Slept until past 8 so about 6 hours total, but the wake up at 3 am thing is weird. Maybe late dinner?

Two meetings so decent social energy but went home instead of out to bar after second one.

I spent the evening looking up Youtube videos of music from the concert I went to at Little Sister's churhc on Sunday. Sometimes it is really good just to wrap oneself in music even if the Presbyterians some of them use WAY too many strong scents.

I had never heard that I can remember an old spiritual called Children Go where I send thee. I need to look up the references and the twelve symbolism but it was very fun to see lots of high school and college performances. No, most of my adoring public probably does not want literature brain to riff further. Tough. But in line after riffing on dog poop, privilege, stalkers...

When i woke up arm was complaining a little but food and moving around calmed it down and I forgot even to think about ibuprofen. This morning I grabbed the tea bags of the shelf above my stove with my right arm. I decided to put them back with my left arm thought.


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