Inner blowtorch

4.5 hours of sleep.

Stomach full--of dairy so light supper , sigh from UBS christmas party. Conversation there lively: a nurse was talking about 9/11 in bangor Maine. Don't mess with her. But help her make soem other topical connections. She has the same moved here from a snow state astonishment about Seattle area and snow as I do.

Gave the holiday party fluffy fleece blanke Christmas gift to a neighbor. Stuff needs to leave apartment before any more stuff comes in especially blankets because I have plenty.

NO late night munching.

Inner blowtorch hard at work on both ends of sleep.  Try to do one thing at a time. digest into chunck manageable at sane hours of the day.

Meanwhile, dress like a traffic cone fashion statement too.

And twitter news of Quaker climate change direct action in the NE: you don't HAVE to be willing to get arrested for this faith, but once in awhile, someone finds us because, paraphrasing they did not know quakers were still around until they met someone at (in this case environmental)  direct action camp.


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