Maybe try hallucinogens?

RantWoman hit a little over 4 hours last night.

RantWoman definitely recommends homemade tamales especially prepared in palm leaves. One came RantWoman's way via a Guatemalan friend of Little Sister's. RantWOman is SO appreciative.

Rantwoman is responsible for eating whole grain goldfish crackers, dried cranberries and really good cheese at an hour when RantWoman knows perfectly well she will sleep better if she consumes nothing except water. Aren't adult decisions FUN.

Rantwoman from time to time experiements with substance abuse. This morning besides a container of the legumes of the week plus riceRantwoman decided mint chip ice cream with rum in int would make an awesome dessert.

Um, no.

RantWoman also spends enough time at bus stops bitching to herself: I voted to leagli ze weed but i did not vote for free distribution and secondhand smoke at every dang bus stop in the county.

So hallucinogens instead?


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