Wednesday or so
RantWoman collected this item from a Tweet stream about #potus45 The President's daily tweet cycles: first tweet at 5:46 am one day, last tweet 12:22 am the next day. Twitter was wondering how he maintains his #stablegenius persona on that little sleep. The article has all kinds of links in case rantWoman or anyone else needs more detail and / or more exhortations to get more sleep than one is probably in the US getting. RantWoman recognizes that there could be many things impairing the President's sleep. RantWoman also in no way feels ANY responsibility for the President's sleep hygiene even if she is one of probably millions of voices contributing to presidential sleeplessness. RantWoman is simply doing her part for the republic by tending to her own sleep issues and praying fervently that the idea might catch on and the planet might be spared at least a SMALL percentage of presidential electronic mu...