
Showing posts from March, 2021

I can't photograph my cute phone holder guy at work....

 Almost SIX hours of sleep. Guacamole Avocado toast with roast chicken rocks for breakfast. Red smiley phone holder guy Enough clarity spilled out in an email that I decided I needed to STOP and go to bed and let things season overnight.. So up in time for a shower before my Wednesday broadband Zoom. But watching the Zoom on my phone sitting on my cute phone holder, so how can I photograph it at work.

Don't just do something. Sit there.

 Not quite 5 hours of sleep. Why is anxiety worse now that sun is shining and trees are budding? Household napping coach Black cat, whitish couch Does it count as work if it gets done in my bathrobe on my cellphone and part of the time in Twitter? The title a vote in favor of Quaker contemplation and discernment


 About 4.5 hours of sleep.  Laundry baskets full and more importantly falling apart Order new ones whether I need or not Going back to bed would have been good and possible, but at a certain point light and movement overtake somnolence and then just eat breakfast and see how much one can get done in long purple bathrobe by email and twitter on cellphone. Then try not to cringe about how much involves different retail options with the same no health insurance labor practices. And is it a good idea or not, before bed to watch CNN news clip about desperate COVID mess in Brazil? Populist leader + magical thinking = COVID disaster. Not that I plan to give up masking anytime soon anyway, even before info multiple directions that infection rates in King County are ticking up even before spring break and Easter. The Fam WILL gather on Easter. There will be some sort of festive food involved, not a full meal. Still any trip involving food counts as an essential transit trip though I am...

Zoe Gotusso - Ganas (Official Video)

Just over 4 hours of sleep. Going back to bed would have been an option. So would some other things. I deferred to the cat. She wanted warm cat furniture. I can feed my anxieties today but they'll still be around tomorrow. Plus my definition of an essential trip is anything that involves food for either the cat or the human. But the cat food won't run out for a few days, and it's rainy anyway. I am either going to decide this song is totally annoying or it's going to be earworm of the week.

The cat did not come to the walkability webinar

 about 4.5 hours of sleep in bed. Not doing so well on the go to bed before i fall asleep thing. Oh well.  Black cat, white woman's shoulder I found the webinar that was not on my calendar.  I searched email for webinar the first time and then FeatFirst the second time. Amazing how much I can fill time with when going back to bed would have been nice. Cat decided sleeping on couch was fine and she did not need to visit webinar about what will happen when people's work meetings are no longer visited by cats... I decided just to soak another point of pinto beans. That means the bean pot of the week will have to wait. There could be worse problems. For some stupid reason I am indoors messing with technology instead of either outdoors or home washing dishes. Go figure.

Dwarf hamster afterlife

 Somewhere over 5 hours of sleep. More would definitely have been good, but at a certain point it's not going to happen even if one's body says after breakfast, gee a nap would be nice to sleep some more. I had a good visit with my two friends still both in different ways recovering from the undesired encounter with the SUv. MUCH progress and things are taking the time they need anyway. White woman with glasses black hat black mask I am back mostly to wearing my no-sew masks mainly because they stay on more consistently than the ACB ones. Drag. And the dwarf hamster afterlife figured in a twitter obituary. Apparently it should involve a lot of carrot ends and endless running in a hamster wheel.

Definitely an "...or not..." sleep night

 Barely 4 hours of sleep in bed. The hour or so in chair really does not count. I had a Zoom thing at 10 and what sleep occurred was late enough that going back to bed was not reasonable. the light blue (?) mask Refrigerator seems to be holding steady after yesterday's laying on of hands and laying in of new parts. Just for stress testing, I made a big pot of borscht and froze a lot of it. I also postponed other cooking and cleaning ambitions. Since I bought a whole package of masa, I want to experiment about a tamale pie recipe. It is getting to be gardening weather. I so wish tolerance toward growing things on the balcony were eve n fathomable. And streaming Zoom through facebook on my phone makes me scowl. Happy Thursday.

Chick pea flour pasta and refrigerator resurrection

 somewhere around 5 hours of sleep. I was going to do different things than I got done including go back to bed.. Gluten free mac and cheese Wednesday Zoom about distance education was less informative than other Wednesday zooms but it does make me thing about what is the future of universities and education onsite. Also, Manager responded to email about weird smells with the predictable "can you describe?" So I also resent email about refrigerator. I do not understand why Gmail thinks the original was deleted. And in the meantime lunch was very nice chick pea pasta, broccoli, and the mac and cheese powder. Broccoli just makes me so happy sometimes. But maintenance man came, decided my place is mask safe enough and performed various acts of parts replacement and refrigerator resurrection. Now cooling nicely enough that by tomorrow I will want more dairy.

Feed the bureaucracy--with paper and a tiresome phone queue

 A solid 5.5 hours of sleep despite both the hour of going to bed and a different ANNOYING odor than in the past emanating I think from the apartment above me. I am not up on the odors of different vile substances but this one gets the second of two emails to my management. The other email will be about my refrigerator. Being an adult is so much fun Time to renew notice on a postcard I can ALMOST read the contact info For extra technological / non technological fun, one visual artifact related to renewing my enrollment in the utility discount program.. Some of the gif libraries on my phone now even have labels my phone will read to me. Of course, the label for one did NOT say "unicorn barfing rainbows" but the person I sent it to even saw a kitten on the back of the unicorn. Now if my sister would respond to ANY of my texts.

Not in the running for earworm of the week but still

Somewhere close to 7 hours of sleep. Thank you going back to bed. The refrigerator has died and stopped cooling. The apartment is starting to smell. I will have to cook well for safety and probably throw out a lot of stuff I need to clean out anyway. And the item below is from the memorial service at the FWCC Section of the Americas. I am not even going to try to decipher the quote in the clouds. It is something from Revelations but the visuall accessibility sucks. I do not remember the names said aloud at the actual memorial. The music catches my attention because of the last link of the song about (even though life here is full of poverty) I have a home, a home far beyond the sun." The lyrics though not the tune remind me of a song from childhood "I've got a home in gloryland that outshines the sun." 

Let's hear it for bias tape in reasonable quantities

Somewhere under 5 hours of sleep.  It was good to be awake in time for the closing FWCC worship but it was also a lot of exercise in holding in the Light technical difficulties. latin American Friends were very exuberant upbeat anyway. It would have been good to be able to hear them better. Refrigerator decided yesterday just to stop cooling. It makes noise but is not chilling.  Packages of black and white bias tape One of these days maybe I will overcome Amazon hesitancy. In the meantime celebrate bias tape not in 50-foot rolls and free delivery while I try Amazon Prime. Now I have to make a time to go sew it on my jackets. THANK YOU to person who offered a sewing machine.

It's still a pandemic mon

 Sleep? Close to six hours  because crossword puzzle but also because go back to bed One of my spiffy new ACB masks I fetched my package of merch from one of the least technological marketing efforts in a bit. 4 new masks in different colors. It's still a pandemic Mon A message don't just do something sit there. My cat approves as long as warm cat furniture is in session. And speaking of, well, resting, 2-hour a week Friends, and life has to be a fulltime prayer quakers, and accessibility for just such a time as now, the Official Household Twitter coach also approves when people who also live disability full time, and not only for their job tweet with many accessibility measures about cats as part of their annual corporate inclusion celebration. Plus RantWoman is all hopped up on Queen Esther, Second Kings, what is or is not a miracle and Teamwork. Just STAY Tuned. Sedimentology also got thrown into the mix. As for the pandemic, yep, of course it figured in some memorials and ...

Really hysterical Merch

 Four hours of sleep.  Blame the crossword puzzle. Blame nerves before today. Today's interest group. A mop-haired red rubber phone holder Sleep. who needs sleep when I could be scouring Amazon for a bed. Really great merch from the last virtual blind people I attended. Oh, and I got asked to be someone's elder for yesterday and today I got sent to one breakout room because my interpretation services were needed.

William Allen Hadley

 Somewhere close to six hours of sleep. Braille embosser and supply of braille paper What's the Braille embosser doing here, aside from the fact that it is the only source of printing right now at the STAR Center. Think Quaker name dropping meets Wikipedia. Think William Allen Hadley, founder of the Hadley school for the blind, free braille courses for anyone in the world. He went blind in 1915 at the age of 55 due to a detached retina. He graduated from Earlham college. I did not absorb what he did before going blind. In other news, the toddler across the hall has some kind of marvelously noisy car to run up and down the hall. All well and fine as long as he leaves the cat alone. Speaking of cats, nothing like exchanging cat tweets with....(never mind)

Shout To The Lord / How Great Thou Art The Talley Trio

Not quite 5 hours of sleep.  I needed to shower and to wash socks and masks so going back to bed before Wednesday Zooms was not reasible. So I am tired. And based on short notice yesterday, I got my first COVID shot today. And the musical artifact? This item is not a candidate for earworm of the week but it comes as close as anything I have heard to doing How Great Thou Art in other than dirge mode.

The early Zoom gets....

 About five hours of sleep. Two water bottles  and mug of powdered milk mocha and computer mouse Webinar schedule did not allow going back to bed even though body thinks it would be good.  Or stay moving wash dishes do morning stretches water plants... Instead make it to community building to listen to webinar about mobile accessibility testing.  Why does community building smell like fish? It's not freaking Mazatlan. Oh it's Tuesday and Korean lunch haunts the place ... Don't turn on JAWS instead use voice that comes with the screen magnifier. This is the same voice that read my Orhan Pamuk's book about Istanbul. So if what I am doing bores me my mind might wantder to references to Flaubert

No rest for the wicked?

 About SEVEN hours total because I went back to bed after my first call at 9 am. What energizing calls all day.  And with luck now that i have collected all my trash, I will even get it all taken out. Maybe that is enough fun for today.

Curing pandemic angst with a peanut butter and pickles sandwich?

 About 5 hours of sleep in spite of the time change. And no toys strewn down the hall like recently. Toys were in serious danger of getting crunched by low-vision wheelchair user or blind neighbor from the other side. Don't ask how a teddy bear gets crunched. I did not particularly understand Wonder Boy's grandmother's explanation for the strewn toys but I am glad I piled them out of the main paths. Awake enough for 9 am FWCC worship and pop in to two worships and a regional gathering. The pandemic angst is all teh people really glad to see other people and to hug. I am so glad I have a cat for at least some physical contact with another creature. But somehow, listening to everyone else made me think again about how shaky my coping really is. Not entirely random bus stop two stops up from where I had lunch the other day Besides worship, add 3 more quaker zooms plus the blind prayer warriors. M the great young woman who convenes REALLY REALLY REALLY needs a job that does les...


 Almost 5 hours of sleep. Yummy spicy arugula and chicken salad Nutritional oops? Order pizza and two salads. Plan to eat the green one today. Usually get two servings from the pasta salad but apparently I was hungry. Pizza plus pasta salad at 8 pm. A little too late. My body feels all discombobulated about eating schedule and there does not seem to be much to do about that. And the flies? Freak take on " you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar." Yuck! What do I want wsting perfectly good honey getting it full of sticky dead flies? How about some spiders to deal with the flies? Or some way to catch the flies and use them for bait to catch fish? Or...


 About 4.5 hours of sleep. The laundry room was heaven while I ran bed linens through the dryer. Heaven as in I was the only one there until 1 of the STAR Center denizens, a wheelchair user, came to retrieve his clothes. It would have been a great time to finish laundry but I did not feel energetic enough to do that. Plus I needed to chat too. We both missed a Zoom memorial for someone who was a big part of STAR Center life and also a big part of challenges. Sigh. Along 18th Ave with room for the trees to grow without clobbering the sidewalk It's a bright and sunny day. I have successfully fetched lemons cat food and a couple other items from Trader Joes. I have had a bunch of different meditations on trees, family trees, trees vs sidewalks, trees and green space in the city, aging in place is crap but everyone needs trees. If we are lucky this meditation will get elaborated more politely. As for #PandemicAnniversary, I will be SO glad when I am able to eat indoors, at a table, wit...

Windshield Wiper Fluid

 A decent 6 + hours of sleep.  First world problem of the day a bus shelter with no bench I wanted something nutritionally appalling. Last night it was ice cream with rum for dessert before a zoom at 6 but then no snacks later. With rum all kinds of flavors of ice cream will work. With Kahlua it's vanilla only.  Sugar and alcohol definitely made me want to sleep earlier. Going to bed early means waking up early. It also means time to go back to bed before a 9 am Zoom. At the second Zoom of the day, about making COVID data accessible for a variety of users, I learned a possibly helpful acronym to identify accessibility gaps. Are the elements of the screen --Perceivable --Operable --Understandable --Robust (repeatable) I think the acronym probably works in real life but that is a longer post than i want to do now. And besides multiple accessibility benefits of working from home, I stripped the bed while listening to the webinar. Now I just have to stir fry the bed linens in...

Worthington's hands

 Almost SIX hours of sleep. Baskets and baskets of virtue in the form of clean laundry. One washer not working and i had to contend with a bent quarter that quite reasonably would not work in the slot. Plus some people Just Make Me Edgy and last night I felt especially terrible  after I realized I was wrong and unreasonable about one situation. I decided to wait on the last load but I got done enough for the clothes I need and also for changing my sheets and linines in the dryer bedbug prophylaxis.This also meant I got to bed at a reasonable hour and there was not as bad a backlog for the dryers. Washers wash for 28 minutes. The dryers only work in hour increments. The avatar on Facebook for a deceased denizen of the STAR Center I got up in time for a 9am call more or less on the subject of create a space and see what God delivers. Stay tuned. Then therapy at 11 and another meeting at 1. That's it until 6 so I have errands... And here because every day needs some kind of rant ...

Finding the ice cube one has just stepped on

 Almost six hours of sleep in spite of falling asleep in the chair when I should already have gone to bed. Lots of walking yesterday meant better sleep; body and muscles definitely would have liked even more sleep.  The cat in the great Cat selfie experiment part n+1 More sleep did not happen among other things because of a whole liter size box of unsulfited coconut milk and a 5 lb package of masa. The masa was plentiful and so was the coconut milk. So I looked on the internet for a tamales de dulce recipe and basically made porridge because no corn husks. Then to use the rest of the package I made my fave quinoa no-bake chocolate treats. Now I have porridge and treats for at least a week but a break from oatmeal.  As for the title, today's household moment of blindness tourism. That's all.

One more day before I have to have to have to do laundry

Almost FIVE hours of sleep in spite of crossword puzzle and a late night nip at the news. More would of course have been better  Can you find the person in a wheelchair crossing the street? I am glad I didn't try to wash my hair before bedtime. I woke up with one travel plan on my mind. God had other ideas.

Other than NPR news voices

 Somewhere under 5 hours of sleep The crossword puzzle took about two hours. There is always this last flash of inspiration that solves the last dozen or so letters. And Youtube videos of other than NPR news reporting seem to be speaking to my condition.

Will laundry happen tonight...?

 almost seven hours of sleep.  Visual for a yet to be written blog post Achieved by going to bed at a semi reasonable hour, going back to bed after feeding the cat and then not having unrealistic expectations about what to get done before a 10:30 zoom. I could still sleep more or go to bed early but laundry does loom.

Space Time and not drowning in the puddle at a new curb ramp.

 almost seven hours of sleep due to going to bed at a decent hour AND going back to bed. I still could have slept more except I did not want to waste sunlight and the cat and Twitter... But WTF with this toothache. Rhetorical question. Call a dentist. Morning was lovely. I needed to do errands. I did not make it to my errands until it was starting to cloud up. Oh well. Cars street rain Aurora Ave. Today's adventure in space time and sidewalk themed paths to world peace. I guess one is supposed to be glad to have enough vision to see TWO buses go past while crossing the street to get to the bus stop.  At least I did not drown in the puddle in the spiffy new curb ramp.

Ophtho and Bike racks

 Five hours of sleep. It was going to be either go back to bed or eat breakfast. Randomn currency I opted for breakfast and then it was too late to go back to bed before my 9 am Weds internet nerds Zoom. 5 women on the participants list out of 30+. Not even going to try to guess about #BIPOC count. Interesting again and maybe I should have asked my question about Lifeline and census tracts but one can only do so much. And then I made food for a couple days: quinoa porridge and hummus with my awesom Christmas present mini food processor. Gratitude, and fuel for Dial-a-Tirade? Oh, the title? something from childhood woven with today's Twitter diet

Insomnia scarves

 Approximately FOUR hours of sleep.  And then an early "Please help us..." phone call. Try to strike a balance about getting paid and reasonable scope of work. White woman, Glasses, black Hat. New blue and black and white scarf I am collecting images of all the low vision issues and tools I have to make a blog post about why Medicare should fund low vision aids and humans to assess and train about them.  I gave up about various electronic options for dealing with post off ice pink slip and  just scribbled my cell number and a note on the pink slip and stuck it back in my mailbox. Voila. It turned into a package with some expected and some unexpected items.  Just dealing with post office pink slip, noting the return address off a tiny label, getting the package open and trying to read the labels on the contents other than two gorgeous crocheted scarves. The scarves are very light, an airy pattern that is surprisingly warm in spite of the lightness.  A woman ...

Thank you notes that keep turning into blog posts

Almost 7 hours of sleep due to the luxury of going back to bed. My dreams are usually sort of obvious and this one was. It involved a list that was full without someone thinking to add a new page, someone handing me a map without thinking about whether they were helpful, a COVID vaccine scene, and the kind of crowding associated with grab the blind person and bless them behaviors. On top of that I woke up with the kind of headache I sometimes get when I try to nap in the afternoon. But now I am well-fortified with a small frozen pizza and some added red pepper slices and spinach for lunch and the quart of tea I usually drink first thing in the morning. Happy Monday. And a blog post did not post as intended because I forgot to fix the date when I was scheduling it. Happy March.. Acres and acres of tiny print. Package delivery slip. Various things I carry in my purse The visual: I am still trying to boil down some tell your story pieces for thank you note to congressional staffperson. In...