Not in the running for earworm of the week but still
Somewhere close to 7 hours of sleep. Thank you going back to bed.
The refrigerator has died and stopped cooling. The apartment is starting to smell. I will have to cook well for safety and probably throw out a lot of stuff I need to clean out anyway.
And the item below is from the memorial service at the FWCC Section of the Americas. I am not even going to try to decipher the quote in the clouds. It is something from Revelations but the visuall accessibility sucks. I do not remember the names said aloud at the actual memorial. The music catches my attention because of the last link of the song about (even though life here is full of poverty) I have a home, a home far beyond the sun." The lyrics though not the tune remind me of a song from childhood "I've got a home in gloryland that outshines the sun."
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