The cat did not come to the walkability webinar

 about 4.5 hours of sleep in bed. Not doing so well on the go to bed before i fall asleep thing.

Oh well. 

this pic makes more sense than it seems at first glance
Black cat,
white woman's shoulder

I found the webinar that was not on my calendar.  I searched email for webinar the first time and then FeatFirst the second time. Amazing how much I can fill time with when going back to bed would have been nice.

Cat decided sleeping on couch was fine and she did not need to visit webinar about what will happen when people's work meetings are no longer visited by cats...

I decided just to soak another point of pinto beans. That means the bean pot of the week will have to wait. There could be worse problems.

For some stupid reason I am indoors messing with technology instead of either outdoors or home washing dishes. Go figure.


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