
Showing posts from November, 2019

Just lie in bed and be warm?

Sure. Lie in bed half asleep and be warm sounds like a GRAND idea. Unless one has --an ouchy shoulder --an assortment of other cramps and twitches --a full bladder --a cat who is certain enough that it is breakfast time to begin nipping at one's arm. But the sleep: LOTS of exercise yesterday. home from party and help with cleanup and debrief after one of the cooks got oddly triggered during dishwashing But the sleep? two hours in chair. 5 hours in bed. Another hour or so in chair after feeding the cat and eating turky leftovers for breakfast. Love thatg tryptophan. Dawdle. Wash hair. Do errands. Run intot he previously triggered cook on way to do my errands and head to theWTO anniversary event at Town Hall. Who needs sleep anyway?

Inner Authoritarian on the loose

At a certain point one must just GO TO BED. But first, laugh hard at a few comedy videos. Sleep  numbers  about 4.5 hours then an hour + on the phone iwht my sister talking about walkers and Mom mobility  and tele-MH-medicine. Then it was already light but so much for sleep while it's dark and grab another hour or so. By the way, Happy Birthday RantDad. More sleep could have happened but the day and the feast prep beckons. This year at Little sister's house. It will work. She is nervous so will only mention the good parts. Sister had nasty moment of kidney stone and sepsis earlier in the summer and we are VERY glad she wants to host and has energy. Other than that, today's blindness tourism moment #1: Ambassador Thwack the Badly Behaved White Cane and anger management consultant took possibly inappropriate delight in going off on Twitter regarding the service dogs welcome sign at QFC. Rant x 2: if you and your dog on a leash cannot manage basic obedience and dog d...

Tactile Turkey and traffic trauma

This is the Tuesday post.Don't let the timestamp fool you. So the sleep total is just over 4 hours. Last night was the last meeting of a public body that is about to morph into a different public body. The kind of public body with more than one blind person and many factors that make the process just a different vibe than... At home, afterwards beside mental note to write one "So we do not forget int eh transition emailm RantWoman was feeling the kind of blank empty despair that makes her want, at the very least to go stand somewhere and get really cold holding a protest sign or .... not quite awake enough that Go walk the breezeway would be a good option, but definitely not centered enough just to go to sleep until after 2, and awake thanks partly to late night menu just after 6. But cool rooms make it easy to sleep and RantWoman will shortly go plug in the talking book reader so it is charged in time to work on the Korea book later. RantWoman is delighted with these t...

Avocado toast or more sleep?

Chocolate fudge at 9 pm does not help. Neither does writng a blog post about the intersection of online charts and weird stuff patients do or weird life issues. Finally realized I should just gGo To Bed when some electronic hiccup occurred and all my fabulous prose just went poof. Maybe the fabulous prose will bloom again this morning, but various things may get in the way. Neighbor wants to come to computer lab to do a flyer about a feeding. Okay. Come over when you are done with your cigarette. That neighbor can probably do what is needed on her own. If not and if the RantWOman school of blind tech support cannot help her figure out what to do, she will have to do plan b.. Plan B, not the best boundaries in the world but what the heck it's a feeding in the park. 30 words or so. Find a turkey image. Who cares if the layout is um authentic? And ther's a paper jam but the customer is happy and I have no time for further fiddling. Back to the sleep: 3.5 hours. garlic Avacad...

A picture is worth 1000 words

The sleep data: Laundry is great exercise. Arm hekld up decently both in terms of needed motions and in terms of weightbearing. Okay so some moves required bracing arm across body so full weight did not fall on shoulder. Welcome to practical adhoc biomechanics. Ask about arm and ordinary things like getting on and off the bus, deciding how many groceries to buy.., why I like facing forward on the bus instead of sitting facing the middle in the "courtesy area." Twitter moments while laundering because the universe just NEEDS to preserve these snapshots: --From a thread about controversial food opinions, RantWoman's fav, even though she loves avocadoes: "Avocadoes are the devil's glue." --In the realm of vernacular sloppiness about mental health terms, a thread involving the words psychopathm, sociopath, abelism, and UX design. Anyway the sleep: about 3 hours until 3; about 3 hou5-8. 3 hours for a total of over 6. Considering all the energies a...

Making fudge is exercise--Really

The sleep data: dozing for a bit around 9 ish then body needed exercise. But it was cold and dark outside and not even the breezeway was inviting. What to do: make fudge, the kind with sweetened condensed milk so one has the illusion of nutrition  / calcium plus nuts along with the sugar and chocolate. The exercise is standing and stirring and stirring left-handed because the right arm still insists on being  list. Anyway make it to bed finally around 3 and wake up after 7 so not enough total but therey ou have it. Remind me to make a list of the seasonal anniversary energies but not today.

Rice cake, De-stress tea, chocolate, hard-boiled egg, guacamole--at 3 am

Sleep total about 4.5 hours. RantwOman is a grownup about why. The conversation was WELL worth it. Other than that: yesterday was arm xrays. Getting visit summaries in hot new app is kind of cool but it does not document me mentioning arnica or discussion of use of white cane in connection with specific situation. Will write blog post to whine. Xrays looking good,. I have a couple easy exercises but Dr is pleased with range of motion. I am please to be able consistently to french braid hair and deal with light switches and alarm (digression about accessibility issues re alarm) Blindness tourism moments of the day: --Thwack the cane went AWOL for a bit. Cannot just call like with cellphone. --frozen container of beans and rice contained an extra container I clearly did not notice when I was scooping hot mixture into container to freeze. Oh well.

Diplomacy over breakfast

Somewhere around 6 hours of sleep total. Awake before 6; can't remember when I went to bed but back to bed for an hour + because rest of schedule is later. Impeachment hearings are this weird mix of tedium and window into the world of diplomacy. Fascinating and not always in a positve way. Other than that prayers are goin in weird and still overwhelming directions. Faithful to Light testimonies  timelines.  UGh. At least no time for assorted BAD ideas that wander in through the fog. Daily gratitude: WATER and a new insulated water bottle that  maintains the ice a lot longer. Water is a big thing for me. Multiple family members have had kidney stones and I just plan to avoid. So far I have succeeded. But it means needing to find places to pee and being really into the Public Hygience Lets Us Stay Human scene. Weird discipline for now. Do this post mouse-free so I learn to to be more efficient in eyes free and mouse free modes. High risk of typographical anomalies...

QPQ with oatmeal and hard-boiled egg.

RantWoman is either going to hurry and be somewhere live or celebrate the critical importance of dial-in call in options for meetings especially about transportation where transportation and getting TO the meetings is a huge issue as in there goes RantWoman thinking like a blind person / transit dependednt mom / figher of climate change prayer warrior in teh war on cars... RantWoman has also been reading old blog posts. This is because RantWoman checks her  data. RantWoman is guessing that the posts coming up are either suggested by google or readers making use of some or another of RantWoman's idiosyncratic tags. RantWoman is curiosu who is reading this blog. Readers willing to identify themselves, please leave a comment. I moderate all comments so please say say whether or not you want your comment posted. RantWoman, can we just get to the oatmeal and the hearings? Sleep total about 5.5 hours from about 1:30 to after 6. Could be better but the day awaits. And the hearings...

Quiche and use cases and powerpoint accessibly

I will not get hooked on the impeachment hearings at 6 am. I will not get hooked on the impeachment hearings at 6 am. Bah. Slept 12:30 to not quite 4 Too much to eat yesterday and also thirsty when I woke up. On the up side, hair got french-braided and I can lift somethings before arm decides no more. Today's funky gratitude: 5 names on the please send us the powerpoints list for a meeting AND the powerpoint read fine INCLUDING the alphabet soup of agencies on this one complicated tree diagram. I do not think I got the tree visual with the screen reader, but I got enough. Survival strategies. DeathByPowerpoint. Thequiche was from the breakfast potluck before the meeting and the use cases just mean RantWoman knows enough IT development terminology to be dangerous but the IT vocabularly did not need to show up today.

French braid and winter carbs

Somewhere well over 6 hours of sleep in bed bplus falling asleep in chair. Blame holiday carbs in the form of fraozen pies on sale at Grocery outlet that I did nto at first realize needed to be baked. Or blame all the transit deviations that made the stop at grocery outlet possible on way from home. Or blame multiple productive and argumentative conversations  in email, in person, by phone. Boy do I know how to party. Anyway the hair is french braided and the schdule does not permit laundry even if it were a good idea. Schedule extends to boil a dozen aggs for the breakfast potluck and get some more ibuprofen. Oh and digets converastions. DoreneC

Beans and Rice

The sleep 12:30 to about 3. ??? woke up with arm hurting but decided to eat breakfast and smear with arnica  and not do ibuprofen. Back to bed about 5 and slept until 8 so 5.5 + hours. No taking out trash. No fussing with  chores. A little bit of twitter and bbc but I do not even remember what except not as depressing as sometimes late night BBC. Got hair french-braided. More to say but maybe go for coffee and see what all Sunday best is in line. . I wish I were not so clear.... ay! Got post re-opened. Still working mouse-free basically eyes free. It works in blogger but I am not trying mas much in email. Sigh.  

blower me plus chair envy

The The title belongs on a post on another blog, but it is just weird enough to handle the sense of Oh crap that comes with leadings. Today's leading: I had thought not to go to Council of the Blind chapter meeting because I am fighting a cold. BUT I woke up and got a bunch of dishes washed and alsomy hair. After thd dishes, the arm said, ummm getting the dishes done was cool, good even but how about we not try laundry and maybe not even a french beraid. So rather than sit at home and fume about all teh chores I am nto getting done, get on the bus, run into M headed to the same meeting and we turn bus into adhoc transpo issues conference room. Party. Oh the sleep: ` The sleep: 12:30 - almost 5. after 6 to 8. Somewehre over 6 hours. Then ujp in time to do dishes and wash hair. Glad I went to chapter meeting because was able to have long in-person needed conversaion. Body wants carbs. Carrot cake and coffee with conversation after I had just had a big lunch. One last selfie. j...


Pteradactyls? No pteradactyls flying from RantWoman;'s mouth.... Wait a second!... Sorry about the capitalization. I did not figure out from the weird screen reder noises that I hit caps lock somewhere. I will fix some of it but probably not all of it. Sorry. The sleep. Why did I not make it to bed until 2? Woke up past 6. Goot hooked on ambassador's testimony while eating oatmeal. But went back to bed about 7 and slep until past 9. Over 6 hours. Fighting a cold. Ginger tea helped. I dould have slept longer but the day awaited. clean sheets  REALLY HELP. nO GARLIC UNDER THE PILLOW THOUGH AND THE CAT MERCIFULLY DECIDED TO SLEEP ON THE COUCH. aRM NEWS: i GOT HOOKED ON THE AMBASSDOR'S TESTIMONY AT THE IMPEACHMENT HEARING. gOOD INTELLECTUALLY BUT IT DOES NOT WORK TO TRY THINGS LIKE WASHING DISHES OR EVEN LISTENING TO TWITTER ON MY PHONE AT THE SAME TIME. bUT IT did WORK TO DO A FRENCH BRAID ALL TEH WAY FROM THE TOP.  pROBABLY i WILL GO BACK TO A PONYTAIL OR JU...

Salad mix at midnight

the sleep numbers: 12:30 to almost 5 plus 8-9. somewhere over 5 hours total. Burger and fries for supper and no exercise... is part of eating salad at midnight. The salad DID help but definitely will aim for less grease in teh future. We interrupt the food data for a youtube video about garlic Will garlic under your pillow help you sleept better Not on my list of must-try options, but somewhat informative and definitely amusing title ... Data from last night. Evidence of continued arm healing: --I can now deal with the alarm code and turn on the lights at the STAR Center with my right arm. --I can now stand to use the electronic rodent right-handed. I can do left-handed pretty easily but on shared computers it is nice not to have to keep moving the nouse and mouse pad around. Today's data: --I can now do a few of my mornign stretches. --I can raise my arm high enough to start a french braid but cannot hold it in position to braid allt eh way down. But progress. ...

Topical Arnica

Sleep: just GO TO BED. And let email draft season overnight. 11:30-5. Breakfast. Back to bed before 7 and awake a little after 8. Well over 6 hours total including sleeping through some of the impeachment hearings. I guess I consider that healthy. Woke up when cat decided she wanted to sleep on my pillow where I was. Better I guess that on top of me so I cannot move sore arm. Had birthday celebration for mom at my sister's. REALLY nice to see sister in good enough shape to do a lot. Carrot cake and salad mix was a hit. Salad had pomegranate in it. Nephew and I have this pomegranate thing going from way back when pomegranate juice was maybe not preferable on apartment carpets. But it will still be time for a whole pomegranate. Family asked about arm. I can do ponytail but still not french braid. Carrying stuff a mixed bag. I told them about arnica pellets. They asked do I want some of nephews arnica ointment left over from football. He says he won't need. I decide not to a...

Korean Lunch even smells good.

How did it get to be 2 am? 2 am to 7. 5ish hours. Not enough exercise to sleep more.  but also to late even to go walk the breezeway for awhile. And no, did not even fall asleep but also was not productive before that. Shower and out door by 10! quest  for carrot cake and a bake fo salad to help Mom turn 82. Weird how things take over one's brain. What does the very large 4 year old need beside pyhysical safety and eitehr sensible adults or peers who get it. Score another one on the peers who get it front but details for another blog. And the post title is because it's Tuesday, Korean lunch day next door. Some days the odors are I hope just don't mess with people's comfort food but today things smell good. The daily selifie without commentary because I really cannot tell visually and am too lazy to track how differetn parts of the face feel. Did not make it entirely mouse-free. One of these days.... And one more thing: I am tired of ibuprofen, tired o...

Walk. Sleep better

Did I really sleep almost 7 hours in bed? at least 6 for sure! I could have slept longer burt up at 8 already bites into morning. Title is from more walking than average. Walking felt good. Sleep too. Need to try to maintain despite darkness and arm. Made 10 days supply of oatmeal. I do not care how many people think it's weird to eat it cold but soemtimes I am too lazy to warm in the microwave. Arm update. Arm still only attempts ponytail not French braid. Arm kind of just flops down even if the other hand is there trying to guide it down. Supposed to hear from clinic today about followup. Have list of English speakers who have offered help. I will see if some of them can help me with apartment twitches. Another activity that is weirdly hard: putting on headphones.. Even if the pair I use most did not have a broken earpiece. Took out trash and compost adn recycling. Trash area the usual Monday mess. Finally got arnica on Saturday. Who knew it comes in beads now? Th...

Quentin Tarantino?

The sleep issues: sleep about 3 hours. Wak up at 3. Go back to bed about 5. Sleep until past 7. Longer would hve been okay but RantWoman;s body was having none of it. So shower and God made itinerary--with help from lots of 15-minute bus headways. Praying openly from public right of way: a concept mamny Quakers should be familiar with. Also sensible phone calls to test some of the ravier ravings. Quentin Tarantino? Some movie image or maybe yet to be made of a massive warter hose assault on a grocery store Pepsi display. Healing milestones Can hook bra in back Made a braid, not french braid all the way from otop of head, but braid the loose stuff yesterday,. Today just made a ponytail a couple times with slippery clean hair. Oh, and today's selfie. Sorry no alt text. In general a lot less red and flaky than recently.

Nothing spectacular?

Sleep total: 5 hours in bed, some in chair before bed. There might have been time to go back to bed, but it did not happen. Instead #caturday twitter post and breakfast and not even a shower before leaving in time to be too early to help emcee half the awards presentation for a volunteer recognition event. Act like a privileged white person and profusely thank hispanic guy helping with setup. Keep gringa Spanish under wraps... Other milestone: late today I braided all of my hair. Still not full French braid and arm flopped back down and suggested RantWoman not try again today. But progress. Now about keying in the code to deactivate the alarm... And today's selfie with MUCH less flake and redness.


5 hours in bed. a couple more in the chair. I could hav e slept longer but once I am up I am up. Warmer at night. Good I guess since the sore arm is the one that gets to pull blanket around. The daily selfie

Cake and limes

The sleep: in bed by 2 am. But Awake at 6. Should have gone back to bed but breakfast and ibuprofen and .. one thing ledto another aand suddenly it ws 9 am and RantWoman had Things To Do,. Sigh. For the record, cake a t midnight, even if the excuse is about not taking the next dose of ibuprofen on an empty stomach is not the best idea in the world. RantWoman is also going to have to tell the friend who brought the cake and a generous supply of no longer visually presentable limes that maybe the gluten and sugar should just be given to homeless people. Friend eats cake and then talks about cutting down on gluten and sugar. The cake was tasty full of nuts and cream cheese icing, but RantWoman definitely needs less of... Friend came over after banquet server work. Friend genuinly seems to enjoy social aspects of work and sense of mastery for dealing with various banquet situations. RantWoman iwshes friend had a steady reasonable guy in her life for late-night debriefs. RantWomn also...

Still tired. Cime change? Arm?

Sleep about 5 hours in bed plus 2 more immobilized in chair. Body is still discombobulated from time change. This morning it was either errands like more distilled ater or chores at home. It was a sunny day. Which owuld you choose> Saw therapist and had another long conversation about stages of life and community. NOT called to go away; stay tuned for why is this the best use of ....? Meanwhile, mouse left-handed. Hair is a scraggly unbraided mess... Oops almost forgot the daily face selfie

The sleep total: an hour or so sleeping in chair after nephew brought me home from brother in law's birthdy celebration.

family found reasons to laugh. Brother in law found a great book about cats. Iwill have to use the CCTVtoread but thepictures are ahoot. ANyway was feleling warm and fuzzy andalmost went to do email but decided just to go to bed. CAlso cat will be jealous,.Solid four hours. Forgot to tacke ibuprofen before bed. Woke up with sore arm and needing to pee but otherwise unmotivated to crawl out of cocoon. Oh well. eat breakfast. Take ibuprofen. Go back to bed Good for another about an hour. and then get up for mornign schedule.

Cheese, Vegetables, cracks int he sidewalk

The sleep total: close to 6 hours by going to bed before midnight, waking up before 4, going back to bed in time to catch 1.5 hours. Mood positive: NICE evening and transp options home worked beautifully. Cheese for lunch at one potluck and more cheese for appetizers at second potluck. I WILL eat the leftovers from what I brought two vegetable dishes Memo to self: things that are hard with arm owie: --the kitchen faucet --cutting up vegetables such as carrots and cabbage. --dealing with fridge --white cane and all the other cracks in the sidewalk... This morning's selfie . Things feel better. I cannot tell if that is just ibuprofen. I also am not sure how things look.

Clocks back

Friday night 5+, almost 6 hours of sleep.Up early enough to wash dishes before appointment and then blind geeks. Small stable group. Would be good if we had a different mix, but... Saturday: time change. Sleep 1--almost 3. Up until about 3:30 and another hour. THen a couple morehours. More sould be good but not today. Broken arm issue screw up more than half of morning stretches routine. Sigh. Need to eat something with ibuprofen also messes up food care on top of boredom and tendenct to eat because of boredom. WHINE. Face continues to be variably flaky. A couple selfies from yesterday and today

Less Face flakiness

The sleep data: Went to bed somehwere around 11; woke up a little before 4. Atee breakfast. went back to bed without taking ibuprofen. Went back to bed around 6 and woke up abnout 7:30 cutting it close for getting to eye appt on time at 9:40 Face less flaky than yesterday and I washed with antifungal soap. Eye dr and I agree. Eye drops  allergy probably not the issue. Eyes still red inside and some concerns about acuity. Visual field is stable but detail is not doing so well right now. Gorgeous fall day. Also always a thrill to admire the sidewalk i caused to coccur at my eye dr's building. This morning's best selfie: white woman, grey ahir, facial yuck