
Showing posts from January, 2025

Salmon for breakfast and an honest answer to "How are you?"

Ferron - Cactus - Vancouver Folk Music Festival - 2023-07-15 wherein one is glad someone is still performing and in the same breath thinking that aging is hard 6:02 hours of actual sleep in bed as opposed to falling asleep in chair multiple times crashing out after a very short night before last. Woke up too warm because of too many blankets for the warming weather even though the rain is prelude to possible SNOW, probably not right in Seattle but who knows since there were a few flakes yesterday when I was out. Note to self. Get another bottle of distilled water. Save visions of just distilling at home for another day.  Text friend about a couple snack items from TJ... One fried greets day with gif map of "The Gulf of How does this lower the price of eggs?" "How are you?" Building staff: "Gettin there!" That covers a lot. Now onto the real reason I am up this early: legislative hearing. Revamped website is a lot simpler but it wants me to create a profile...

Chocolate, porridge, and ANXIETY but still It Won't Take Long

Interesting cover, but not my fave version 2:06 hours of trying to sleep after refilling CPAP water. So get up. Aim for energetic activities to feed the weekend's schedule of ZOOM events. Fun

Politics spilling over into sleep Liberal Redneck - Trump's Insane (Second) First Week in Office

3:56 hours two in person meetings and two zooms

Wildlife! The perfect brain cleanse. Llamas. Alpacas. Oh MY

What Is The Difference Between Llamas and Alpacas? 4:48 hours of sleep. More phone calls about surgery. Lots of lunacy on political fronts. The only exercise was 20+ minutes on the exercise bike.

Flukey RARE mutation: Winged Cats

4:02 hours of sleep. I WILL try to go to bed earlier so I can sleep longer. Yesterday I just slept through Quaker worship. Today I had a phone appointment at 11. I mean to get out and walk. Sunset is after 5 but it's still COLD. And have I mentioned SOCIAL MEDIA...?     

Gender Change by Fiat: what happens when people writing executive orders are not good with that sciency stuff

5:00 hours of sleep. Far too much time on Twitter / X today. Made myself a Caring Bridge page. Much email Compline was gorgeous So was sunshine

Rudy the Blind cat

Part of the special needs creatures stream videos that show up as part of my feed. 7:02 hours of sleep! And i could still sleep more. Plus sleep is a good way not to get totally sucked in by current political dramas. But I summoned enough energy to have a good walk with both the faint scent of spring and enough cold blasts to remind one that it is still January.

Topical song title Genghis Barbie - God Only Knows

4:36 hours of sleep. Pretty dang good considering finishing the crossword puzzle and refilling the CPAP machine before actually making it to bed. MAYBE one of these days refilling the CPAP will become easier, smoother. Maybe. Other than that if I am going to spend so much time on social media I should... Stay tuned.

Pesto with a side of silliness

Post procedure GRUMPINESS impending. Try to go to bed soon and sleep off the day But that's why mashing up herbs and pine nuts sounds like a great idea CORRECTION 5:40 hours of sleep. Blame the silly display on new CPAP 4:02 hours of sleep. Procedure was procedure. I have reading to do but I am tired and also have alumni interview reports. I LIKE it cold. I don't want to overdo, but...

Humor in here somewhere.

GOP Cowards Duck J6 Pardon Questions | Brave Bishop Budde | Hegseth's Dr... Church Pastor Targets Trump & GOP Shrugs Off Jan. 6 Pardons | The Daily Show 4:14 hours of sleep Just grab some humor and pray for the souls of the president, VP, and all of MAGA including the dear credulous souls now giving press interviews. And I LOVE it when a good sermon goes viral. Biopsy tomorrow so I will go to bed early.

Inauguration after party???

A Song for Japan - Stephen Verhelst 3:30 hours of sleep. Not enough.  Seasons are advancing enough that 1. It's light well past 5 pm. 2. I went to bed at an hour way too late and saw the first hints of dawn. Tirade brewing about pardoning the #J6 protestors. So tonight I will do Kyiv worship AT HOME and strive to go to bed after. Today's Red white and blue sartorial choices because somehow it seems apt to speak of them. Red white and blue Cat ladies for Kamala T-shirt. splotchy blue and white leggings, Red socks Blue sweater Blue shoes.

Fruit soothing: The Weird History of Grapefruit

Some really interesting points here. I wish grapefruit were not so expensive 6:46 hours of sleep. Sleeping through the swearing in of ... is probably the sanest option especially since there was plenty to weigh on one the rest of the day. I cooked up the rest of the ham with my head of cabbage. It is yummy and will be so for a couple more days. Other stuff on my mind but when I remember I will write it up.

More Bach - Cello Suite No. 2 in D Minor BWV 1008

D minor again. This suite is darker tnan most of the others, which fits RantWoman's mood We will see how much dark flies off RantWoman's keyboard especially in this time of wintry blasts 4:44 hours of sleep. about 15 minutes on the exercise bike. Cold apartment a little big squelches motivation to keep at the clean and purge. But here we are. Tomorrow I probably will not go to MLK day events. I also am unlikely to watch the inauguration.

IMpressive Sheku Kanneh-Mason - Elgar Cello Concerto - BBC Proms 2019 with CBSO

Interesting performer and performance. A good way not to have two Bach cello suite posts in a row. 4:40 hours of sleep. Definitely worthwhile to stay in bed even though I tossed and turned for a good bit before finally going to bed. UBS meeting and GLORIOUS sunshine..

Self soothing with Bach - Cello Suite no. 2 in D minor BWV 1008 - Pincombe | Netherlands Ba...

Apparently I needed this one more than I realized. I liked it better than when I have listened before 4:40 hours of sleep. Achievements --split pea soup --refilled and changed filter in CPAP light email texting scheduled medical appointments halfway tried to sell grantwriting services until reality checked due to rest of schedule. Will I also make crack slaw afters shower and before bed...?

3.5 hours in the Green Bay airport

Somehow this is what I need for now. 4:02 hours of sleep. I went to bed MUCH too late and am almost a zombie But there is tomorrow.


5:02 hours of sleep. I keep feeling discombobulated about what day it is. GOOD RAC meeting. Budget freeze so no construction.

Crispy Baked Sweet Potato Fries?

I do not CARE how crispy my baked sweet potato slices get but the technique stuff is interesting. 5:02 hours of sleep. I should have gone back to bed. I am so disoriented about what day it is. I am also addicted to confirmation hearings which is dumb because they are just a distraction and I have plenty else to do. And oh by the way, there is still light in the sky at 5 pm!!! Last night the ice breaker question at a meeting was "something fun you did over the holidays." I forgot to answer it and also skipped over "pronouns are an essay question." Probably it is also just as well I did not say :had great fun gathering with family and the most fun was wanting to set dessert on fire one night. Ahhhh

Bizarre fascination: ANGRY Motherfluffing Cat

Secret fascination with choose one or more: cat torture / cat whispering 5:50 hours of sleep. Scheduled next biopsy and had two good meetings and a good conversation. Exercise consists of 20 minutes on the exercise bike. Not enough. UGH.

Fast food fusion in one's very own kitchen: Big Mac Taco -

This vid has been demanding my attention for DAYS so... It goes quickly to the absurd but there are some interesting techniques and siracha on anything like a big mac will probably be a hit with SOMEONE. 5:08 hours of sleep. My mother's younger brother died today: prostate cancer with very painful mets to spine. A really solid guy, different in a couple ways from me and a solid guy on his own terms. A zoom funeral or audio recording would be lovely. Other than that, it takes energy to respond to one's public about HEALTH issues. I got my hair washed but lost momentum about more cleaning. But tomorrow is another day.

Mediterranean Potato Salad | Heart-Healthy & Packed with Goodness

Mediterranean spices and viniagrette sound cool. I am not usually a big fan of olives but olives in potato salad sounds intriguing 5:02 hours of sleep. Two meetings and a PU Alumni reception. I feel blessed.

Greenland is NOT for sale and it would have been fine with me if (propaganda warning. rant incoming....)

Ordinarily crap like this should go in another blog but SOMEHOW haveing the junior Donald speak on behalf of anyone is such a giant red flag that i decided my sleep pattern can handle the outrage. 4:46 hours of sleep. More would have been good but I needed to be awake by a certain time. I will have to catch up gradually. A good day. Two meetings and big help de-bulking 3 boxes of clothes and shoes from bedroom. Hopefully I will have momentum to do some more over the next few days.

Bassoon instead of recipes and cat vids

1:46 hours of tryihng to sleep before I gave up and got up. Can you say anxiety.? Actual appointment was as positive as possible under the circumstances

Do something sensible with Spaghetti squash

This sounds like something completely sensible to do with spaghetti squash. People who don't care for feta could use assaggio or other cheeses. 4:28 hours of sleep. Up too late and maintenance was knocking on door early delivering new outlets and new smoke detector. Two meetings I need to type notes up for. Mom had a bummer day: she was the one to find neighbor on the floor (with what turned out to be a broken hip) on the way to breakfast.  Mom is MOVING to new apt tomorrow. I get to see surgeon. Mleah.

A diversion: Rae Sremmurd Sings Llama Llama Red Pajama

I didn't replay this one before posting, so half the effect is just mention of the song. Also when one is trying to go to sleep it helps to remind oneself that the question one needs to solve does not need to be solved until mid afternoon, so just GO TO SLEEP. 5:38 hours of sleep. Today's FUN Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) | Johns Hopkins Medicine

Another fun item from You suck at Cooking.

This sounds yummy. I am not sure why specifically leeks but the spices, potatoes, coconut milk part sound yummy. 5:38 hours of sleep. The kind of day where I get stuff done by getting distracted from one chore to do another. Today's accomplishment: bagging up all the old CPAP stuff and expressing intention to box up some more stuff to go to Goodwill. The electoral count got certified without incident. More to be said elsewhere.

Freezing Bobcat brings guy a whole fam-damly.

5:50 hours of sleep.YAY! Besides Meeting, outside trip to dog park with friend. VERY heroically patient friend then bore with Sunday afternoon at TJ's. TONS of new apartments nearby so NEVER AGAIN on Sundays. 

The SHOCKING reason GOD put a CAT in your life?

Interesting factoids and blatant pro cat propaganda. Plus the title mentions GOD so it's a good way to aim at Sunday. Title kind of overstates the content but WHO CARES. 3:10 hours of sleep RATS. I broke my streak of days over 5 hours. I am a grownup. NO ONE forced me to do all the things I was doing on my phone until far too late if I wanted to be hosting a meetup at 11:30. #WorldBrailleday wound up coming up several ways. Another day with not enough exercise and procrastinating about things to spiff up the apartment. Tomorrow I must finish typing minutes. and get some stuff ready to go to Goodwill and finish the floor and get at least another 10 pieces of paper to the recycling. Can I go all out and do say 20 or 25???? I am trying but not succeeding to tear myself away from temptation to comment about every current outrage. I only hope what I have to say makes a difference somehow.

Blind Bobcat acquires seeing eye cat companion

Cat vids. Wonders of nature. Kindness in accidental encounters. The mother's milk of distraction from all there is to be distracted from. 5:28 hours of sleep. One of these days I will hunt up the instructions manual and then connect via Bluetooth. I feel decadent spending most of the day on social media. I DO have other things that need action, but it still feels a little like holiday break.  Anyway PLEASE keep praying for the country.

Breakfast? Tomato egg drop soup?

This recipe sounds intriguing enough MAYBE to try it. Possibly I would make it in advance and then rewarm because mornings are usually too much for cooking. 5:02 hours of sleep. We will not discuss from when to when but we will HUMBLY be grateful not to have to be anywhere at a certain time. Tacky comment. Last night I came home to a big red mess in the lobby. It was some kind of medical emergency. I heard the sirens. Apparently the emergency cleanup crew was not available. At least it's not a murder scene because probably there would have been more sirens and the cops probably would still have been there. We will now return to white knuckling the next few days.

Should you need pizza in Helena MT, aka the state capital

HAPPY NEW YEAR Pizza in Helena MT, including PINEAPPLE and ham on pizza I think I have visited Helena twice, once for an orchestra trip that involved some kind of car ride over a traffic feature known as "thrill hill" and once during the Arab oil embargo. MT had a 55 mph speed limit in order to get federal highway funds and as MAYBE an evolution from the previous "reasonable and prudent for the conditions." But the fine was only $25 until speeds hit 90 mph or something. Also, one after another the legislators all stood up and complained that they had no intention of driving 55 because how could they get anywhere in MT if they did. Nothing here especially grabs me except mention of "hawaian" pizza 5:22 hours of sleep, After roasting a ham and bagging up garbage and leaving it on the balcony overnight rather than deal with the trash chute. I woke up all dried out. The good news is I THINK I am figuring out the CPAP. More blog posts pending.