The SHOCKING reason GOD put a CAT in your life?
Interesting factoids and blatant pro cat propaganda. Plus the title mentions GOD so it's a good way to aim at Sunday.
Title kind of overstates the content but WHO CARES.
3:10 hours of sleep
RATS. I broke my streak of days over 5 hours.
I am a grownup. NO ONE forced me to do all the things I was doing on my phone until far too late if I wanted to be hosting a meetup at 11:30.
#WorldBrailleday wound up coming up several ways.
Another day with not enough exercise and procrastinating about things to spiff up the apartment.
Tomorrow I must finish typing minutes.
and get some stuff ready to go to Goodwill
and finish the floor
and get at least another 10 pieces of paper to the recycling. Can I go all out and do say 20 or 25????
I am trying but not succeeding to tear myself away from temptation to comment about every current outrage. I only hope what I have to say makes a difference somehow.
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