
Showing posts from July, 2020

Free water once flowed on Mars and the moon is getting full

Somewhere close to SIX hours of sleep, all in one spell. How did I achieve this? No snacking after supper. NO caffeine late in the day. 20 minutes of walking the breeze and some other short bits of xercise during the day. Still not enough but... There was too much undone in the crossword puzzle to have a prayer of finishing so it was easy to pull away and go to bed even though the quiet of the parking lot on a calm night is very soothing. On the other hand The moon is getting full and that has played a role in sleep for a long time. I found this really fun video and a HS classmate works for NASA on the Mars lander projects.      Free water once flowed on Mars and clay is present Other than that, I probably need to RTFM about new blogger and screen readers. I probably need to do that. Will I or will I just muddle along with what I figure out on the fly? Stay tuned.

Auditioning a New Earworm: John Mellencamp - Crumblin' Down

Negligible sleeping while it was dark. I will go to bed after 6. I will sleep until... for a stunning total of about 3 hours total counting dozing early in the evening. Weird thing is I am not as bad a zombie as sometimes when I get this little sleep.  I also have not attempted anything super complicated: half listen to the governor's press conference, the WCB advocacy committee call where I growled at one member who was not getting my point: TALK TO YOUR LOCAL PARATRANSIT agency about people not wearing masks on paratransit. It is a freaking ADA issue and part of the POINT is how much one can or cannot ask.  Blame this level of sleep or not on too little exercise, mocha at 4:30 or something, and commercial tuna salad with pickles and celery even from the walgreen's trip and sunflower bites and dried pineapple late. Possibly also too much sleep yesterday and weird desire to enjoy my still-new clothes. I was going to walk all the way home but there is some kind of sidewalk clos...

How long?

So the sleep total is I THINK close to 7 hours. 3 hours from 2-5 and more from 6 or 7 to past 10. Do I feel wondrously brilliant and centered? Um, no. But I do seem to have patience to deal with new Blogger interface. So I will leave it as is and not cling to the old. I spent a lot of time on twitter which I do not necessarily regret.  I cleaned CPAP machine, changed a filter, cleaned mask and tubing. I made ambitious noises about wrangling some science projects in the fridge. Maybe tomorrow.  I listened to a great FCNL webinar.  I ignored things in my email.  But now it's late at night. I did not get enough exercise except the run to Walgreens where I scored toilet paper, 4 rolls, in faith that when I need more there will still be TP in the stores and I do not have to wrestle a larger package home on the bus. In general supply chain issues apparent in some stores though not TJ or new PCC in old 'hood. New PCC has new PCC prices. Enough said. Maybe    ...

Drag me kicking and screaming into the new Blogger.

Ha! 5 plus hours in two spells. Got the crossword puzzle done early so theoretically no excuse for not getting to bed earlier. Snacked too much late though. Peanut m&m's Even chocolate should be eaten earlier. Still reading the Smartphones and resistance book. Can't remember the actual title. Sigh. Ok save this and practice some more tomorrow. Wait. Let me see if I can add the image of the latest thang stuck on my door. I think there is some way to OCR it on my phone. Annual window washing This year no staff to help remove  screens. Luckily cat has figured out...

Home again Home again

4.5 hours plus another almost 2 after breakfast. Home again as in did not go anywhere but still unpacking a suitcase full of ... As in amid all of yesterday's Zoom FINALLY got off my privileged rear end and printed a social security form a neighbor could perfectly well do for himself if I could have anyone besides me in the computer lab. As in Friend who wants to know whether I want to be guinea pig for taste-testing a fermented green bean recipe served up off the internet. Ummmm, you first. As in do not even try to commit words to keyboard aftger laundry and before bedtime because nothing good will come of the wrong words. Do laundry. Fret about what seems to be significant disappearances and fret about possible paths for sticky-fingered neighbors. But get done with laundry in time to go to bed at a decent hour. As in talking book player seems to be possessed or something. It needed to be plugged in but it did various weird announcements and then decided to read even tho...

Zoom memorials with or without bra

Respectable (?) 4 plus hours of sleep. Longer would have been good but Bible study was better.  The blind prayer warriers listened to "praise report" about Annual session and said they can tell from my voice I was well nourished. Okay, there would be another part....

Be sure to stock...

About 4 hours of sleep in bed and some dozing before but not after. Too much food late at night. Not eneough walking. After tomorrow morning schedule should ease up.

Pink camouflage ...BB GUN?????

Somewhere over 4 hours of sleep. Did not quite make up for shortage night before last. But shower before bed helped. NOT going back to computer lab when brain was mush and nothing good would have resulted except maybe new ear worms or a Trevor Noah fix also helped. That meant I went to bed at a reasonable hour and woke up the first time about when I usually do. And I did not make it back to bed because of needing to discuss multiple gun-related items from police blotter with my sister. Thank you Brother in law. My sister is now the proud or sheepish depending owner of said pink camouflage.... Pink camouflage anything cracks me up. We hold brother in law's good intentions... and there are WAY TOO MANY GUNS and other people in the saga... Late evening run to grocery outlet replenished supplies of eggs and various cheeses. No more Dove bars. Sigh. But dried fruit are on my if you see them buy them list so dried figs , apricots, raisins, cranberries all came home. Also lemons. I fe...

Zombie apocalypse? Zombie? zzzz

3 hours more or less if one generously counts drowsing. Why NOT just go to bed? Why be a zombie and fall asleep at least twice when does not want to but also does not want to sleep through items on an agenda . Not enough exercise. But plenty of fiber. And ballot is sent off. Wild and crazy

A diller a dollar a 10 oclock scholar

Sleep: somewhere past 6 hours, one spell starting at 3 am, the other from about 8-10 am. RantWoman did the crossword puzzle early. But then RantWoman watched one of the #CHOP videos. More to say. After breakfast, RantWoman went back to bed, woke up once and promptly fell back asleep for a total of over two hours. It would probably be better to time that differently. Morning text included media moments for RantMom RantWoman will add digital literacy moments to a blog post. Also please pray for Irrepressible Nephew because a former shcoolmate and buddy from his church youth group was shot recently in RantWoman's old 'hood and there is a long chain of connections to other shootings and other troubles. If one gets up at 10 am and the morning food prep rampage makes really tasty black bean / yam / egg other stuff food but one does not get the dishes washed before needing to get on with must-dos....

Radioactive steam

5 hour of sleep plus lots of just falling asleep, not enough exercise. Taco time now has INDOOR pickup. I am so happy. But I need to fish on the menu to tweak my lazy order. Definitely do not need the local potato and soda options but just an entree is not quite enough. Germane to sleep because food prep at home would be better in many ways than Taco time but sometimes Taco Time is just the thing even if one is too full and should have exercised more than just the walk to get food some of what I should definitely skip. Crossword puzzle was easy and done earlier in evening. Radioactive steam? Several threads from a topic I theoretically do not have to touch. Theoretically except I seem to have topical experience and my head would be exploding just from interacting enough to decide not to deal. So the question is whose time to presume on for different pieces. Radioactive steam is also on the earworm post and it is funny to look at that string while listening to the song. Maybe I ...

I need your help Barry Manilow

about 4 hours of sleep in bed, plus at least 1.5 hours at different times dozing. More sleep in bed would have been a better idea. But it was hot and I was too lazy to get the fan. And I did not get enough exercise even counting the walk to the bus stop when I figured out Walgreen's was closed. I think Walgreen's is usually open later than 9 but maybe they closed because of the stupid protestors. By stupid protestors I somehow assume the ones who need to break things are being paid by someone to make the city look bad. So that among other reasons is why I need some Quaker themed lyrics for I need your help Barry Manilow. And if themes of child supervision are going to make my head explode, I do not HAVE to look at the topic. But if I look and then my head is already exploded AGAIN....

Dystopia with killer bundles of parsley

4.5 hours of sleep is um okay Starting at 5 am and barely even touching the new crossword puzzle? Uhhh There was consideration of retiring one of the earworms. Then RantWoman decided to check the translation of the lyrics. RantWoman kind of needs a good DTMFA (user yer search enginzzes and look it up) soap oepra to distract her from...So the earworm stays for now at least until I either find a new earworm or go revisit come of my old ones. Apparently one does go to webinar candidate fora without a bra though the forum in question started late enough there probably would have been time to put on a bra. Rest of today was wash hair. Put on birthday present pink dress. Pink! Really! It comes in two colors pink or blue. RantWoman actually uncharacteristically prefers the pink. Plus the huge pockets ROCK. Orange and blue striped socks maybe not the best match. Occasion was official family celebration of RantWoman's birthday from Wednesday, once again set in the resident parki...

Food porn, birthday feet, and arks or no arks

Somewhere past 5 hours of sleep. Not enough really especially dealing with digestion, wondering whether I have just eaten something off or .... And to what should I chalk up hardly wanting to do ANYTHING in the evening after supper? Indigestion again today. Suspicious: the smoked salmon chowder not sure why and today fresh-backed lentil brownies because sometimes chocolate... Not enough walking occurred last night but all the trash and the compost did get taken out. Now, about the floor grime, clearing out lots of paper no longer used and therefore not needed. Evening wound up NOT playing out in front of any screen except my phone wherein I learned that TalkBack on my google Pixel phone reads Google slides very nicely so now I get to think about things to do with alt text for the pictures. That's the ark part of the title. If we are lucky RantWoman will manage not to digress about the Echo pictures at the Art museum site. Hark: a blog post started but without the visually i...


Four hours of sleep is a bare minimum. Starting at 6 am with both coke for supper and late night crossword puzzle on board...Thank yhou Taco Time new indoor pickup! RantWoman is a grown up. It would be nice to hit the ground about some of the stuff on my mind in daylight. On the other hand, the wee hours of the morning have this sacred calm after the barbecuers and the smokers and the california boom box car people have gone to bed. Turning attention to socks and hole in socks: holes in new socks. Remind self about the put socks on video. Fold the sok over itself to the outside. Only make the gnarly toenails go through half the sock. Still holes in new socks design manufacturing process. Holes in old socks: excuse to get new socks in the cool orange and white and blue stripes. Bra is on. Shower has occurred. Now to gig inspiring blind youth and parents of blind kids. You too can go to blind summer camp, grow up to go to an ivy league college, and graduate both phi beta kappa...

Baby cooing and wearing a bra to meetings

Somewhere past 5.5 hours but 4 hours 3-7 plus 1.5 hours 8-9:30 Calendar had not registered all details of a meeting so I had to fish out of email archives. I do not go to meetings in sleepwear or without a bra. Throw on bra and  yesterday's dress. The world CERTAINLY wants to know this detail while attending to my input about transportation issues. Do call on phone instead of better internet at office. Oh well. Whine about app used. Next time remember itworks better on a PC and RantWoman HATES that it even has a driving mode even though of course driving mode means it could be used by someone one a bus, not just someone who needs to avoid distracted driving. I do not go to online meetings in sleepwear or without a bra. I do assemble trash and compost and trash in shopping cart while listening to transportation issues. Does anyone want to revise the mission and vision for the next interval? Well, yes, but there are too many bureaucracies tied to process so figure just try to d...

Bank robbers?

Some kind of decent sleep total 4+ hours in bed and several more hours in the evening dozing in various places too close to slug bait even to get the trash and compost taken out. That will keep for tomorrow. Taking out the trash will make a weird start to my birthday, but it will beat both going to court (twice, no THREE TIMES for different reasons) and flying to MT to tend to Mom in connection with hysterectomy and cancer treatment. Other highlights of the MT trip: things to do with meeting my brother for lunch and then walking home. I have no memory of where brother went except not to Mom's. I think I already had the detached retina in my already worse eye because the wind and the dust were not the only thing making the walk seem out of balance and even less clear visually than I was used to. I did not actually figure out I had a detached retina until September while I was riding back from some retreat at Seabeck and for some reason decided to cover my good eye. What cheerful...

with masks on Even white people look like bank robbers

Okay somewhere over 3 hours total counting a mid-afternoon nap. I slept through the press conference which is probably not a calamity. Probably not great food responsibility. Pastry and the last of my yogurt drink at 8 pm. Talk to mom by phone. Putter about something and then go to computer lab. Much thai style cashews around midnight. Not a great idea sleepwise. Did not get done: pay some bills, write an email or two from today's inspiration. Make list of things I need from pharmacy. Did get done: two blog posts and starts on about 3 more. It is now 5:00 am. I just listened to the wolf song twice. It is not a calming tune. I feel calmer. I will go home and feed the cat (and it turned out eat breakfast and THEN go to sleep--definitely not the sensible twitter advice about managing anxiety). How much sleep will I get if I want to be awake for the mayor and police chief to have a press conference at 9:30? I know I HAVE to sleep. I know if I start more email I am likely ...

Break a leg?

Five hours of sleep. Starting at 4 am. There was an NYT Sunday puzzle involved. I finally just did Reveal Puzzle for the last few letters. Then I felt silly and like I should have gone to bed and seen if fresh light in the morning would have solved it. But Reveal Puzzle was release so I could sleep. Two interest groups have gone well I think. The ADA one mostly talked about a special ed issue but it will be nice to hold that one in the Light as kid grows. Today I was WELL blessed attending a virtual business meeting. "Break a leg" is for one of the blind prayer warriors who has a radio interview coming up. Think praying across differences.

Pot of porridge at midnight

FIVE HOURS of sleep. Let's chalk up one for late night cheese and crackers. Also Cat seemed to be mellow. Like if I also feed her more toward 6 than 4 in the afternoon.... Plus I made oatmeal as low impact exercise before bed. Otherwise too much zoom and nto enough walking in my day. I am lucky I have to walk over a block evey thing I want to go from apartment to computer lab to apartment. At least a little exercise built in. Also lucky to have steady supply of ice water. Random visual aid which my phone now informs me it has OCR capability to copy text. Then what would RantWoman do with the text, but here is the notice anyway. Oh and all the frozen entrees from yesterday got picked up, as did further boxes of adult diapers, legumes, pasta, and pancake mix. Now about the turnips RantWoman might try to unload instead of routing straight to the compost

Turkey Chili for Breakfast

The Sleep total: somewhere close to 6 hours. One spell from after to to 6 and then 2.5 hours after feeding the cat and before breakfast. I forget what i ate in the evening but not waking up ravenous the first time was one reason I could go back to sleep so smoothly. Tomorrow it is time to make the weekly pot of porridge now that I have eaten all the bits of dry breakfast cereal and definitely want more fiber. There was a crossword puzzle involved. I felt silly when I just made it show me the last remaining unsolved letter. Maybe if I had been able to sleep on it I would have figured out the last letter on my own. Maybe. The turkey chili is nice. A neighbor needs help once a day or so with some gravity-related issue when her caregiver is not around. Yesterday that netted me 1. a box of orange juice like a quart because she does not drink OJ 2. a bag of frozen berries released so neighbor has more room in freezer for meat from foodbank 3. 2 packages of frozen turkey chili f...

Smart home plus alcohol

Four hours of sleep. The Smart home session session was meh. Interesting but I am not hurrying out to buy. But kahlua with milk over ice was an interesting touch. Then there was a crossword puzzle. Then I should have made it to bed sooner. And going back to bed would have been good but I am glad I caught at least some of the morning ACB section. This afternoon was a REALLY FUN session about legos, instructions for some kits in braille and audio and everyone's memories of legos. I wanted Legos. My brother got some. I am still sore though recently there was a cool Twitter conversation about women in STEM and their childhood legos. I will need to walk vigorously later. I finally got the kidney beans I cooked days ago into a pasta stew. I cleaned out several containers of things in my fridge and now have meal sized packages of the results. But I also wound up with more items for fridge from helping a neighbor deal with her fridge abundance and with a container of OJ on the ...

Wolf howl?

RantWoman made it to at least 6 and maybe close to 7 hours of sleep. Went to bed early enough and woke up early enough to catch pre-session chatter for a Zoom conference event advertised as starting at 9:30 EDT and really not starting until 10:00 EDT or 7 PDT. RantWoman ate breakfast and went back to bed for two hours. So much for the scholarship announcements. Congratulations winners. RantWoman means to download a podcast about the ADA. The sessions on transportation ROCK. Being exhausted after daytime sessions that end at 2:30 PDT and still being in sleepwear is a waste of good sunshine. Tonight's physics lesson All Lives Splatter

Smoked gouda at bedtime

Somewhere close to 5 hours from 2-7 nodding off for a bit beforehand while watching videos but definitely went home before the second reboot at 1:30 Smoked gouda cheese makes sort of an interesting bedtime snack. But I slept ookay and did not want as much breakfast as sometimes. I could have gone back to bed except it was general sessions at the ACB convention and REALLY cool recognition of awards from the Audio description project: there is a british project that was recognized and talked about how much it mattered while arts budgets are being battered because of COVID and also a wonderful bilingual project in English and Maori describing a ballet in Aoeratia (sp?) and people retweeted my comments. Happy Tuesday


Somewhere around 5 hours in bed plus another 45 min or so asleep in front of video. And the stupid thing is I definitely could have slept more--EXCEPT it is annual ACB convention, all virtual and on Eastern time. So no way am I doing anything at 6:30 am and even the next session I admitted to doing in my sleepwear. Too much fun on top of regular chores and needing to have a food prep rampage to deal with the kidney beans that were already cooked days ago. Also not enough exercise overall. And general sense of tiredness which oddly lets up when I move around except that sometimes I do not feel like moving. Did I mention NO SNACKING virtue last night. Wait. The packet of tuna, the turkey teriyaki jerky and the dried cranberries don't count? Plus temptation to much all afternoon today. Healthy munchies but still.

Chocolate? Alcohol? SLEEP!

FIVE HOURS of sleep in one block. More would not have been terrible, but 5 hours is substantial especially considering the level of firework noises until well past 2 am. Yesterday's visit to mom was in resident parking garage. It was REALLY nice. Parking garage is among the more presentable I have seen of such things. Conversation was easy. Nephew's mother did not realize until Auntie asked about opinion in general that nephew has been to the CHOP. He has a friend who does videography. He also has interesting insights. Treat from earlier while changing buses: turkey teriyaki jerky. Probably I would like a different flavor better. Also a chocolate cookie which I have not eaten yet. I did go buy ice cream, or more gelatto. Point was either good vanilla in a brand I trust not to be full of fake fat but worthy of consuming with kahlua OR more triple chocolate gelatto bars. Yeah Chocolate. Mom wanted to make sure I got my birthday presents. LOVELY new all cotton dresses in s...

Scope creep and 4 am press conferences

Somewhere over TWO hours of sleep. There was a large container of Subway iced tea involved, at like 6 pm. There was also a crossword puzzle involved. Add a long email experience. Add breaking news with a 4 am press conference.. 4 am press conference and the word freeway not a good combination. Going back to bed would have worked if I did not want to dabble in Tesla autonomous cars. Dabble. So I am a zombie and my body says no caffeine and no carbs.

Dove Chocolate Gelatto bars never hurt

RantWoman achieved close to SIX hours of sleep. About 45 minutes in chair while watching videos and THEN Focus to scriven in blog. Then crossword puzzle and about 3.5 hours of sleep in bed before breakfast and another 2 after breakfast. And breakfast was on point because of NO EVENING SNACKING. Also not enough exercise because of only a few laps on the breezeway. This morning virtue arrived in the form of clean dishes and morning ritual about tea and such. Now if cleaning the bathroom can make it into morning ritual one day a week. And disposing of old papers and ... But dove chocolate gelatto bar for lunch is just the bomb. And my my I wish every single email in the fresh inbox did not need to mutate into about 3 separate emails. On the other hand, the mentor kids and parents strands for the DSB thing seem both nourishing and a little problematic: look here are some of my traumas and here are ways to handle with your kid. So the question is whether just to go buy more ...

Kelp Forests, Climate change, CHOP Livestream

Somewhere a little past 5 hours of sleep including one hour in chair, 4+ hours in bed and no going back to bed. NYT Crossword puzzle got done earlier. Cannot remember about snacking. Watched some funny videos bu as often happens I fell asleep for awhile. But then...headed home intending to go to bed and instead let myself get sucked into some of the late night livestreaming from what is left of the CHOP. Um, its not clear to RantWoman what exactly the nightly competing turf claiming protestors vs cops exercises have to do with Black Lives Matter. RantWoman does find herself, when people complain about the almost daily closures of I 5 due to protests wanting to tweet back well racism sucks all the time and gentrification comes with serious #moveequity  transportation issues so how about we all just chill and let people protest and hope that people can take that same energy into what can be, um, really boring meetings. But taht is another set of long leaps of logic that Ran...

Comedy from before Stay at Home

Somewhere around 5 hours of sleep counting an hour in a chair early in the evening. Not NO late night snacking but I could have done without the few kidney beans even though I learned from the taste test they cooked faster than I expected. Yes, there was a crossword puzzle involved but it went faster than many. RantWoman's late night comedy diet: Let's hear it for audience laughter. Let's hear it for video of several of the famous moments details of which until now have been opaque to RantWoman. Contrast this with all the chatter about police firepower, the white poser folks open carrying, and someone at the CHOP with his sidearm. Too much violence and potential violence And morning diet: the CHOP getting cleared. Fine I think.