Dystopia with killer bundles of parsley

4.5 hours of sleep is um okay

Starting at 5 am and barely even touching the new crossword puzzle? Uhhh

There was consideration of retiring one of the earworms. Then RantWoman decided to check the translation of the lyrics. RantWoman kind of needs a good DTMFA (user yer search enginzzes and look it up) soap oepra to distract her from...So the earworm stays for now at least until I either find a new earworm or go revisit come of my old ones.

Apparently one does go to webinar candidate fora without a bra though the forum in question started late enough there probably would have been time to put on a bra.

Rest of today was wash hair. Put on birthday present pink dress. Pink! Really! It comes in two colors pink or blue. RantWoman actually uncharacteristically prefers the pink. Plus the huge pockets ROCK.

Orange and blue striped socks maybe not the best match.

Occasion was official family celebration of RantWoman's birthday from Wednesday, once again set in the resident parking garage at RantMom's retirement community. RantMom is twitchy about the fuss, but RantWoman thinks just do as asked on this one. RantMom is also hanging in there about learning about racism, by "going to Yale" on video and conversations with her pastor and her yoga seems to be doing well for her.

Birthday commentary: RantWoman was born with lots of hair. RantMOM thought the family DNA lotto was sex-linked. At 6-month well baby visit, dr told RantMom to find an ophthalmologist.Sort of an ambivalent birthday meditation but highly relevant to panelist hat for summer blind youth program about recent responsible adult blind person matters

RantWoman's earliest memory: a well-documented photo op on a couch with RantWoman on one end and a well-swaddled RantBrother baby bundle on the other end.Other memory that seems to be hard wired is glasses fights at bedtime. RantWoman is a little surprised by this one because the shole issue did not exist in RantWoman's consciousness until RantMom brought it up and RantWoman went "ohhhh,."

Little sister and family bailed  Nephew has girlfriend. Girlfriend seems to be flirting with COVID. Stay tuned.

Wait. Where did the parsley come from.

FWIW RantWoman also has parsnips which need to be cooked. The only question is sauteed alone maybe with onions or roasted with beets and carrots and herbs. RantWoman has a friend who scours food banks at the end of the day. RantWoman sometimes has such an abundance that some of the food goes to the community table. RantWoman can find much that is dystopian, like "so far I am still managing to avoid mass murder."  RantWoman will evaluate what to give away in the morning. There is plenty of parsley also basil broccoli, something else herby and a jar  of RantWoman's preferred peanut butter except rantWoman will have to scrape together some way to figure out whether it is past its sell by date.


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