
Showing posts from February, 2019

Goals goals but not enough sleep OR exercise

Sleep the final frontier.Got in a solid 4.5 hours. Going to bed earlier would have been good.   I had to skip shower to make bus to Burien for a meeting. Scratch that. Just missed the first bus. It when rolling through the light as I was walking from the Light Rail. Waited half an hour for the next one. Meditated about matters of gloves and accessible crossword puzzle apps.   Got to bus stop on other end. Enter the last increment of fog and blur and thank you to someone who   … for offering me a ride anyway. Cumulative segments between transit are good but not quite my exercise goals. Sigh.   Should have just taken a nap at home when I got back.   Tomorrow is colonoscopy day for Mom. Even though we dug out sheets for her sofa bed on Sunday I REALLY hope she will be okay with just someone from her community nearby.

exercise plus or minus sleep

Somewhere over 5 hours a couple nights in a row. Last night just barely 5 hours. Sluglike. Should have gone back to bed but went to bed too late. Also great exercise yesterday but   not enough exercise today. And forgot to press the sleep button on the talking book player so I listened to Michelle Obama all night. Fabulous way to both sleep and absorb the material. NOT.   Mom’s new apartment is still discombobulated. I helped her with a couple boxes. Not fully unpack. Just open and partially unpack.   My apartment is discombobulated…

Winter slug underslept

Bug guy came. He got here earlier than promised. Good thing I had not gone back to bed. Bad thing running all day on 3.5 hours sleep.   Plus things are melting out but still not 100% so not enough exercise and winter so easy to want just to munch carbs.

Six hours sleep plus exercise

Made it to almost 6 hours of sleep. Woot. Combination of going to bed earlier and going back to bed after breakfast.   Good thing I went back to bed because then I needed to get up and do kitchen housekeeping in preparation for Bug Guy. Not as much done as I hope but substantial steps. Whole thing is a pain though it does count as exercise.   PLUS even though we decided to cancel worship for fear of ice, I did get out and scope out the neighborhood, remember a different ride one bus to and cross one street and have options coming home option to get some personal care items. BOY do I know how to party.

Splat splat so long snowpocalypse. Still can't sleep

Last night seems to have been awful for both bus issues and power outages. Truth: it was more rain than snow. Splat. Splat.   Two nights in a row of just over 4 hours sleep at night and wanting to sleep during day. Weather is knocking out #exercise options.   Seems to really help to stay hydrated.   Today’s act of #recovery: take my own trash out.   Explain to deaf blind neighbor (he can sort of read my handwriting in fat pen) that the trash chute is closed, knock snow off some trash receptacles that still have room in them. Ask the office for a shovel to clear some much out of the trash area. No shovel to be had.   Off the hook with good intentions at least for today.

Snow and memos to self about nighttime reading

Memo to self: remember to hit the sleep button. 15 minutes seems to be plenty to fall asleep. And listening all night is NOT the goal. Plus 15 min on the sleep button means the next night’s reading is less disorienting than if the talking book player has read for a whole half hour.   Memo to self: also figure out how the sections and chapters navigation works on the talking book player, especially for the commercial audio books.   Memo to self: about that chair and good reading circumstance thing you keep dreaming about, and the new to you iPad…   Anyway, after two days with no shower, showered and washed hair, combed and braided it. Went to bed somewhere not sure when. Pretty sure made it to almost 6 hours after going waking up before 6 and back to bed from 7-8.     Should sleep well tonight due to exercise time cooking.

Blame the snow?

Underexercised.   Somewhere less than 5 hours sleep. Goal for Whole Life Challenge is 5.5 hours.   Aiming to do something by 9 am so did not go back to bed.   Snowy. Hard to exercise except walking halls.

Murderous Rampage? Tuesday

Close enough to the 5.5 hour goal two nights in a row!   But last night was another bed at 3 awake by7 night.   To make matters worse, BUG GUY was due. Bug Guy as in Roaches and murderous rampage against same.   Bug guy showed up. RantWoman had not gotten all necessary prep done but Bug Guy needed to work anyway. First capture the Queen of Spades and evacuate for hours to the office nearby. Never mind the snow and piteous wails from cat. Just evacuate.   Cat survived. Roaches which will survive nuclear holocaust are barely phased by RantWoman’s MT standards of apartment heating. Vile fumes remain. Happy Tuesday and never mind #SOTU

From the bedtime reading. So much for sleep hygiene

RantWoman is going to write the spoiler for a book. Only to avoid the spoiler effect, RantWoman realized she cannot specify which item from her bedtime reading is decidedly disquieting this week. Hint: the author consistently makes RantWoman laugh.   But the point is, there was your average scary domestic violence incident. A wife / mother got shot. She should have died from being shot point-blank, but all the bullets that hit her exited without doing major damage. She required some stitches but was out of the hospital in four days. The gun-wielding husband / stepdad piled his four-year-old son into his car and …dropped the child off at a friend’s / relative’s. Then he said a bunch of goodbyes until he reached a relative who persuaded him to hand over the gun. After the gunman handed over the gun he…disappeared. Eventually there was a court proceeding but since no one died and this was the first incident there was any police record for, the resulting sentence was really l...

If you go to bed at THREE

  NOT enough exercise.   In bed after THREE.   Awake the first time before 7.   Go back to bed for somewhere around an hour dozing and reading Psalm 77 in braille   Definitely not my WLC goal. Frowning!