From the bedtime reading. So much for sleep hygiene

RantWoman is going to write the spoiler for a book. Only to avoid the spoiler effect, RantWoman realized she cannot specify which item from her bedtime reading is decidedly disquieting this week. Hint: the author consistently makes RantWoman laugh.


But the point is, there was your average scary domestic violence incident. A wife / mother got shot. She should have died from being shot point-blank, but all the bullets that hit her exited without doing major damage. She required some stitches but was out of the hospital in four days. The gun-wielding husband / stepdad piled his four-year-old son into his car and …dropped the child off at a friend’s / relative’s. Then he said a bunch of goodbyes until he reached a relative who persuaded him to hand over the gun. After the gunman handed over the gun he…disappeared. Eventually there was a court proceeding but since no one died and this was the first incident there was any police record for, the resulting sentence was really light.


This is all quite miraculous.




It is still darned disquieting to be trying to fall asleep and have this blast into one’s consciousness.


So much for last night’s attempt at sleep hygiene.


RantWoman achieved about 5 hours of sleep partly due to the circumstances of her bedtime reading. 5 hours is less than RantWoman’s goal, but more than sometimes.


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