
Showing posts from May, 2021


 5 ish hours of sleep Sunday Birthday Party flowers I was HUNGRY in spite of late night snacking. Some dozing after breakfast but going back to bed not practical. Housecleaning CHORES. Thai food with lots of veggies with Mom happy memorial day. Gorgeous day. Sweet tjat Mom waited at bus stop with me

Purple Azaleas

 5 passable hours of sleep. Always go for the purple azaleas I got the bed made before the cat decided to nap. I WILL do chores tomorrow. Today I needed a walk and went to a birthday party. and continue to troll Lauren Boebert on Twitter. Tomorrow I will clean up trash and maybe kitchen floor and go see mom and... and maybe switch computer locations. Current computer works better than whatever is wrong with other one, but other one means I can hide better from passers by. Welcome to digital not inclusion and pandemic privilege.

Saturday Saturday

 somewhere around 6 hours of sleep counting time to go back to bed.  Staying hydrated in the pandemic Chores mostly got ignored. But I did make it outside and came home with $30 worth of lemons and etc. from Grocery Outlet. They have a lot of low-sodium small cans of V8 right now so urge to stock up collides with what I can carry home. And one computer is indisposed so I get to use a different one with different quirks. I am so spoiled about not having to do my own tech support.

More sock cheer

 About 5 hours of sleep in bed and some before that when I should have gone home before the last video. NOTHING to brag about. Chores can wait until tomorrow.  same new shoes different socks A few early morning texts and tweets.  An email exchange that clanged on reminder that yes, I have a complete right on integrity, professional, contextual, and personal grounds to STILL BE UPSET about something even if clarity about what to do about it also muddled into view. Appreciation of pumpkin custard stuff for lunch. I wish I had someone to make tactile art for but instead I get to craft a "how about we do this and this and go slowly about reopening in person?" email Score one for teamwork though. I managed to get someone else to climb down from a really abrasive email about something that does not need abrasiveness. And there could be lots of Quaker Zoom hosting to be done and some of it overlaps with ACB over the summer. So count my blessings I guess..

One absolute key to pandemic survival

 4 hours of sleep in bed, more in chair before bed and afer getting up. I need more exercise and once I got moving, less prone to fall asleep. Ice cube trays to help a person stay hydrated wild and crazy audio afternoon. A bunch of grown up be responsible minutia. plus try to sign up for ACB mnationa l convention. Sure. But digression. And for grins half listening to a techie podcast kind of like old habit of grazing computer manuals.

Is that a hoodie or the (freshly laundered) floorlength purple bathrobe?

 Somewhere over 6 hours of sleep counting going back to bed. Cat goes to webinar too Clock hazard though because I missed part of the 9 am Wednesday webinar. This week was lively, full of lawyers talking about Section 230 an issue about content oversight on the internet. Made me wander again into the zone of why or why not to go to law school. Also made me glad for camera off because ..bathrobe...uncombed hair. And the cat doesn't count

Pumpkin custard cake for breakfast

 Something like 2 hours dozing in chair and then 4.5 hours I think in bed. I got act together in time to use a big can of pumpkin I got the other day to bake basically pumpking pie without crust but I threw in the end of the bag I had of gluten free pancake mix. Yum and beta carotene for days. Then three zooms. Reopen? Not reopen?   

Shoes and Socks

 6 hours of sleep, 4 + go back to bed for 2 after nap in chair Brain is so happy. Now do it again tomorrow except I just scheduled a meeting earlier than the one i barely made it to this morning. Process. Process. Consider ways it looks like nothing is happening. Consider what is happening. A good team. It just needs to be bigger. Striped socks and new shoes from mail order that more or less fit Some other threads of teamwork and process and data collecting. So the bad data is the same as ever but now there are more eyes. Stay tuned. Other than that I went to see mom yesterday. It is so nice just to sit in her apt and visit. She likes her schedule and is a lot calmer than sometimes. Probably still going to have to reality check some  considerations about 2 years to construction timeline. She can't invite me to dinner in the dining room yet and food considerations loom large going forward but would have taken me for Thai or pizza. Maybe next week. Mom hates, Hates, HATES orderi...

start laundry at 10 pm and...

 about 5 hours of sleep. More would have been good but multiple things needing attention. Guests f or a Zoom event Very exciting because I started laundry just before 10 and was in bed before 2. I had the laundry room all to myself AND all the machines were working. Mask off even. No intercultural dances. No one filling the environment with some kind of stinky laundry product. 6 loads of wash and 5 dryer loads by creative redistribution of the last load. Laundry is such good exercise. Much less achiness than other days. Does that mean I want to get exercise doing household chores...? If one can't do a retreat event in person, one can still have accompaniment. Plus if the retreat is going to ask about life beyond a Meeting and hardly anyone mentions anything specific, crafts done by my blind neighbor get to stand in for all kinds of things.

Not exactly an earworm Live volcanic eruption in Iceland! - Saturday 22nd - BOBcam

5 hours of sleep easy.  Physical activity / tiredness helps. I could have gone back to bed--maybe but I still barely had my act together before a zoom at 10. And everyone needs live volcano eruption

Let there be...a change of Lightbulb.

 4 + hours of sleep. Sometimes the anxiety release from FINISHING THE DANG CROSSWORD PUZZLE is worth the hit in sleep time. Sometimes. A very spiffy new green high capacity step ladder I was in the middle of my every other Friday cranky and diverse people with disabilities call when there was a knock on my door. The step ladder I ordered from Amazon arrived. OH GOOD. I can unpack the step ladder and change the bathroom light bulb that has been burnt out for MONTHS. Yes I put in a work order. No, I assume changes of light bulbs are not considering life threatening.  I set up the step ladder and got the dead bulb unscrewed. I am not sure why I screwed and screwed and could never get the new bulb seated right. Instead I wound up dropping it and shattering it all over the tub and the bathroom floor.  MUCH fun cleaning up the broken glass. BUT LATER, the maintenance guy showed up and said I had a package in the mail area. NO IDEA why that one did not get delivered to my apartm...


 Over 6 hours of sleep Because i was able to go back to bed. I opted to stir around and go fetch mail order shoes instead of sleeping more. Now I will be spending the rest of a perfectly glorious evening either Zooming, finishing #GAAD posts, whining about things that are not accessible, or..doing laundry. Boy do I know how to live. Note to self from yesterday: grandma's boyfriend across the hall showed up in the morning. After I heard toddler fussing. Guess I need to listen carefully for awhile. He is a great kid. He deserves good behavior from grownups.


 5 ish hours of sleep. The cat was hungry. Chores beckoned. It's Wednesday webinar day so no going back to bed. And the temples reference is from a Maya Angelou poem about passion and patience

Blind people skydiving

4 ish hours of sleep plus another before going home from the computer lab. Lentil brownies and tea late in the day equals a nap and then 2 emails one of which I meant to let sit overnight and just hit send. The outdoor gathering got rained on but the bar is slow when there is no game and there were social distancing rules. But it was worth the bus ride over to chat with a couple people and especially to hear about skydiving. I still don't feel a need myself but one person thought he might rather try the flight simulators at the Museum of Flight. I am done with an Amazon prime test project. Some things are SO convenient and I still am not sure how much I want to feed the beast. But my book group is doing honest work with exercises in My Grandmother's Hands.

Tempting the Gods: plan a get-together in an outdoor space and see if it rains

 well over 6 hours of sleep because I was able to go back to bed. Actually I literally could do nothing else except go back to bed. Never mind chores I was hoping to get done before a telemedicine appointment. As it was a shower and dress and some raisin bran and yogurt for breakfast happened. This dr. was let's discuss your risks for digestive cancers. All these new providers. I am used to barely seeing my primary care dr once a year and my ophthalmologist. Just roll with it. I guess  The tempting the Gods part: the Smart Blind people go to a bar in Belltown is TRYING to meet in person for the first time in over a year. We probably need rain but it will be really nice if it doesn't happen until later evening.

Virtual worship plus caffeine and sunshine

 5 ish hours of sleep. Going back to bed would have been good. So would have going to buy canned cat food. Neither happened. We will not discuss what modern technology makes possible during virtual worship. At least I maintained reasonable sartorial standards which is more than sometimes Thank you camera off. The caffeine was a powdered milk mocha on top  of usual tea. And SUNSHINE and one person with audio on with birdsong.

Eid leftovers and neighbor's boyfriend drama

Almost 6 hours of sleep counting the going back to bed bit and still up in time to receive groceries from Amazon Fresh. The cat doing Saturday cat cuddles Amazon fresh experiment order arrived. probably twice as many paper bags as I would have used. Delivery at the door is convenient but I miss the interpersonal chatter in other shopping options. So there I was asking God what I was supposed to eat for lunch. I already had bagel and lox for breakfast. I have awesome quinoa stew but I at a lot of that last night. My across the hall neighbor knocked on my door. She is upset because her on again off again boyfriend of 10 years stole a good watch. I say I am sorry it happened. She says the cops are coming to take a report. A little while later, she knocks: she brought me leftovers from their Eid celebration. I heated the chicken and some rice for lunch. YUM! I also ate cake. Neighbor says boyfriend has a drug problem and has been to rehab once. He seems charming and reasonable when I see h...

Today in crunchy acronyms: MUTCD

Somewhere over 6 hours of sleep total counting the before bedtime nap and going back to bed after breakfast. Is it the sleep or the lentil brownies for breakfast or the last of the most recent pot of borscht that is just making me punchy? Roasting the beets before they go in the borscht is one secret. Still no sign of hallway floor waxing. I predict there will be some kind of notice:"Oops. We didn't get your floor mopped this week so look for us and plan your schedule for next week." Feeling punch means compiling 3 pages of comments to submit to the Federal Highway Administration about a very crunchy sounding document called The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. MUTCD. No they probably are not TRYING to kill people but here are something mouthy supporters of safe continuous travel networks for all modes hope to cut back on doing it by accident / design. Fun. Fun. Fun.

Earworm candidate--NOT but:Can You Picture That? | Dr. Teeth and The Electric Mayhem | Muppet Sing ...

 5 ish hours in bed and another one in chair before bed. I also could have gone back to bed schedulewise. But instead among other things I fiddled with shoe order options and trying to get a reasonable Amazon fresh order. Also still no sign of hallway floor waxing. I expect a schedule change announcement on my door. The item below is not a candidate for earworm of the week, I don't think so. The look has gotten all redone for the 21st century. I am not sure about that.

No sign of floor waxing yet.

 About 5 hours of sleep.  The box my clock radio came in Not time to go back to sleep before Wednesday morning webinar. I baked a batch of lentil brownies. I do not care about consistent product. These would have been better with some coconut or raisins. But the level of sweetening and cocoa was good. A new pair of shoes came. I LOVE the style, but even though they say they are the same size as an old pair of that brand, they are NOT. Sigh. Sob. Do I keep the shoes and bear with scrunched toes or do I throw a hissy fit and send them back? We were told floor waxing would run Monday-Friday. Usually they start at the top flloor, 7, and work their way down. It's Wednesday and still no sign of floor waxing. I wish I knew when it will actually happen on my floor so I can plan my schedule.

Hallway floor waxing day

 5 hours of sleep. The cat practicing her furry meatloaf pose in MY chair  More would definitely be good, but today is PROBABLY the day the hallway floors on my floor will get waxed. While the wax dries one can't go in or out. I need to be out and in front of a computer for several things between now and 3 pm. So no going back to bed. Get dressed. Walk across the breezeway. Drink in the sunshine and leafy trees. Grab some joy and gratitude. There's plenty to be had even if I won't be able to eat Mothers day feast leftovers for lunch. Try not to shudder too much trying to sort out What Next as pandemic eases. Try.

Training YouTube

 six + hours of sleep. The new bed from awhile ago fully assembled Going back to bed after morning oatmeal is such a luxury.  I saw my mother in her own apartment for the first time since last Ida Culver. I took her Thai food from a new place nearby. I left her well fed and well hugged and I have leftovers for several meals. And conversation... I am sorry sister and brother in law were having such a rough reaction from their second shingles shots. I am not sure I am sorry they opted out of shared Mother's day. Sister is miffed that nephew is on a road trip with buddies from his church group instead of sticking around for Mothers Day. I honor her distress and for other reasons I fret about her mental health. Everyone is kvetching about future as pandemic realities shift.  As for training Youtube, now when I fire up Youtube, it gives me my three most recent earworms. There could definitely be worse problems in life. Okay, now DO STUFF before writing more about Moth...


 5 ish hours of sleep. I went to bed early enough to get more without kinking schedule but 5 hours is what the body had. Then the cat was hungry and the soul had things to say. I WILL try to stay centered. I WILL try to stay centered Lobby recycling with a bunch of those spendy Recall Sawant blurbs Oh and one way to solve frets about too much fambly togetherness in a small apartment is for sister and husband to bail on plans because of bad reactions to their second SHINGLES shots. And sister is feeling bereft because nephew opted to spend his mother's birthday and Mother's Day on a long road trip. So I will bring Thai takeout and visit Mom indoors at her place for the first time since March of last year before her debate watching buddy died of COVID.

Boxes in Boxes

 5 ish hours of sleep and 2 ish in the chair I should just go to bed and skip the videos after music. I think I should feng shui my bedroom. I still love new bed, but... And I have become my father. Putting boxes in boxes. Maybe I will at least try to look up internet directions for the clock radio. But noboxes in boxes photo. So stay tuned tomorrow for the trash the recall photo.

Self Care as Compresssion Sock Selection

 5 ish hours of sleep. My hangers full of compression socks I was going to go back to bed and going to go back to bed and then it was time for a Friday mid-morning zoon. No, sartorial standards were not up to professional, but I got two boxes I mean to label taped and labelled. Apparently life is bigger than this blog.

The other part of the earworm MÃ¥ns Zelmerlöw – Heroes | WINNER 2015 Eurovision Song Contest

5 ish hours of sleep. Dang CPAP mask. Also I had a Microsoft accessibility virtual event early enough not to go back to bed. SO positive. So many talented people with disabilities talking both about things that help them and bigger global picture. Also rough points but joy and resilience anyway And all with the company of the cat not with white cane rolling around on the carpets at Microsoft. Sartorial standards not up to professional levels but no turn camera on anyway. I did not try dishwashing but did get some other chores started. And no, not every image in the video needs to be more than an image but yes to hummingbirds n memory of...

Packing Tape

 5 ish hours of sleep. I definitely could have slept longer.  Good exercise in evening helped but it still seems hard to settle not even to mention the deal with stored trauma exercises in the My Grandmother's hands book. Wednesday morning webinar was less information packed than previous but it turned out I had things to add to the info flow. No picture of the rolls of tape I went out to get. Interviewed applicant who got admitted was thrilled that I want to send her some princeton gear I bought on a whim awhile ago. I needed tape to do that and also to mail some yarn to my blind friend who crochets scarves at night in the dark. Bus home from Walgreens has a Norman St. stop. It's in a very green residential space. That's good because other parts of Norman St are strongly associated with various dramas. WA Council of the Blind listserve is filled with strong opinions about having all-virtual convention again. I will now craft two emails, one what can we do to make it unique...

Give us this day our daily webinar

 4 ish hours of sleep in bed. Bus shelter, busted out windows no bus bench I should have just gone to bed earlier because I fell asleep twice, once in the middle of the cello suite and once home in my chair watching stuff on my phone with the cat purring all over me. This morning's webinar is Northwest Center eye on local civil rights history. Also vibe not dissimilar from the Lighthouse.  But nicely done including definitions of ableism and intersectionality

Nope. No picture this time

 SIX plus hours of sleep.  We will not discuss what time I went to bed or how long I slept after breakfast when I literally could do nothing else. But the cat box got changed and my interviewee who got admitted to Princeton is thrilled with my offer to snail mail her a welcome package from Princeton gear I bought awhile ago on  a whim. Being well rested was a good idea. More to follow.

A pot of porridge for the first time in weeks

 About 4 hours of sleep. Going to bed at a regular time counts.  Happy Easter to the whole orthodox world. Lovely containers of corn porridge Instead of going back to bed after breakfast, I opted for physical activity, making a pot of porridge for the first time in weeks. I have been slacking off with various options involving boiling water and packets of instant oatmeal. But this time I got out my package of smashed together but unpitted dates and embraced the thoroughly tactile reality of freeing the fruit from the pits. Add some dried apricots, some of the masa harina I bought awhile ago and the end of a past its prime yogurt container as well as a good amount of water. Now I have breakfast for a whole week in single serving packages in the fridge. The other morning moment on my way to worship: I was sitting on a bench shopping for mail order shoes online. A neighbor came out and needed to talk to me about Bible apps and android phones. Once a tech support .. always a tech ...

Not just another beef griping about something on the internet

 4 plus hours of sleep. Two packs of 10 hangers and the box they came in More would have been good but instead i wound up having an hour conversation with my sister. I get SO tired of some of her medical stuff and it's worse now that we know we share a fairly recently (4 years ) identified genetic variant. I am pretty minimalist about wanting to do much of anything especially since so far I get to have a scan every 6 months and a bunch of blood tests and that is so much less than all my sister's dramas. I care and ... And then there is the maternal family vibe. But I got my breakfast and hair washed before the first of two blind peole zooms. One of the exotic aspects of my current Amazon ordering experiments is packaging ingenuity. I will eventually use 20 new hangers though the ones in the picture seem more reliable somehow than cheap crap at nearby stores. Have I mentioned that I am DEEPLY ambivalent about Amazon?