
Showing posts from February, 2020

Conference call schedule

RantWoman is a grown up. It is RantWoman's responsibility to get to bed before 4 am especially if she wants to be up and functional in time for a conference call at 10 am with hair washed before that. Was it zen or not? Should RantWoman have sat on some content? RantWoman has sat on some content and more to say / do has come along vai the conference call. But I will do what I can in the time before I need to go cook for potluck. Fun times. Spring. Thoughts and hearts tourn to some kind of scandalous romantic entanglement, but not TOO scandalous.

To hell with good intentions

RantWoman achieved somewhere around 5 hours of sleep counting falling asleep in the computer lab, going home and not immediately to bed and going back to bed for an hour after breakfast. Part of problem was not enough exercise over the day. Too few walk segments and too short. Just going across the street barely counts. The Chechen bombers book was subject to talking book reader vagaries. Plug it in this morning and see waht happens tonight. Or just blame the cat somehow. In other reading front news, RantWoman charged up her secondhand iPad and also her Kindle and has large print books from the library as well. But RantWoman is still going to grumble about reading. RantWoman usually attempts to do the daily sleep post basically eyes free with only the screen reader. That is RantWoman practices some simple tasks and avoids messing with some things that are harder. But today RantWoman's nerves are jangled enough just to turn on the screen magnification as well as the screen rea...

Axe-throwing and alcohol. Just add Blind people?

RantWoman is pretty sure she achieved almost SIX hours of sleep if one counts about 1.5 in chair, 3.5 in bed the first time and another merciful hour after breakfast. Great clarity from the last hour but it kind of dissipated in the running to and fro and other meetings. Pizza after last night's meeting helps. Love that cheese and gluten. Also good walk segments At least it was SUNNY today and there are green and almost blooming things. But not enough walk segments. Sigh. One meeting was Awesome and should be watched on the Seattle Channel. Conference call got some stuff done. As for the axe-throwing, there is a bar on Capital Hill that offers axe-throwing and alcohol. Hysterical phone conversation about firearms and adding a blind people flash mob to the axe-throwing. Interestingly the conversation wandered into nuances of SC politics factoring in the Great War of Northern Aggression, Reconstruction and other stuff RantWoman has had hardly any call ever previously to thi...

Just starting the day.

Somewhere around 5 hours of sleep but some of it in chair. Definitely would have been good to go back to bed but instead Twitter and like an hour on the phone iwth my sister. Hard to disengage. Hard to get her attention aand interrupt opportunity for data gathering on my part. Both brother and mom issues though. Adulting is a drag sometimes Now its almost 4. I have been to two meetings and owe twoemails one direction and 1 or two another direction. Read up on ... suggested by therapist. Caution may make some things you are dealing with worse. Oh good, no longer have to worry about interactions iwth one eye drop because i am officially allergic and off guess I should remmber to mention the allergic part. Also had to untangle headphones from the computer screen. Blame gravity because i cannot see anyone doing the tangling on purpose.

No streak here

Somewhere over 4 hours. After fabulous night before last, I had ENERGY and teh  bedbugs wanted me to take dictation and sleep happened after 2:30 and until 8. Maybe that is over 5 hours but definitely not 6. The bombers book: I listened to the epilogue and now of course I want to read the middle New mail order clothing. It is much easier to be a nice human being if one's underwar works as needed. Ditto for pants and especially the luxury of pants that are too long. But I still think I need a spangly madonaa style hiv is bra over my coat to deal with all the people who keep misgendering me. Femal thank you very much, fine with it but also gender non-confomring. So smoke it. PS. Accessibility snafu of the day. Just started using the online hours entry utility. Screen reader does not read contents of several fields I need to care about. Mleah. PPS. And for extra grins my first spell of trying to do stuff, screen enlargement program decided I needed many red boxes and many m...


Somewhere past SIX HOURS. This counts about 2  hours sleeping in a chair after deciding that nothing textual was happening at 11:30, going home, but only making it into bed about 1:30 and waking up about 6 Somewhere in there is the talking book reader which I either I forgot to set the sleep button or the cat walked on. Nothing like falling asleep while the kids . bombers to be are still more or less normal immigrant teenagers / young adults and waking up to arrest scenes. But I'll take the sleep total for one thing because of waking up with energy to make porridge AND get the trash and compost wrangled. Okay so cleanup took... Phone also seems to have recovered from its no screen at all and it's weird green flashes to regular black background.

Music helps

Made it to 5.5 hours in two stints. Wound up eating as much breakfast as I wanted when I got up to feed cat. But was able to go back to bed for another hour plus. Woke up once maybe when the book reader stopped. Rewound and tried to listen to some more but will of course have to rewind again. It is nice to have classical music in the room but not in my eadphones when I am working. SOmehow the sound works for my whole body not just my ears. Nerves jangled from --being face of advocacy committee and thinking about different parents of blind kids issues --thoughts of presidential election --What I might blurt out if I thought too long about the Fleabag episode about Quaker Meeting REALLY need more regular exercise so I have energy for basics like taking trash out. PS Random note of blessing for the day: new clothes include leggings that are a bit TOO LONG. Such a good and rare problem to have. Other than that, I realized it has been awhile since I have joked about ...


5 hours of sleep: boring but better than only 4. Lots of starch before bed. Not so good. Not enough exercise and today is even worse because getting a ride home cuts out some walking segments. GO TO BED Earlier. The Chechnya book is kind of interesting but it is not getting to what turned two kids into bombers. Maybe that is okay because it is less disturbing to fall asleep to the immigrant life chatter. Maybe muddle about multiple dislocations and personalities not drawn in much depth though. Twitter politics is addictive and unsettling. Being adult blind person at braille challenge was a lot of listening and a few conversations.Trying to listent owhat families need without tripping over my own stuff. Describes several parts of my life. Interesting candid conversation: yes I think I probably am too hot for one hat I wear right now. I wonder if I can find a different head for the hat so I can feel freer to be me. Should I WANT to feel freer. Worship was COOL because perso...

I'll take it

5.5 hours. Not WLC target but I'll take it. Woke up hungry so ate and did not make it back to bed. Still took until 10 am to get out door for errand. Sunny

Clear nights longer days

Solid FIVE hours of sleep. Body says more would be nice but the morning pee and feed cat routine got to Twitering instead of back to bed. I will keep TRYING to get to bed earlier. Also evening meal was salty and not enough vegetables. I can do better. Other than that I life up mine eyes to Twitter from whence  my help comes. #quaker studies Take that all ye devotees of musty pamphlets and great quakers of previous centuries. I like this time of year for being both more daylight and right now cold clear nights.

Sleep in bed not in the chair!

Over 5 hourts if one counts dozing in the chair and THEN going to bed. No alcohol. Tired already. Talking book machine battery was completely dead but I fell asleepw ithout getting up to turn on radio. Now just work on actually getting to bed.

Vanity, hit counts, alcohol, and all night reading

4.5 hours of sleep. NOtsure what was with the talking book machine because I THINK I hit the sleep button a second time for 15 minute sof reading. BUt the machine was still reading hours later. The cinnamon toast crunch cocktail seemd to have little negative impact on sleep. Maybe it was ice and water Hydration = less chance of hangover. Or also less chance of just falling asleep before getting home. I had a schedule to keep fro the morning so going back to bed was not an option.

Boise but not Bloomberg

Almost SIX hours AGAIN. Woot! More eat condensed milk fudge before bed. Definitely NOT WLC compliant and I still ate porridge before going back to bed so mixed reviews about what works as far as sleep hygiene and general nutritional responsibility. Much to try to do but did not try to do any of it after I got home from dinner with Mom and a couple neighbors at retirement community. Have I mentioned in like the last 10 minutes how DEEPLY grateful I am not to have to watch Mom try to be determined to cook and have all kinds of hand functionality issues. The gratitude reaches down to a river of love to / from Quaker honorary Auntie. It might not look like it but... Dinner conversations ran to: --the war on single-family housing in Seattle from someone selling the home she has had for 47 years --Media "nit-picking" about whether or not a presidential candidate on key topical committees knows who the president of Mexico is --why, after looking at 90 different options for ...

Eat fudge and popcorn before bed?

RantWoman achieved nearly SIX hours of sleep. RantWoman went to bed earlier than average. RantWoman did not wake up ravenous but instead was able to pee feed the cat and go back to be about 7.  Party. RantWoman also woke up clear about... and one of these days RantWoman will confess to the entire flood of BAD ideas she has been entertaining.


Almost 5 hours 2-7. Lotsofpopcorn munching all evening after delivery. Tasty and high fiber. NO time to go back to bed. Wash hair. Go to UBS meeting. Secretary is there so I do not have to take minutes THIS MONTH but she is gone until June. Someone else MAYBE gets to deal. Maybe. Meeting was not as exhausting as sometimes. Some of the harder to corral voices were missing. Consensus we need more social events aand fewer meetings or also more speakers. I hope a cycle gets established. I had porridge but also cod with lentils for breakfast. Don't ask. It was tasty.

Thank god for late night comics

From about 2 am until somewhere before 6 PLUS anoth er about 2 hours. Maybe I am being overgenerous. Ate pistachios and a couple other things way late. TRY to avoid taht. I conked out well before the 5 minute mark on the Two brothers book. And I forgot to plug the reader in this morning so hopefully it will hold up  tonight with a few hours of charge. I probalby need to take it to WTBBL and see if it is one of the ones with a lame battery. Yeah, lame battery is probably ableist language. Cope world,. Just cope

Laundry at last, almost

Made it well over 5.5 hours of sleep. Went to bed about 2 and woke up about 6 but then went back to bed and slept antoher almost 2 hours. Laundry is kick exercise.  I was up until two though. Building grapevine said 3 washers were working. In fact I got one load out of two of the washers. The third would not eat enough money to start a load. Persistent problem. But the second round, one of the washers ate money for both washer and dryer and then would not start either. LUckily, one hung in there for like 4 loads. Oh and another of the dryers ate money and started but then made sad whimpering sounds and stopped. Managed to get clothes dry in the 3 reminaing dryers. But timeing made the 3 dryer option work. Now I need to do another load or two of towels and things I did not even collect because of laundry uncertainty. SOON, Soon we are promised ned equipment AND translated instructions to MANYBE help ppeople w limtied English avoid some of the things that happen now. . And o...

porridge caffeine

Made it to somewhere over 5 hours of sleep. Going to bed earlier helps. So does time to go back to bed. I fed cat and did some computer stuff after CTAB meeting. Mostly tweeting, email, blog posts. RIP Joseph Shabalala I can't figure out what is going on with my CPAP machine because I keep waking up with it off. I need to go grocery shopping. That did not happen last night. It also did not happen this morning. i REALLY need to do laundry and to brave the washer operationality uncertainty. Meanwhile, porridge rocks and I had a good container of tea but somehow more tea seems like a preferred way to hydrate in spite of caffeine.

Chechnya and earlier to bed

Definitely made my 5:45 sleep target for the first time in a good while. MUnched popcorn all evening at a small gathering but got home at 10 and did not do anything computery. Also did not attempt laundry which is getting critical. Gathering was in Queen Anne and I had a late-afternoon over there too. I intended to go to the library but wound up justwalking around a grocery store for over an hour and then walking to destination. I am in lousy condition and I should not be getting this winded doing that. So I need to work on upping my walking level. Oh and the same spotty read a bit and fall asleep and back track applies about the Chechnya book as everything else. My world is entitled to a whole tirade about reading. Ain't I fun. And brain forgot about a therapy appointment. Plus two weeks is really too short an interval for all the between appointments work. Sigh. And late after noon meeting produced another officer title that i now also have more conflicts of interest ...

No battery = No Chechnya reading material

Made it to about 4.5 hours of sleep. Reminder that WLC target is 5.45 Stashed the CPAP machine under the bed so harder for cat to turn off accidentally or on purpose. This cat is not as bright as my old MT cat so i am never sure whether mysterious occurrences are just accidents. Forgot battery low warning from the night before and was already well-warmed on way to sleep when talking book reader sputtered out Battery Low and shut itself off so I did get up to plug in. Plugged in this morning. Late evening sunflower bites seem to disturb sleep less than other options. Too wired for the going back to bed option to work this am.


RantWoman made it to almost 5 hours of sleep in two spells. The first spell was about 4 hours and RantWoman woke up with CPAP machine not on. How did that happen? Blame the cat or device malfunction? Second spell was lie in bed with machine on and be warm but not sleep. Hopefully tonight will be better after day in sun and maybe even risk of sunburn. New book. So far lots of history of Chechnya. Deportations to one of the 'stans during WWII. Yuck. And reason to wake up early? Prayer?


I think I made it to 5 hours more or less except spells of sleeping in 2 different chairs and waking up with CPAP mask on but machine not on. And too wired to go back to bed but things muddled to mind while I was doing dishes. Tonight should be a lot better because I got in lots of walking today while running errands. Did not get to laundry though. As for the title, it took THREE rounds of email in some meeting notes to TRY To get to all the threads I heard related to the word anxiety. And not sleeping because of something on my mind and how I came to recognize possible issue not even counting the pile-on effects of not sleeping. And I need my anxieties and have a right to my anxieties for example around traffic issues and if I tell other people some of them it will just frighten them and I do not have patience to be taking care of everyone else's fragility.. But today was mostly GLORIOUS and sunny.

If it does not occur in bed it does not count.

RantWoman was doing well about no evening munchies until like 11:30. Finish offtthe cheesy popcorn. Eat some pistachios. The food is probably not why Rantwound up basically immobilized in one and then anotehr chair for a total of about two hours. Then RantWoman got somewhere close to 4 hours in bed. And that is even though RantWoman was reading a new book. Masha Gessen on the two brothers involved in the Boston Marathon bombing.  Um, NO, definitely NOT the most cheerful bedtime reading. At least rantWoman watched a good bit of comedy first. But RantWoman forgot to punch the 15 minute sleep button and therefore listened to book more of the night than anyone would consider a good idea. And can you say ANXIETY? RantWoman wound up collecting more persistent data about certain themes. What to do with the data is where the anxiety arises. And because sleep sometimes occurs better with a warbly folk singer

Keep evening simple

I made it to almost 5 hours of sleep. Grocery shopped on way home from appointment and had another lovely applicant phone interview. Still need to get to bed earlier but almost 5 hours in one spell with time to get ready before leaving for appointment. Also made porridge yesterday. Such a good way to start the day.


Made it to four hours of sleep. Should have been able to do more. Don't forget the snooze in the chair. Before that, conference call. Someone I invited had about the reaction I expected. Pistachios and freaky cheese popcorn are not the best evening munchies. Don't get RantWoman started about laundry though. Not even an ETA about replacement washers. Trying to decide whether to chance the pool of water in the bottom of the ones that allegedly work or just find some way to take laundry elsewhere. or shower. Work order guy came to look this morning. Then I took a shower and the hose completely separated from the shower head, the plastic part as well as the metal part that separated a couple days ago. Too much fun.

Spring forth?

RantWoman made it to about 54 hours of sleep. Starting at 4 am maybe another hour dozing in chair. Dozing in chair led to beign awake and clarity to write. And then sudoku. Do not forget the almonds after coming home from blind folk in bar. Oh and bus to and from back door a mixed blessing. Shorter walk than other route but timing worked well. Just not enough exercise. Whine. And the title: day length says it is spring even though today there are snow flurries and tem p is in the 30's.


somewhere past 5 hours of sleep in two spells one 3 hours and the other 2 ish. Breakfast with avavocado toast between. Tomorrow time to make porridge. Today time to finish the beans  which had been hot soaking on the stove bring to a boil and then turn off when nearby and do it again...  Anyway now nice vegetable chili. Okay I am biased. but... Washed dishes too. So maybe I got more exercise than first thought. Waking up thinking I want to put words into electrons but turns out sometimes sudoku and pray and not hurry with the words.

Popcorn not enough exercise and no laundry

Somewhere around 4.5 hours of sleep because I ate breakfast when I woke up the first time about 3:30 and then went back to bed. Snacking on popcorn into the evening. Cheese popcorn I should have at least walked the breezeway for awhile.

Back to Bed

Woohoo. Made it to 5 hours because of being able / having time to go back to bed. Stopped writing when clarity diffused. Therapy featured interesting dance about credntials and MYOB questions. Well sort of. Plus time space calendar. Reminders.