
Showing posts from August, 2019


People are giving RantWoman food unsolicited. 2 dozen eggs 3 packages instead of 1 of dried beets two bell peppers a loaf of artisan bakery bread and a bunch of vegetables.     Still need to cook the second zucchini     Shh. Don't tell anyone I think baby carrots are silly. plus I got a giant package of sliced mushrooms on sale. This abundance is a mixed blessing for a single person. It works great if one summons time and energy to cook immediately and freeze. Last night's mixed blessing was making strata (savory bread pudding with a bunch of sauteed vegetables). I started about 9:30. I baked it in the microwave which works fine for me. Then I fell asleep in my chair until about 2:00. Actually in bed by 2:30 but awake a little after 6. Not quite enough for CPAP. Ugh. Ate breakfast. Did not go back to bed.


More sleep in chair from about 11:30 until like 1:30. Go to bed at 2. Wake up at 5:30. Choice: go back to bed or make oatmeal. Oatmeal and moving around seems better idea. So definitely not whole target amount of sleep. Sigh. Should the cat be in charge in my household to the degree that if she is sleeping on the corner of the bed, not only do I not get the bed made, I also do not do some standard morning stretches on the bed? Guess what. She is.
As usual more to go into blogdom than will happen in morning time intervals before rest of schedule. The meeting I thought i had yesterday did not actually get fully calendared. I showed up anyway. Glad I went and got in a good walk and made some other important phone calls and added a thread about trip chaining to my twitterverse. Sleep? Oh that. I guess I am doing a better job of paying attention to body, which now reliably slows to a crawl somewhere about 10. Fell asleep in chair around 11. Woke up around 1:20. Made it to bed by 1:30. Woke up at 5 something. So barely enough if one counts everything but the CPAP minimum 4 hours not sure. REALLY helpful phone calls, 1 last night on bus home one this morning with someone who partly for international work connections usually gets up at 4:30.

Sleep after rye bread: LOVE caraway

For the record, in case anyone is thinking of doxxing a black domestic shorthair cat, the Queen of Spades is the house feline's internet name. RantWoman is apparently doing okay: cat is doing the purr and try to herd human to bed rather than plan b, "Human hold it together or I will bite and scratch." Fall asleep in chair about 9. Wake up after 10. Friend came over. I wound up eating rye bread and listening to friend construe my circumstances according to her lens. 'ok I guess. Back to be about 12:30. Wake up about 4:45. Would not be terrible to sleep longer but morning activity beckoned. And today another great moments in blind people in meetings: 3 blind people. One gets loud when she talks. Another has odd tics that get worse under stress. I of course am a beacon of sanity...

Not sleep with Powerpoint and blind people left behind.

The Queen of Spades is doing her endearing "I will purr all over your shoulder and hope you go to bed" thing already for tonight and the internet still craves last night: Bed by 10 because i was going to fall over anyway. Awake at 12:20. Back to bed by 1. Awake shortly after 2. Back to bed at 4.Awaked at six. Should have tried to lie in bed and be warm awhile longer but decided to give in to need to pee. Due somewhere at 8:30 so figured no point in going back to bed. Tried also for a 15-minute nap in late afternoon. Not happening. One friend brought over eggs of the empty nest: her son is off to college and no longer building body mass at home by consuming a dozen eggs a day, but she is still buying and herself bemused by this behavior. Tonight I fell asleep around 9 in chair. Woke up about 10:30 with friend who wanted to come over. Peculiar support I really appreciate. Memo: blind person in meetings: --yesterday / monday. ACCESS meeting at Metro. 4 blind peop...

Time stamp

WTF? Got to bed a little after 12. Woke up about 1:20. Decided I was hungry enough to eat the Indian soup I bought at TJ's Went back to bed around 2. Slept until about 6. So total not bad I guess. Staff in the office at work early asking about timeline for Saturday night events: I say look at the time stamp on the email. Rest of my life uninterested.

Texting at 1 am.

Somewhere past 4.5 hours of SLEEP. Less than intended. Thank you building entryway drama. Texting at 1 am. On one side a child's broken arm and a conversation that needed daylight. On the other side: building entryway DRAMA. Cops. A container of yogurt thrown. Snarky question, does throwing yogurt at someone constitute 4th degree assault? Thank you deaf neighbor in bathrobe and flipflops for waiting with me at door. Dying to hear what building management says tomorrow. Speaking it's complicated personal life  a new season... Did I mention that I was bussing downtown the other day and had WTO flashbacks? Example: something about the triangle near the Westin even though I do not think I even passed through there. And I think Madeleine Albright should have found a protestor costume and just walked to the Convention Center instead of getting her vehicles tangled in the locked down intersections. But what do I know and I get that it's just a wild idea. ...


Fall asleep about 10 or 11, not sure. In chair. Darn. Wake up at 12:30. Go to bed. Wake up at 2:44. Dawdle with oatmeal until before 4. Go back to bed. Up enough after 6 to make CPAP credit. Still missing WLC target.Whine. At least no assassinations in the part of the book I got read before I fell asleep.

Except for the Assassinations?

Sleep occurred. About 1.5 hours occurred in a chair before RantWoman had to wake up, go to bed, snag about another 3 hours, get up and eat breakfast, go back to bed, snag about another hour. But sleep did occur and the Two Koreas book is not terrible reading except for the assassinations.

Blackjack with dinner?

No food after dinner. Interesting how that mixed with fluids, sleep alertness. Last night 2_ hours in chair. Get up. Fuss for a couple hours on computer. Go back to bed for 4 hours. Breakfast and chores and not go back to bed even though I probably could have slept longer. On sleep, laughter, social vibes Dinner with Mom was A HOOT.  I met some of her neighbors. Charming male retired exec and a woman from Holland as tablemates. Conversation ran from the MIT Blackjack club to white privilege and systemic racism. After dinner we just sat in the garden. Mom feels blessed to be there. I feel relieved. I would like a LITTLE more family conversation about some issues, but... Grandma is still licensed driver while nephew has learner's permit. Grandma lent money to buy car to support work aspirations.

Fall fall asleep

Sleep while it is dark is a whole lot easier as things turn to fall. Sleep in bed is still iffy. Somewhere over 5 hours total but some of it in the chair. Someone willing to listen to RantWoman's geek ramble about different technology pieces. Tech support question in email that I will forward to people I know personally... Maybe enough for today.

Sleep loos shoes geekery

Sleep: the part this blog is supposedly about: Email brain was getting foggy so RantWoman knew TIME FOR BED. There was that alrm on the phone too. RantWoman THINKS her sleep total was over 5 hours with only about 45 minutes in a chair. So keep working on the sleep routine. Loos on the brain, not ENTIRELY free-associating Woodstock. 50 years ago. RantWoman was 8 and in another part of the country. Peace Camp: the 1980's. Massive ongoing anti-nuclear civil disobedience while also satisfying the state of NY about sanitation standards and enough places to pee for the anticipated croweds. Woodstock was the precedent cited by the state. Meeting sanitation standards is a good idea. Various iterations of event usher and where is the bathroom and where is the men's room if the crowd is overwhelmingly but not exclusively female and the main floor restroom has been commandeered. Operations research class about women and men and time in restroom and poisson distribution and how...

GO TO BED!: How to get ready for bed as soon as you wake up in the morning

Exhortations from Andy and Michael of Whole Life Challenge fame. RantWoman humbly concedes, about the first night after viewing the video, RantWoman ignored most of the advice. RantWoman started laundry sort of late. RantWoman took a shower after laundry. This was because the water in RantWoman's building was due to be shut off at 8 am and RantWoman despaired of getting up in time in the morning. The shower was warm; going to bed still damp was perfect for cooling. RantWoman made it somewhere past 4 hours but half of that was in the chair. MUST do better.

Because it's Wednesday

Sleep because it’s Wednesday. Body is getting better wired to go to bed at a semi-consistent time. RantWoman is also trying to cut down on late night computering. This is variable, one reason RantWoman is still falling asleep in chair too often before waking up and going to bed. RantWoman was well exercised. Last night RantWoman got to somewhere over 5 hours in 3 spurts that took from just after 10 to after 7. Night before was similar. Precise data recollection is a drag.


So much for consistent data here.   Tracking sleep for WLC means I do not always record here. Drag because I lose some specificity. Sleep times have been all over the place 6,5,4, Saturday night TWO hours. Last night got close to 6 in about 3 spells. Good thing. The short sleep times are a recurring thing. This time it felt good to still make it to Meeting on usual schedule. More to say about emotional landscape, but not here.

still not enough sleep but I am trying

Two count them two nights of almost 7 hours!   Made up for last night by just over 4. I went to bed at a decent hour. I just woke up a little after 4 and did not go back to bed because by the time I was ready to go back to bed it was time to shower before a conference call at 9. Everything takes SO long.   Here are snapshots from today: I need a break after two hours of blind people on conference call (think average level of aggravation from everyone being on the same non-footing visually plus a few people who not only are not muted but also have screen readers going at squirrels on steroids speeds,  three hours of blindness and technology meetup including great moments in wayfinding, how to use your iPhone even if you do not have a phone plan, and when “just ask a human” is really the best algorithm. Do not forget air show.   Before bed, I will not take a walk to 31 flavors and justify it as exexercise. I will not…   Anyway see i...