Soothing with Amazing Grace, Amazing Octobass
Speaking of soothing oneself (No RantWoman was not until now) A great musical bit, Amazing Grace with TWO contrabasses. RantWoman wonders how the heck the one on the left gets played. RantWoman also continues to dip into the internet now and then looking for some rendition of Amazing Grace that is less dirgelike than average. In the meantime, Food in the evening continues to be a not great theme. RantWoman just does not sleep as well when too many calories and / or caffeine happen after suppertime. RantWoman is a grownup about this problem, sort of. Last night RantWoman was on the computer until after 12 and fell asleep. RantWoman dozed until about 1 and went to bed by 1:30. RantWoman woke up after 5:30 and wound up eating breakfast and going back to bed about 8:30 until 10:30. So respectable almost 6 hours because of the luxury of going back to bed. And less crusty scaly eye stuff as a result of sleeping more.