
Showing posts from December, 2018

Soothing with Amazing Grace, Amazing Octobass

Speaking of soothing oneself (No RantWoman was not until now)   A great musical bit, Amazing Grace with TWO contrabasses. RantWoman wonders how the heck the one on the left gets played. RantWoman also continues to dip into the internet now and then looking for some rendition of Amazing Grace that is less dirgelike than average.   In the meantime,   Food in the evening continues to be a not great theme. RantWoman just does not sleep as well when too many calories and / or caffeine happen after suppertime. RantWoman is a grownup about this problem, sort of.   Last night RantWoman was on the computer until after 12 and fell asleep. RantWoman dozed until about 1 and went to bed by 1:30. RantWoman woke up after 5:30 and wound up eating breakfast and going back to bed about 8:30 until 10:30. So respectable almost 6 hours because of the luxury of going back to bed.   And less crusty scaly eye stuff as a result of sleeping more.

Perchance to dream

2 am to somewhere after 7: decent. Close to 5 hours   Back to bed AND to sleep for another hour after breakfast because trying to get anything done was not going to happen. Luxury and a reassuring dream.   Great moment on Planet RantWoman: RantWoman has 3 avocados ripening on her counter. Today she can find two of them.   Calendula cream is really helping the flaky scaly stuff under my eyes BUT things get worse when the sleep hours decline. Whine.
Christmas cactus after Christmas There is a latecomer still blooming, but the main guys not so much Weds Coke and dinner at 9 pm Doze in chair Bed 1 am to almost 5 Weird psychic note: RantWoman had not thought about Litte Sister's Just put a zipper in her abdomen surgical history in quite awhile. Little Sister is now doing well all things considered, but the history came up in conversation tonight. Bleah. Thurs tea at 7 and carbs Home from event with tea. Cook chicken vegetable soup.  Soup at 11. Fiber is a good thing. Bed about 1 Wake up before 5 More psychic note: well listened to about some  personal strands of throbbing community themes. At home make soup to nourish and also to dissipate energy. But SO nice to speak freely, not worry about feeling silenced, blown off or bullied. Speaking freely meant love affection and bluntness. Also complexity. what will happen for followup?

Sleeping off Christmas

Sleeping off Christmas Bedtime about1:00 am. Awake and then dozing until 6:45. Slightly better than 5.5 hours. Christmas leftovers for breakfast. Cranberry relish. Banana cake. And a hard-boiled egg plus tea.

Christmas Eve on my mind.

Did RantWoman REALLY sleep almost 6 hours?   RantWoman went to bed a little after 12:30.   RantWoman got up somewhere toward 7.   Shhh. Knock on wood keep it up.   Shhh. RantWOman should sleep well tonight considering all the kitchen work she did.

What Saturday s are for.

Hmmm. It would be nice to get to bed before 3:30 am.   On the other hand, sleeping until 8:30 and then going back to bed after breakfast and sleeping until noon adds up to what Saturdays are for and almost 6.5 hours of sleep.   Party or just cook vegetables and get on with the day?

Oatmeal instead of more Firday sleep

Kahlua and milk seemed like a nice idea early in the evening. But I should have just gone to bed and not tried to do anything after that.   Started a new Quaker biography talking book.   Went to bed about midnight and slept until almost 5.   Could do better.   Decided I needed to make oatmeal more than I needed to go back to bed. Sigh.

wednesday rolling into Thursday

Managed around 5.5 hours of sleep. Working on sleeping more without sugar or alcohol.   Late night menu for dining after worship contributed to not so great sleep.   Not getting enough exercise. Warm enough and not raining for walk from bus stop to Meeting.   Nice to drive around Magnolia and look at some Christmas lights after stopping by M’s house.  

Wednesday morning sleep logging while doing remote meeting participation.

Was it actually almost 6 hours? 1:30 to well after 7?   Downside, not enough exercise really. Muddled around PCC buying oat bran and beet chips so some walking but rain, dark. Whine.

Emotional Support chicken and sleep

RantWoman offers the following two items not automatically parseable by others around RantWoman but TOUGH. RantWoman is not a big fan of the Popeye’s brand on grounds of vigorous objection to homophobia. But in the realm of advertising gimmicks, RantWoman finds Emotional Support Chicken complete with custom packaging deeply amusing. Emotional Support chicken post   The Emotional Support Chicken Package RantWoman is not quite sure why the Muppet Family Christmas has come skittering through her mind, but RantWoman recommends a digression in that direction. Sleep? You want to know about sleep. About 5.5 hours. RantWoman could have maybe dozed a little longer. But maybe not.

Sunday with ice cream and kahlua

about 5 hours of sleep from after 2 until after 7. Theme nutritional impediment: vanilla ice cream plus kahlua.

Seven Hours saturday

Did RantWoman actually get SEVEN hours of sleep last night? How DID that happen.   RantWoman thinks she went to bed before midnight and woke up a little before 7:30.   RantWoman’s current bedtime reading is more Quaker history. Last week it was Mothers of Feminism. This week it is another mile high overview. RantWoman falls asleep easily. Assimilation of material is thus impaired. Oh Well.

Friday with caffeine and egg wrap and anxiety

We will NOT discuss at what hour RantWoman went to bed. RantWoman left the radio on on and was blessed to discover she got about 4.5 hours of sleep.   Shee-it.   Not even any Before Bedtime Nap. But chocolate and an egg wrap about 8 pm. Later than usual plus it was eggs. The tea plus salmon chowder at 9 pm was the previous night. Sleep hygiene. Warm beverage meet caffeine avoidance. Oh hell. It is cold and dark and pukey so if the caffeine gods get summoned too, oh well. Cope?

Thursday with Anxiety

Yea verily, as indicated by the time stamp for yesterday’s sleep notes, being in front of the computer late at night is bad for sleep. Even being in a chair with the cat curled up on one’s chest is better. A Christmas Cactus visitation from Spokane Thursday featured sleep in chair for like 3 hours after worship PLUS another 4.5 hours in bed.   Sort of restful. RantWoman awoke aware of need to tend to…in her apartment. Yuck. Stay tuned.   Word of the day: anxiety x like 4 different voices. Yeah, okay, anxiety…and anxieties erupt sometimes when something from the past is plowing into a circumstance from today. Throb, throb.   Warning: Sarcasm filter malfunctioning. I mean what could there possibly be to be anxious about, aside from the possibility of zombie apocalypse and the reign of the Orange One and WHAT closer to home? Will RantWoman manage to spell it out? Does it even freaking matter? And must RantWoman make lots of other people miserable st...


Whew.   Made it barely over four hours.   Topical memes Anxiety   Blowing RantWoman off and why RantWoman has learned to check when old anixieties rumble into tow, is there something in the current moment throbbing because of the past experience. Parents who need to be told “please don’t talk to your kid like that.”   Parents who need to be told” Please do not joke about that topic.”   Kids with Something Bad happening in their lives who cannot talk to parents but need trusted adults they CAN talk to, along with strong resonance about topic in an event.   Now if RantWoman could shepherd the anxieties around and still manage to get decent sleep.

How NOT to sleepMonday edition

Tuesday Somewhere about 4 hours. But no CPAP part of the time.   Monday To bed around FOUR. Awake somewhere around 7:30. Thank heaven for a late morning nap another 45mins. Noted without comment about circumstances of Sunday

Sleep after a party with Nebraska accent

Hi Friends   I do not know whether this is helpful or not, but I am very jittery about physical safety right now. I have nearly gotten hit by cars twice in the last week. When I am very upset as I was today, I have NO confidence in my ability to move in a way that is safe for me or others. I became clear that I was NOT going to move and that it was unsafe for me to try to do so while surrounded by all the people surrounding me.   Thank you for noting this.   In Light and Faithfulness   DoreneC     Home from a party. Council of the Blind   A good THREE HOURS dozing in the chair. Thank you cat.   About 5 hours total in bed. 11:30 to 2:00 and 2:30 to after 4:30.   Thought I might tend to more words in the morning but no. a little more dozing.

Sleep with or without soup

Multiple choice questions: Pumpkin soup from a box nuked at 9:15 pm   is / is not / both is and is not helpful for sleep hygiene?   God does / does not/ both does and does not shepherd people through all that one can plow into in one’s email archives?   God does / does not/ both does and does not shepherd people through all that can tumble off one’s fingers onto a keyboard late at night?   Late Night blog posts are / are not a big magnet for weird comments delivered by some random spambot.   RantWoman went to bed after 3 and managed to sleep until almost 7:30. Bare minimum.  

Laundry, exercise sleep

And the Lord spake unto rantWoman and the Lord said.   It’s the beginning of the month. ALL the washers are open   (never mind the one you will have to file an out of order ticket about). It’s LATE so go forth and Launder, You will sleep well AND have clean clothes.   Sleep about 2:00   Awake about 6:30


Clearly RantWoman slept Tues   >Wednesday too. RantWoman thinks there must have been about 6 hours sleep somehow but the exact hours have not gotten noted. Just RantWoman’s face is doing much better and the sleep schedule needs to stay stable. Grrr.   Sleep Thursday:   Two meetings: both gratifying. The second one was about about accessibility. And the person hosting responded very attentively to a gripe on twitter which apparenently was in line with another person’s gripe as well.   1:30 to 6:00   PLUs 6:30 to almost 8:30.   In other words almost 7.5 hours.   Only downside: too much ice cream pizza and awesome wraps at a meeting. Would be nice to sleep without the carbo fog but it’s winter and maybe just roll with it and do better another day.

Sunday Monday

Saturday night 2:30-6. WAY wired.   Sunday night 12:30-almost 6. A solid 5.5 hours. Respectable. MOre would be better. Mleah.