Christmas cactus after Christmas
There is a latecomer still blooming,
but the main guys not so much

Weds Coke and dinner at 9 pm

Doze in chair
Bed 1 am to almost 5
Weird psychic note: RantWoman had not thought about Litte Sister's Just put a zipper in her abdomen surgical history in quite awhile. Little Sister is now doing well all things considered, but the history came up in conversation tonight. Bleah.

Thurs tea at 7 and carbs
Home from event with tea. Cook chicken vegetable soup.  Soup at 11. Fiber is a good thing.
Bed about 1
Wake up before 5

More psychic note: well listened to about some  personal strands of throbbing community themes. At home make soup to nourish and also to dissipate energy. But SO nice to speak freely, not worry about feeling silenced, blown off or bullied. Speaking freely meant love affection and bluntness. Also complexity. what will happen for followup?


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