Surprise: no transit on the schedule.
Gee. It would be lovely to be able to label photos in the camera app so one does not wonder days later what this picture is about. I think it might have been rider going off about something or other. Luckily the guy got off without further incident
4.6 hours of sleep.
Up almost in time but missed the first few minutes of a convention session.
Best session of the day was about accessible games. Even though I do not care about gaming the presenters did such a great job that I almost COULD be interested.
Mom said, "don't come until Thursday." So I won't. Hard to say how things are going settling into a routine, but it was a relief to take out trash and wash hair and just Zoom.
Power outage tonight in the middle of trying to blog.
And a friend came over and brought me a VERY cool messenger bag I will probably use for trip to MT.
Interesting LA Theater works piece about Marconi and wireless telegraph. And look at where AI is getting us now.
So count blessings and breathe deeply about a whole lot of scary thresholds
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