Msagnolias and multiprocessing.

 This post comes courtesy of X / Twitter. It is posted as is, partly as a gesture to give proper credit to the person who posted the photo.

PS. I DO NOT CARE if the X-meister wants the world to forget the word Twitter. On the internet language is often OUT of the hands of people even tempted to herd the online cats.

4+ hours of sleep in bed plus a couple inadvertant catnaps.

The world has not blown up overnight and SO FAR, cross fingers, tit for tat seems contained. You bomb our diplomatic mission, we will rain down a lot of airpower even if it gets destroyed by air defenses. And there is other four dimensional chess with energy politics, regional rivalries.... All so we can keep feeding various military industrial complexes.

Did I mention ANNOYING new fire alarm? Tone sounds like an animal being tortured, instructions are bizarre, strobes exist because deaf people need them even if they give other people headaches. No burnt toast so MAYBE it's afire drill?

And it's a GORGEOUS day. Of course walking outside makes me glad to be alive every time and today TAXES are a must. Good though tedious problem to have,.

Set a May date to invite friends over. GET APARTMENT PRESENTABLE before that.

Target for new cat: summer after I go to MT

And yes, yammer electronically about this as part of silent worship when I really can't see anyone anyway.


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