SLEEP + Vladimir Horowitz plays Chopin Polonaise in A flat major op.53
Yes, it is possible to sound bangy on a grand piano. Nevertheless I usually find Chopin exhilarating and Horowitz is just miraculous
Almost 8 hours of sleep.
We will not discuss from when to when or why breakfast / lunch was somewhere around 3 pm.
I actually woke up earlier, but when body said it absolutely was going nowhere I gave up and went back to bed.
Now I feel well-rested AND somehow and assortment of tedious paperwork related to taxes and other challenges seem almost doable. Takeaway: I have more resources than I am appropriately paying attention to and I need to do better about that this year. A good problem to have mostly except for the part about the shoulds and some big gaps for medical stuff.
My sister went to rehab and it turned out she has COVID. Also rehab is in shoreline so another kink in the non-driving world.
Maybe I will order pizza to celebrate progress on tax stuff..
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