Henri the Existential cat in several languages Henri, o gato existencialista

At least 6.5 hours of sleep.

Full bladder and hungry cat and it takes amazingly long to lose the shirt one intended to wear, choose a perfectly fine alternate shirt and then find the originally intended shirt.

There are worse problems in life.

including a therapist who recommends Henri the existential cat. The cat videos are lovely, the subtitles visually definitely not so much. So I pretend I am enough of a linguistic badass to understand more than a little of the spoken French. There is a lot of Henri on YouTube so maybe I will revisit.

And we celebrate my bold move to pack all the clothes I want to get rid of in the boxes I get from Amazon so the next time my ardent thrift storing friend comes by to drink tea and unload her travails in the presence of my absurd capacity to laugh completely inappropriately some of the clothes and the boxes can all go out the door to their next destination in the universe.

Yes, that's a run-on. Tough!


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