Socks, showers, Civilization
5.5 hours of sleep and then the cat head butts started.
Going to bed earlier should have happened. I need just to be at home at night.
Civilization seems very fragile these days.
And showers are SUCH a blessing.
And the good thing about holes in socks is excuses to order new ones. I have such a sister superiority thing about sock and self-care and avoiding some NASTY medical issues my sister dealt with when she wouldn't wear support socks. I HAVE to keep that at bay in order to try to avoid family psychodrama circles.
PS. I am wanting to beef up my summer travel wardrobe with some kind of badass T-shirt. "Ladies Sewing Circle and Terrorist Society" would be a little too bad-ass, and needing a large size with may xxx's may also save me from some options that might be a bad idea. Oh Happy day
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