On bleeping and not bleeping.
Woot! Well over 6 hours of sleep because going back to bed.
No late-night Seattle time worship with Kyiv like night before last.
But for various reasons mind wanders to the current war and whether all the profanity in Russian gets bleeped: some outlets do. Some media streams don't. But everyone learning new languages should make sure to come into contact with ad-hoc lessons on things teachers typically will not teach, no matter how unusual key verbs are.
And more food donations I am happy to receive but puzzled by: a friend bringing over abundant gluten free flour and baking mixes, tea, turbinado sugar--and cat food. A few days ago she brought a larger than gallon bottle of milk, various flavors of chocolate and sweetened coconut. Today I made the second batch of very decadent chocolate coconut tapioca pudding. It's much easier to feel positive about the world if one is well chocolated.
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