I will not troll Lauren Boebert during Compline. I will not troll....

 5 ish hours of sleep in bed followed by a couple more in the chair.

HOPEFULLY I will get a new CPAP machine soon and get back to better sleep patterns.

Other things to write up elsewhere.

Sore leg held up well on walk to Bartell's and wait in line. Never mind all the tree vs sidewalk moments. I rode the bus one stop back home. Fewer and less serious sidewalk safety hazards that way. 

I also summoned energy to do other chores. Body appreciates exercise. Leg was ready for Tylenol when I got home. 

Mom is really clear she wants more time to think about new medical stuff. Considering all the stuff she already has going on and considering other elements of situation, I don't blame her. Stay tunde for more family communications psychodrama anyway.

Compline was beautiful


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