When the going gets tough the tough buy cat food--and then schlep it all day to make timing work.

almost 6 hours of sleep.

Not sure why I woke up at 4 freaking am but going back to bed for almost 3 hours was heavenly.

I guess it's good to have friends who share the gleanings from their catering co gig leftovers in exchange for tea and a listening ear. I thought I was good at Oh Good Grief personal decisions, but OH GOOD GRIEF.

I hate having to do my own tech support. I am spoiled by having help. Plus knowing the kind of minutia I need today used to thrill me. Now I just want things to work and there are more pieces than ever to trouble shoot. Is it the device? The internet? The app. #FirstWorldProblems

Leaving early for PT so I can buy cat crunchies on the way.

Welcome to a new week.

pink blossoms, green foliage
More Christmas cactus
because the blooms bring so much joy



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