The App Works. The text Messages are courteous. Laundry HOPE
About 5 hours of sleep.
More would be good but if one is zooming for events located on the east coast...
On the up side, I had time to SHIP OUT LAUNDRY. I woke up with all sorts of misgivings. Should I have sent all the laundry at once? What if it gets stolen...? But welcome to the gig economy. If it works maybe I will use the same person again. Cross fingers. Say prayers. Hold in the Light.
As far as event so far there is an interesting bearing witness angle. Today it matters that I put on my #ADA25 t shirt and clothing. And i have had GENTLE conversations which all feels well held.
In other news my mom got grumpy making medical news yesterday afternoon. She had just come back from training to go back to a volunteer gig and I imagine for various reasons the training is stressful. So she opted to tell the person on the phone she is ready to deal with it in the morning. YOU GO MOM.
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