I'm tired of oatmeal so...
Pretty sure I made it to at least 8 hours of sleep, 5 before breakfast and another 3 after breakfast.
So OF COURSE now I have more words and maybe even more words will make it onto paper
Wildfire smoke is exhausting. Yesterday I badly needed exercise and could not summon energy even to heat anything responsible up. So I went out foraging for food with my faltering phone battery, several nearby places that didn't work. Bus to new PCC and a place to eat soup indoors did, but I still needed to drown my eyes in artificial tears when I came home.
Today I took a chance mid morning and baked some potato strips. Then this and that on the shopping from and then shampoo and some clothing themed chores. A good scalp scrub is SO invigorating. Then I got hooked on a couple radio shows and one thing led to another as far as tastes and search engine results and available ingredients. I now have several days of quinoa date almond tahini porridge. The taste test rocked.
Plus the bean soup I need to thaw for supper gets to be the cat's cool bag until it's supper time.
Now cue Billy Joel while I do the good citizen thing and read up on blindness org constitutional amendments.
At least the computer lab AC works and I am well supplied with fluids.
But no. Soul is overflowing: plague wild fires everywhere heat wave next generation of MESS in Afghanistan gun craziness nearby in the 'hood earthquake in Japan. I could sorta see where people would go to end times. So go with the Sweet Honey in the Rock
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