Still ...

 5ish hours of sleep total.

Not sure why it took so long to fall  asleep but the no food too late in the evening thing definitely affects how I feel when i wake up.

Maybe blame concern about totally blind neighbor who is clearly being taken advantage of. I emailed building social worker and he will deal for now. And I still fret because she lives down the hall from a big nest of druggies.

Almost 8 hours of Zoom on 4 zooms today. 

Probably there should be some rule about not zooming longer than one sleeps.

I am amused to think burritos from PCC are better nutritionally than Taco time and affordable and a good break figuring bus.

I will NOT attribute malevolent intent to the Rt 48 driver who tried to convince me and another woman also with a white cane that he was the 7 instead  of the 48. Boo. Hiss.

Other than that, whether or not anyone else needs to see the punched in door at the computer lab, before I applied tape a bunch of different ways.

Thank you security door with metal mesh
Door with punched in glass


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