
 Almost  4 hours plus almost 4 hours = well over 7 hours, some missed sunshine.

The human is too much of a fresh air freak so how about I just bask in the hall by the radiator
The Queen of Spades
Playing Find the Kitty

Several chunks of time being cat furniture and figuring out whqatthe cat would say if aI let her have ner own Twitter feed. Deal Oval Pawfice, please alt text your images.

Put the yummy lentil brownies in containers for the fridge and freezer and washed pan.

Got hair washed.

Tweeted. Texted. Meditated with various hiccups. The meditations involve traffic and transit planing and accessible signals and deciding the people on the bus matter not just as numbers on spread sheets. So if Dial a tirade is needed today's topic would be..

And that is all, what passes for productivity today, before smart blind people Zoom


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