lunch at 3 pm and general abundance I don't know what to do with
somewhere close to 7 hours of sleep.
A chair in the laundry room |
Prep for Zoom open house involved unusal errands, making signs about a delay of laundry room key issues until Monday and staging my snow globes in their own Zoom space.
Hosting a Zoom open house is delightful but also exhausting. I invited a bunch of people who don't know each other. Some cool moments resulted but Zoom conversational logistics are, um, awkward.
drinking a quart of black tea at 6 pm and eating my yummy Pagliacci pasta salad at 9 pm could not possibly have anything to do with being wide awake until almost 5. I slept until after 10, had morning sleep check-ins with my friends K and I of the flesh vs SUV saga, and then went back to bed for almost two more hours.
I am liking my Pagliacci delivery scene. Today I had a lovely slice of pizza for breakfast and some bits of roast chicken and a kiwi fruit for lunch. Level of physical activity is low and I just an mot super hungry and not even much about boredom eating. Okay today and always I would eat popcorn but TJ Olive Oil kind is by far best value and I HAVE to do a couple things before going out. One foot is swollen to point it is not fun to wear anything but stretchy sandals but it is not exactly sandals weather. Need to get on the ball and order exercise bicycle.
I is at the stage where she can't really get comfortable for good chunks of the night but K said she slept more than she realized. One of their cats is a delicate fluffball. The other is, um, not. He likes to try to jump onto abdomen, land of cracked ribs and anticoagulant injection sites. This one also appears to really miss the dog, as did one of their chickens. K has a Caring Bridge site but she keeps leaving out even more interesting and piquant details than this.
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