QR code
Almost SIX hours of sleep including a decent go back to bed segment before a shower and this morning's adventures in the big bad world of video conferencing. A few things worked better than in the past. Other things not so much.
Last night I checked the QR code on the piece of paper I got at the COVID test. Nice to have a tactile label so I can figure out where to aim the camera to read the QR code. The next steps worked, but last night no results. This morning, results came back negative. I think I was half hoping the stuff i get to have a different test for tomorrow could somehow be linked to COVID instead of to being overweight or whatever is going on.
And of COURSE people need some more visuals.
It looks like Borrachini's may be back open |
After the video meeting, I finally turned my pot of lima beans into stew with onions, peppers, potatoes, garlic, chorizo, arugula. I will feel well fed for days.
Now about transportation after a medical procedure tomorrow.
PS wildfire smoke also still sucks.
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