Children Go where I send thee
FIVE whole hours of sleep. In one spell. Going back to bed would have been lovely but did not happen.
Who says you shouldn't wear stripes and polka dots together? |
The snarky and self-congratulatory part, sort of: RantWoman thinks having her act together to deal with support socks and REALLY cool ones is a sign of sanity compared say to um a certain family member and in terms of cost/ benefit over things compression socks prevent. Plus today RantWoman is even savvy enough to remember the fold the sock over itself to the outside at about the heel. Presto, less than half as much space to catch one's freaky toenails on while putting the socks on. But today's confession: one leg is kind of swollen and RantWoman just needs to remember to in the morning.get support socks on early soon after rising.
Back to sleep secrets. Go to bed early enough for there to be 5 hours before dawn. Eat a snack that was probably too much except it helped with sleep as in dozing off earlier in evening. But really considering the dozing off issues in the middle of the day, both more sleep and more exercise seem on point. So today after I am done scrivening, I think I need to go check out some intel about trees getting set on fire in the park catty corner from the building.
Honestly, RantWoman's day has already had too much fire. There was a bad fire in the 'hood this morning and RantWoman had to close her windows just to avoid the smoke. Then there was a VERY COOL techie accessibility webinar which RantWoman managed to get showered and dressed but not out of the apartment ahead of.
So then RantWoman got interrupted. A favorite neighbor from down the hall needed help dealing with food bank bounty and offered things she does not eat in exchange. For being able to pick up the bag and put individual items out on the counter, I scored oatmeal, yogurt and pineapple juice and the opportunity to share baby carrots, a can of mandarin oranges, and whole wheet tortillas for the exchange table. And I will have to listen to the webinar again but oh well.
Further meditations on the themes of "no arks," "Children, go where i send thee, and the Gospel of Mark." A couple weeks ago Quaker Bible study was very generous about listening to me go off about one of the Jesus cures a blind person by spitting moments. Basically that passage induces serious Grab the Blind Person nad bless them moments and RantWoman just needed to go off about "DO NOT try this unless you are Jesus!
But enough for now.
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