Another earworm Audition: Sergei Prokofiev: Peter and the Wolf. Vancouver Symphony Orchestra.
Sleep: somewhere over SIX hours not counting a couple rounds of dozing before RantWoman finally made it to bed. One of these days I will finish the cellphones and resistance book.
Another round of earworm auditions. See a message awhile ago about two wolves, love and fear which for now RantWoman is muddling as fierce. RantWoman is feeling grateful for the light to note "something freaky happened" and to reach out....
True evidence of a live performance, a fussy baby. The baby was fussy even before the scary part.
Audio description text: a bunch of mostly pale-haired white people performing in a symphony concert. Camera pans over different instruments as their parts are played. The closeups are really fun for people with working eyes who from the hall would not see all that the camera can see.
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