HHappy Nuclear Meltdown anniversary

RantWoman achieved close to 5 hours of sleep but part of it was in the chair. ANd part of it was disrupted by obsessive search for RantWoman's phone charging cable.

RantWoman borrowed a lame substitute from the computer lab and when it did not do what was needed overnight RantWoman went on a phone rampage in hopes that an average retail clerk could answer RantWoman's question: do you have X in stock.

RantWoman called the two closest pharmacies.

Pharmacy 1 said no. They were wrong. They did have a shit ton of car charger cables but they it turned out also had exactly what RantWoman needed. See below.

Pharmacy 2 said yes, but they are a little further away and RantWoman is lazy.

Out RantWoman went with mask etc to Pharmacy 1. Lucky guess, but of course RantWOman needed to find a human to unlock the display racks. That would be fine, expected. Endless manspalining about whether what RantWoman WANTED TO BUY would meet her needs was NOT fine.

GIve us our daily dose of morning mansplaining!

As for the nuclear meltdown, RantWoman has multiple devices that read her the date and this date always makes rantWoman think of Chernobyl.


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