Coyotes and Tumbleweeds and vegan cheese

RantWoman gets to take responsibility:

--Even though RantWoman could do her favorite crushed ice lightly sprinkled with soda thing over dinner, fully leaded Coke after 6 pm probably did NOT help about desired sleep hours.

Add eggnog thinned with skim milk and rum.

Then add angst and twitterpation.

Total = less than 4 hours of sleep and ggoing back to bed would have been GOOD but momentum and food prep won out over more sleep.

as for the coyotes and tumbleweeds, they are today's WA twitter memes.. The coyote is seen through night vision goggles rolling around in what the text says is the animal overpass over I 90 somewhere along Snoqualmie Pass

The tumble weeds are 20-30 foot piles that closed a road near Richland in eastern WA. RantWoman finds both moments of nature just a delightful way to launch a new year.


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