
Showing posts from July, 2019

Enough Sleep. No.

Are you getting enough sleep?   NO! Skip the dang video for now. Last night it was maybe 1 hour in one chair, 2 hours in bed, 2 hours + in chair and more or less another hour in bed.   So of course body thinks more caffeine carbs fat sound like a fabulous idea. There. Munch some pistachios to take edge off things. Save opinions about Thanksgiving and / or vegan Thanksgiving for some other time…   Level of sleeplessness could not possibly have anything to do with grande latte with lunch, late evening snack, being wired from COOL, helpful conference call and intent to write up same, STUFF on my mind. I owe a committee report and I HOPE I can get that done this morning before noise and distraction set in at office   Further I didn’t tell you about my day moments so far this morning; not even sorry if the tech minutia is BORING.   --Computer I usually work on at work had to be swapped out for hardware reasons and accessibility softw...

Body back Brain still not with photos

Some of this is redundant. Looks like RantWoman got more posted than she remembers. Fabulous.   RantWoman has been up and down and all over the place about sleep.   Some nights the 4 hour minimum for CPAP   Some nights 3 hours immobilized asleep in a chair followed by 3 hours in bed.   Some nights two spells with CPAP that total 5.5 to 6 hours. Last night was one.   Out of town trip featured college dorm with weird too-high beds. I put mattress on floor the first two nights but did not like the getting up off the floor issues. I also did not realize I could summon a human to lower the height until bedtime the third night. Instead, improvised a step up using a very stable table.   Out of town trip also featured daily walks, meaningful contributions by   youth in worship group and no-tray one bowl dining. #FirstWorldProblems   Maybe this is enough for now.

On the road again and now home

4+ hours 4+ hours 6+ hours ! 6+ hours 4.5 hours 5.5 hours 5.5 hours   First 2 nights on floor under bed. This sucks as far as bumping head and difficulty getting up. I did not think about logistics of adjusting bed until bedtime when no knowledgable humans were anywhere near.   Figured out how to jerry rig a ladder from a small but well-glued table.   Besides sleep or exercise and things that get in the way of same, this week’s theme is figuring out how to restring white canes. I have 3 of the same type and all of their inner bungee cords broke within a week. I have since gotten the right thickness of bungee cord and today I managed to clean some piece of old cord out of the top segment and restring the whole cane. But it took 45 minutes when I thought it should have taken about 10. Such problems.  

Sleep the aspiration

Barely 4 hours of sleep last night and not quite 5 I think the night before.   So I bravely set Whole Life challenge sleep target 5 hours and 45 minutes.   I also changed sheets and took out recycling but did not get rest of laundry done. Note to self: find a shopping cart. Do not linger too long about whether there is shame in needing a shopping cart to do laundry. RantWoman votes no but also does not talk about … a lot with outsiders.   Today in technical difficulties: some kind of Windows /Internet Explorer update that is making something on RantMom’s computer misbehave about secure connections in a pattern similar enough to a problem signing into WLC in IE that I suspect the update issue. Do I WANT to comb details…? NOPE. Meanwhile just use Chrome   Birthday consumption: chocolate croissant in the morning and raspberry margarita after chicken tacos for dinner. I should read the WLC food rules. But walk too and from meetup from bus coun...

Bungee Cord PROGRESS

Almost 5 hours of sleep, 3 am to 8 am. No earthquakes. Fell asleep quickly but time to download a new book. Photos at bottom related to white cane restringing and get more reflector tape adventures.   Another round of Full Life challenge starts today. I did nothing so far to look for a team and I still am not interacting fully with food rules. Tough!   Something seems to be overloaded. I cannot even sign in.   The phone app has the same #a11y issues as last time: no auto rotate. Some screen I cannot get past.   So tonight I am trying on my computer. That is also slower than pond scum. And there is some password holdup. Bleah.   Goals:   sleep more. What will happen if I set a goal of 6 hours / night   Goal deal with late evening inclination to snack.   Goal: deal with to-do list.   But here are some cool photos from today’s adventures.

Earthquake: prepare with shoes under the bed

RantWoman is a ways into a personal campaign to sleep more.   Plus it is summer and the days still stretch long.   Part of RantWoman’s campaign is the following admonishment.   Sleep   In Bed   While it’s dark.   If RantWoman had been doing that, she would have missed the earthquake or rather a 4.6 earthquake and a 3.1 aftershock, about 2:51 am.   We will NOT discuss what time RantWoman actually went to bed or the mid morning nap needed to catch RantWoman up a little past 4 hours of sleep.   The earthquake woke RantMom up an hour earlier than RantMom would have preferred even considering her farm girl body clock. Lots of RantWoman’s neighbors just slept through the subdued rumbling.   The interwebs were suddenly alight with interest in earthquake preparedness.   RantWoman’s tip on that score, gleaned from an actual disaster preparedness professional who knew about foot injuries from broken glass...

Pulled pork and Bottesini

Six hours again!   Oh happy day!   Evening calories: pulled pork sandwich and coleslaw. Coleslaw makes me so happy.   Talking with a friend who has an ABF truck to unload. Time Warp to when RantWoman opened the bulkhead for RantMom’s ABF truck.   Trying to computer but got started kind of late: comedy videos and Rinat Ibragimov of London Symphony doing gorgeous double bass stuff have a lot to recommend them. The double bass stuff is tender toward RantBrother saying he was having trouble playing his bass before he got assigned the name of a very rare rheumatological condition. It also is in appreciation of all that RantBrother was able to do to help RantMom load the ABF truck to move out here. In appreciation of RantBrother and the phrase “They’re trying to kill me” attached to multiple childhood medical events. One of the early “they’re trying to kill me” moments was a week in the hospital out of town having eye surgery with NO parents aroun...

Six hours!

Wow!   In bed just after 1.   Awake just before 7.   Almost SIX hours.   Wow.   Fell asleep without even getting the talking book player turned on.   Go Hitler? As Pres. Obama’s Anger translator would say “Hold onto your lily white butts.” Listened to the Go Hitler chapter of Trevor Noah’s book the night before. Telling why “Go Hitler” left RantWoman just rolling on the floor would spoil the chapter. It was a GLORIOUS spectacular moment of multiple cultural misunderstandings. Probably it was best that RantWoman was not there in person.

Exercise Calories

Sleep   In bed   While it’s dark.   Going to bed after 3 and getting up before 7 does not quite cut it. Not going back to bed doesn’t either.   Yesterday I got nowhere near enough exercise. Today was a lot better so I should sleep more tonight.   I wrote up the email ideas that were swirling in my head last night. Today I went to the dept of licensing and dealt with renewing my id. I also went to Seattle Fabrics and got cord to restring canes. Cord I got may be too thick but between youtube and trial and error I am game to try.   Fun times.

To bed too late but

Decent amount of exercise but probably too much to eat in evening. Made it to bed by 2. Aspire to earlier. Got almost 6 hours of sleep but that put me getting up at 9 from second sleep spell. Keep trying.

Ingredients food sleep

Spent a lot of yesterday turning ingredients into food. Self care for the week and decent exercise. Solid 5 hours of sleep last night. Could be better. Too much eating late at night though. Headache and woke up with reasons to remind self to check the water in the CPAP machine. Still did not get the Go Hitler part of the Trevor Noah book reread.   Theoretically could have gone back to bed timewise but it did not happen.   Night before last: cannot remember. Barely 4 I think.

How not to sleep x three

How NOT to sleep Three nights ago Forget to charge the talking book reader. Dead silence when RantWoman went to turn on Trevor Noah’s book of everyday privilege, race, and violence in S Africa. Skip the overnight radio. Sklp reading a psalm or two in braille. Try to settle. The kids in cages in the #TrumpConcentrationCamps on the southern border are TOO MUCH to think about. So don’t except of course… INSTEAD, brain wanders to video of Lesley Stahl interviewing 99-year-old Ben Ferencz, the last surviving Nuremburg prosecutor. The link in case readers also need help not sleeping: At the age of 27 Ferencz was part of the military specialists who swept through captured Nazi bases gathering intelligence and documents. Ferencz collected all the reports of the Einsatzgruppen or Action Groups. The Einsatzgruppen swept east at the end of the ...

Bungee cord, next round

Today's official Blindness Tourism Moment   Make that 3 for 3. My most workable of my 3 60” WCIB canes just also suffered catastrophic bungee cord failure, this time due I think to an errant sharp edge on the top loop. Bleach!   Either I call my buddy at the Lighthouse or I go find a spool of the right cord and learn to string myself. Meantime I guess I will either use the dysfunctionally loose one, take my chances on the good one even though it has no inner bungee cord, or use one of my lighter weight ones. I am used to the weight and sound of the ones I use now and I am feeling curmudgeonly about change.   Today in Tactile procrastinating   Today in Tactile procrastinating: a waving flag and some fireworks. The waving flag did nicely as a tactile image. The fireworks behind buildings, um, not so much. Got software to misbehave in front of tech support; now he or I will get around to googling to troubleshoot.   Had to do next round of ...

Repeat sleep mantra

Sleep   In Bed   While it’s dark.   RantWoman definitely got over 4 hours of sleep in bed, the CPAP minimum but should have both gone to bed earlier and gone back to bed when she first woke up.   RantWoman got a number of chores done including wash dishes and take out trash, compost, recycling. RantWoman also spent far too much time just doing Twitter and really could use more exercise.   Sleep   In bed   While it’s dark.