Skip the ice cream and kahlua

RantWoman is about to write an email advising someone to adopt a practice RantWoman SOMETIMES manages to observe: if whole megawatts of electrifying prose leap off one’s fingers late at night, it would be a REALLY good idea to let the electrifying prose settle overnight in the drafts folder.


RantWoman herself has been trying to do way less email after 10 pm. IN the case above, that spared RantWoman temptation to add her own electrifying prose to the storms among the interwebs.


RantWoman has succeeded now for TWO nights to get enough sleep for her Whole Life Challenge goal, almost 6 hours and achieved while it is dark. Last night RantWoman even managed to avoid late night snack impulses. Now about more exercise.


Before that, RantWoman ran 4-5 hours a night for several nights running.


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