
Showing posts from May, 2019

Holding fairly steady

The short version: holding steady somewhere between 5 and 6 hours asleep in bed, not in my chair. That depends some on being able to go back to bed when I wake up too early.   Having waves of nostalgia. 30 years ago I was in Leningrad / St Petersburg at this time of year. There were about 2hours / night of darkness, and there was a motorcycle with a bad muffler that cruised up and down the street near our dorm. Sleep, who needs sleep?   Also managing to be nostalgic about 3-liter bottles of pomegranate juice chilling in the badly sealed window well, dill, tomatoes, cucumbers and garlic always available at the market, beets 3 times / day in the cafeteria, and conversations later proven wrong about the impending collapse of …   Also it is still Ramadan. Last night across the hall neighbor was doing laundry when it was time for evening prayers so we had music to go with the laundry machines. Some nights there are also cooking odors late at night. ...

Sleep Tweet hydrate. Now about exercise

  Sleep? Going to bed earlier definitely helps. Late night eating? Snacks at the candidates’ forum AND pistachios and mandarins later plus computer time.   No Morning obligations so I made it almost to 6 hours total I THINK by going back to bed after breakfast. A little discouraging not to make it to much except Twitter, post forum and another event I am following before I needed to leave for a #TransitEquity Lunch and Learn. Event ROCKED.

Close to six hours

The title says it all. Extra sleep in chair time does not count.

Sleep, Time, Lather, Rinse, Repeat

RantWoman has for twonights in a row come close enough to her WLC sleep goal while in bad to also count a few minutes of sleeping in the chair and give herself credit for her sleep goal.   Sleep takes TIME.   RantWoman is even managing to go to bed early enough that she has a little time to lie in bed and be warm before having to get up, never mind about needing to pee, feed the cat, all those early morning things that get in the way of going back to bed.   For people who do not want all the fat and sugar in ice cream, tonight RantWoman nipped at the kahlua with skim milk over ice.

Skip the ice cream and kahlua

RantWoman is about to write an email advising someone to adopt a practice RantWoman SOMETIMES manages to observe: if whole megawatts of electrifying prose leap off one’s fingers late at night, it would be a REALLY good idea to let the electrifying prose settle overnight in the drafts folder.   RantWoman herself has been trying to do way less email after 10 pm. IN the case above, that spared RantWoman temptation to add her own electrifying prose to the storms among the interwebs.   RantWoman has succeeded now for TWO nights to get enough sleep for her Whole Life Challenge goal, almost 6 hours and achieved while it is dark. Last night RantWoman even managed to avoid late night snack impulses. Now about more exercise.   Before that, RantWoman ran 4-5 hours a night for several nights running.

Not in St Petersburg

Ramadan food from neighbor.   Samosas at 10 pm? Meant to save but nuked and ate.   Add goat meat plus injera.Manage to save.   Lunch this afternoon.   Add long days short nights.   Wash dishes at 6 am and do not make it back to bed.   Four hours of sleep means that giddy mid May half exhilarated half exhausted feeling.   At least I am not in Leningrad / St Petersburg.   Holy shit. Has it been 30 years?  

Season of long days and short nights

It is starting to be May and Long days and early sun.   Eating a garden burger at 8:30 did not help. But sweet potatoe fries and Tartar sauce rock.   It took me 7 hours to get 5.5 hours of sleep. I woke up twice. Once I read on my Kindle . Once I ate breakfast.   Try to sleep longer.

Sleep MORe

Woot. Almost six hours last night.   Makes up for a couple nights of 4.5 and 5   Note to anxiety: fuck off. I hate it when I wake up and can neither go back to sleep nor focus enough to DO SOMETHING with the energy. Bleah!

Step away frm the keyboard.

4.5 hours of sleep last night.   5+ the night before.   Something in the same range the night before that.   RantWoman   is TRYING to get more sleep.   RantWoman should stay away from the Twitter both morning and evening. Easier said than done.   Tonight RantWoman should sleep well, between the exercise of MOPPING THE FLOOR at last and the trip downtown and back. PARTY.