Science diversion of the day: The AMOC Might Be WAY More Unstable Than We Thought...Here's Why
CPAP machine says 1.8 hours. I think it got turned off somehow and it was more like 4 hours based on when I went to bed and when I woke up. Good news: up early enough to get breakfast at McD's (Horrors) and get to Mom's to duck out of elevator problems by MOVING TO ANOTHER APARTMENT. She is happy. the new apartment will have better counter space but less square footage and a more rectangular layout than the current one. I liked a different one but she's the one who gets to live ther. Looked up various things about Uber and Metroflex. PROGRESS Tne police nabbed the guy they think murdered the bus driver. WHAT A RELIEF for everyone. After getting mail I visited new grocery that use to be HT market. WOW. I bought bananas but they decided the bananas and other groceries did not need to go to vigil for the bus driver. One aunt and my only remaining uncle are dealing with cancer. Uncle appears to be having a rough time of it. Fun times