Should be good advice but LIFE... "Teach Your Children" Kathy Mattea, Alison Krauss,& Suzy Boggus 1995

3.9 hours of sleep 

Shower before bed and then up in time to throw on clothes, head for breakfast at ..  App wasn't working. Rant available about too much computerization when a life customer service experience should be part of the deal.

On way to bus, dial a tirade also available about car campers. I am more tolerant than many AS LONG AS THEY KEEP THE SIDEWALKS CLEAR.

Got on bus to Mom's church. Mom's church is celebrating 20 years since the pastor was installed. It was a lovely even that reminded me again of all that I love about that church including someone willing to say "bliss ninny" about overabundant cheerfulness. 

Also kind of weird because it stirred up where Mom's and my lives were 20 years ago before she moved to Seattle. I was still recovering from first detached retina and Mom was about to have her first cancer surgery. 

And other circumstances also roiling the sediments of memory.

Happy bleeping September.


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